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Family History

Umbral del dolor en personas normotensas con historia familiar de hipertensión arterial  Pain threshold in people with family history normotensive hypertension

Umbral del dolor en personas normotensas con historia familiar de hipertensión arterial Pain threshold in people with family history normotensive hypertension

... Biblioteca Digital - Dirección de Sistemas de Informática y Comunicación Umbral del dolor en personas normotensas con historia familiar de Hipertensión Arterial.. Ilustración 2: Medición[r] ...


Genetic variants associated with addictive behavior in Colombian addicted and non addicted to heroin or cocaine

Genetic variants associated with addictive behavior in Colombian addicted and non addicted to heroin or cocaine

... Demographic and clinical variables. There were no differences between the two groups with respect to age in years (controls: 31±10 vs addicts: 31±10,3, p= 0,96), but in relation to the level of education (≤ 11 / ≥ 12 ...


Familia, medio ambiente obesognico, y riesgo  cardiometablico en nios en edad escolar en Mxico

Familia, medio ambiente obesognico, y riesgo cardiometablico en nios en edad escolar en Mxico

... Among the positive influences, it has been found that parental attitudes (perceived responsibility) and the monitoring of fats in the diet predict the decrease in BMI of low risk children (i.e. those with no ...


Vista de Antecedentes familiares y diagnóstico bioquímico en 1948 formadores de cálculos renales

Vista de Antecedentes familiares y diagnóstico bioquímico en 1948 formadores de cálculos renales

... of family history of nephrolithiasis is associated with an increased risk of renal ...a family component in the incidence of it, which is independent of dietary and environmental ...the family ...


Smoking as a risk factor for autoimmune liver disease: what we can learn from primary biliary cirrhosis

Smoking as a risk factor for autoimmune liver disease: what we can learn from primary biliary cirrhosis

... of the above studies. For example, it is unknown as to how many patients with a history of urinary tract infection or family history of PBC, also had a signi- ficant smoking history. An ...


Psychiatric Status across Body Mass Index in a Mediterranean Spanish Population.

Psychiatric Status across Body Mass Index in a Mediterranean Spanish Population.

... of family history of obesity is highest in the obese group and lowest in the normal weight ...and family history of psychiatric ...of family his- tory of psychiatric disease, and the ...


Clinical characterization of rapid cycling bipolar disorder: Association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Clinical characterization of rapid cycling bipolar disorder: Association with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

... level, family history of psychiatric illness, presence of traumatic events, peripartum mood disturbances, age at onset of BD, duration of untreated illness (DUI, de fi ned as the time elapsed between the age ...


Secuenciacin en tro del exoma revela una nueva  mutacin LAMP2 encontrada en un paciente masculino  con enfermedad de Danon: Reporte de caso

Secuenciacin en tro del exoma revela una nueva mutacin LAMP2 encontrada en un paciente masculino con enfermedad de Danon: Reporte de caso

... A 29-year-old male patient, without specific ethnic distinction, with no family history of known heart disease, was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the first year of life. His condition was ...


Carcinoma ductal in situ: conceptos actuales

Carcinoma ductal in situ: conceptos actuales

... natural history of DCIS cannot be directly observed and is currently poorly ...as family history of breast cancer and age at diagnosis, as well as on tumor factors including extent of disease, his- ...


Molecular Biology In Young Women With Breast Cancer: From Tumor Gene Expression To DNA Mutations

Molecular Biology In Young Women With Breast Cancer: From Tumor Gene Expression To DNA Mutations

... Average risks of breast and ovarian cancer associated with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations detected in case series unselected for family history: A combined analysis of 22 studies.. Malone K[r] ...


Acute Liver Failure due to Wilson Disease: Eight Years of the National Liver Transplant Program in Uruguay

Acute Liver Failure due to Wilson Disease: Eight Years of the National Liver Transplant Program in Uruguay

... and family history of hepatic-biliary-pancreatic diseases, referral time defined by the time between the first consultation and the contact with the LT center, main compliant, time between the installation ...


Transposición dental: caracterización y anomalías dentales asociadas a una población de Cali, Colombia 1997-2011

Transposición dental: caracterización y anomalías dentales asociadas a una población de Cali, Colombia 1997-2011

... relevant family, medical or sto- matognathic histories were found in patients, and none of them reported a family history of dental ...No history of trauma to the tempo- rary or permanent ...


articulo de hidrocefalia

articulo de hidrocefalia

... of family history, genetic counseling is essential because the risk of recurrence in a new pregnancy is 25 %, This risk rises to 50%, if the fetus is ...positive family history, counseling is ...


Monitoring modifiable risk factors for breast cancer: An obligation for health professionals

Monitoring modifiable risk factors for breast cancer: An obligation for health professionals

... a family history of breast cancer and to women without such a family history but who have modifiable risk factors related to diet, physical activity, obesity, tobacco, or ...the family ...


Exercise in associated with a reduction in gestational diabetes mellitus

Exercise in associated with a reduction in gestational diabetes mellitus

... (family history of diabetes, previous GDM in pregnancy, parity, previous miscarriages, history of low birthweight, history of preterm delivery, smoking habits in pregnancy, occupa- tional ...


Clinical guideline: management of the first unprovoked epileptic seizure in adults and children

Clinical guideline: management of the first unprovoked epileptic seizure in adults and children

... examination, family history, laboratory and imaging test results, electroencephalo- graphy, the side effects of the AED indicated for the type of seizure, quality of life, and cost of treatment must be ...


Psicopatologa en familiares de tres generaciones: un estudio epidemiolgico en la Ciudad de Mxico

Psicopatologa en familiares de tres generaciones: un estudio epidemiolgico en la Ciudad de Mxico

... “family history stu- dy” and is based upon a household survey conducted in 1995, on a representative sample of Mexico City’s adult population aged 18 - 65 years (n=1 ...psychiatric history of ...


Predictive Value of Mir-155 and Mir-203 in Children with Chronic Gastritis

Predictive Value of Mir-155 and Mir-203 in Children with Chronic Gastritis

... respectively. Family history of digestive tract diseases, IL-6, family size, miR-155 and miR-203 were independent risk factors for Hp infection in children with chronic gastritis in ...


Frecuencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis en pacientes con cirrosis heptica en Yucatn, Mxico

Frecuencia de anticuerpos contra el virus C de la hepatitis en pacientes con cirrosis heptica en Yucatn, Mxico

... The history of acute hepatitis in these patients with anti-HCV is mostly ...nal history of hepatitis, family history of liver disease, and history of blood transfusion) among the ...


Meat consumption and risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the SUN Project: A highly educated middle-class population

Meat consumption and risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the SUN Project: A highly educated middle-class population

... The association between total daily meat consumption and the risk of developing T2DM was assessed using Cox regression models. Hazard ratios (HR) and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using the ...


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