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Gender wage gap

To know or not to know: the role of salary disclosure on the gender wage gap

To know or not to know: the role of salary disclosure on the gender wage gap

... the gender wage gap, specially because of its persistent character, even in most developed ...the gap, the reversal of education attainment between men and women and the rapid gains in women’s ...


Gender wage gap and education: a stochastic frontier approach

Gender wage gap and education: a stochastic frontier approach

... isolate gender wage ...to gender discrimination in the job market and inefficiency in the job search ...addressing gender wage gap and quantile ...and gender pay ...


The gender wage gap in Peru 1986-2000: evidence from a matching comparisons approach

The gender wage gap in Peru 1986-2000: evidence from a matching comparisons approach

... the gender wage gap in ...These gender gaps are also associated to gender differences in observable characteristics of the working population, such as age and ...of gender ...


Introduction to Symposium: the labor market in Latin America

Introduction to Symposium: the labor market in Latin America

... large gender differences in most ...the gender wage gap remains quite ...the gender wage gap ...the wage gap based on matching ...by gender into the ...


The Persistent Gender Earnings Gap in Colombia, 1994-2006

The Persistent Gender Earnings Gap in Colombia, 1994-2006

... surveys gender wage gaps in Colombia from 1994 to 2006, using matching comparisons to examine the extent to which individuals with similar human capital characteristics earn different ...The gender ...


¿Se ha reducido la brecha salarial de género durante el “Milagro Peruano”? Un enfoque distributivo

¿Se ha reducido la brecha salarial de género durante el “Milagro Peruano”? Un enfoque distributivo

... in wage dif- feren als between men and women despite government efforts to address this ...the gender wage gap in Peru for 2004 and 2014 using the Machado and Mata (2005) decomposi on method ...


The labor market in the Spanish hospitality industry: An overview from a gender perspective

The labor market in the Spanish hospitality industry: An overview from a gender perspective

... on gender wage ...the gender wage gap, based on an explicit theoretical approach, is controlled by different types of gender segregation and indicators of internal and external ...


Digital skills gaps: A pending subject for gender digital inclusion in the European Union

Digital skills gaps: A pending subject for gender digital inclusion in the European Union

... by gender among different sociodemographic groups? The empirical evidence indicates that gender gaps are widespread across all the considered sociodemographic intersections, but they vary depending on the ...


GLOBAL GAP Norma General

GLOBAL GAP Norma General

... , Groexport, Hallvard Leroy AS, HEIDEMARK Mästerkreis GmbH u. Co. KG, Heiploeg BV, Hillfresh International BV, HMF Food Production GmbH & Co. KG, HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, Inc., Hungarian Fruit & ...


Higher education policy, graduate taxes and wealth distribution

Higher education policy, graduate taxes and wealth distribution

... Wealth Gini Aggregate Assets Income Gini HE Earnings Premium Skilled Wage Unskilled Wage HE Enrollment HE Dropouts HE Attainment Annual Interest Rate Graduate Tax.. In this equilibrium, [r] ...




... significant gender gap concerning the choice of studies upon completion of compulsory second- ary education, the point at which students opt for differentiated curri- ...Here, gender roles play a ...


Gender Issues and Cartoon Characters: the case of Phineas & Ferb

Gender Issues and Cartoon Characters: the case of Phineas & Ferb

... concerning gender, the fewer females in this category tended to work in professions related to the so-called health and beauty treatments, whereas those who performed more intellectual tasks did so in workplaces ...


Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden

Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden

... the gender gap in competitiveness and risk taking is influenced by the subject pool ...on gender equality indices than Sweden (Hausmann et ...the gender gap to be bigger in Colombia in ...


Diseño de redes de alimentación corporativas de bajas pérdidas en tecnologías Groove Gap Waveguide y Ridge Gap Waveguide para agrupaciones de antenas de doble banda orientadas a aplicaciones SatCom

Diseño de redes de alimentación corporativas de bajas pérdidas en tecnologías Groove Gap Waveguide y Ridge Gap Waveguide para agrupaciones de antenas de doble banda orientadas a aplicaciones SatCom

... del gap. El tramo GGW tiene un gap entre pines y techo superior de ...un gap de 2 mm (zonas marcadas en ...el gap en la estructura RGW se debe a que con un gap muy pequeño no se ha ...


Non employment and subsequent wage losses

Non employment and subsequent wage losses

... long-lasting wage losses upon re-employment after they separate from distressed firms (Hamermesh, 1987; Podgursky and Swaim, 1987b; Addison and Portugal, 1989; Kletzer, 1989, 1991; Farber, 1993; Jacobson et ...of ...


Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps

Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps

... An instrumental variables estimator (IV) was used to avoid the bias of the traditional estimates due to the likely endogeneity of education. Suitable instruments should capture exogenous factors that affect the choice of ...


ESCOFET ROIG, A. y RUBIO HURTADO, M. J. (2004) The digital gap gender and computer games, Interactive Educational Multimedia, n 9…

ESCOFET ROIG, A. y RUBIO HURTADO, M. J. (2004) The digital gap gender and computer games, Interactive Educational Multimedia, n 9…

... the gender gap in digital technology, and the software producing industries, who wanted to expand their market with a new segment (Cassell and Jenkins, ...


An ultimatum wage bargaining experiment on trade union efficiency

An ultimatum wage bargaining experiment on trade union efficiency

... We report results from an ultimatum bargaining experiment showing that a cheap talk trade union facilitating verbal non binding communication among workers raises employers’ wage offers and observed wages without ...


TítuloA generalized NEG wage type equation

TítuloA generalized NEG wage type equation

... In the basic NEG model the two sectors are termed “agriculture” and “manufacturing”. As Fujita et al. (1999, p. 58) point out, “agriculture” can be interpreted as the “‘residual’, perfectly competitive sector that is the ...


Diseño de sistema electrónico para detección de presencias externas en vehículos pesados

Diseño de sistema electrónico para detección de presencias externas en vehículos pesados

... Perfil Genérico de Acceso (GAP) este perfil define los procedimientos generales para descubrir y establecer una conexión entre dispositivos Bluetooth.. El GAP maneja el descu[r] ...


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