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Gene Ontology (GO)

Herramienta para Filtrado Estructural sobre Ontología Gene Ontology

Herramienta para Filtrado Estructural sobre Ontología Gene Ontology

... de Gene Ontology, donde en esta primera versi´ on se dise˜ naron las opciones de filtrado por criterio biol´ ogico siguiendo las tres ramas de GO: funci´ on molecular, componente celular y proceso biol´ ...


Automated analytics for the evolution of the Gene Ontology

Automated analytics for the evolution of the Gene Ontology

... The process of annotating results in the assignment of GO terms to gene products. It follows a number of policies and guidelines 5 aimed at attaining homogeneous results. The assignment of a term need to be ...


TítuloEstudio del perfil transcriptómico de mejillones (M galloprovincialis) sometidos a exposición con ácido okadaico : caracterización de las fosfatasas PP1 y PP2A

TítuloEstudio del perfil transcriptómico de mejillones (M galloprovincialis) sometidos a exposición con ácido okadaico : caracterización de las fosfatasas PP1 y PP2A

... Todos los cromatogramas obtenidos, en formato ABI, fueron analizados con el software DNA Baser Sequence Assembler v3.1 (2010, Heracle BioSoft), tanto para eliminar la secuencia del vector (herramienta VecScreen) como ...


TítuloOntologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

TítuloOntologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

... well-known Gene Ontology (GO) [59, 60], whose aim is to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products across species and ...of gene products in three non-overlapping domains of ...


A microRNA Signature Associated with Early Recurrence in Breast Cancer.

A microRNA Signature Associated with Early Recurrence in Breast Cancer.

... associated gene ontology (GO) terms suggest that, at least in part, early recurrence in breast cancer is a consequence of an increased proliferative and angiogenic capacity of the primary ...


A machine learning approach to predict gene expression signatures, local gene networks, and key genes for biological functions of interest

A machine learning approach to predict gene expression signatures, local gene networks, and key genes for biological functions of interest

... incorporates Gene Ontology annotations and thousands of microarrays experiments from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) for eight model organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana, Caenorhabditis elegans, Danio ...


Estudio de las variantes genéticas asociadas a la miocardiopatía dilatada familiar

Estudio de las variantes genéticas asociadas a la miocardiopatía dilatada familiar

... El gen PDE4DIP, en el cual se encuentra la primera variante seleccionada, no tiene ninguna ruta o enfermedad asociada a las bases KEGG o Gene Ontology. En cambio, a través de Open Targets Platform (OTP), ...


Did you validate your ontology? OOPS!

Did you validate your ontology? OOPS!

... within ontology evaluation tools as (a) it enlarges the list of errors detected by most recent and available works ...any ontology development environment and (c) it works with main web browsers (Firefox, ...


A Note on Ontology Localization

A Note on Ontology Localization

... of ontology localization that we have put forth so far in this ...an ontology can affect two layers, ...the ontology localization ...and ontology localization is the fact that in the case of ...


Introducing ontology evolution management

Introducing ontology evolution management

... The task of semantics of change phase is to facilitate resolution of induced changes in a sys- tematic manner, ensuring consistency of the whole ontology. Thus, to resolve a change, the evolution process needs to ...


OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!): a web-based tool for ontology evaluation

OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!): a web-based tool for ontology evaluation

... • M. Poveda-Villalón, A. Gómez-Pérez, M.C. Suárez-Figueroa. OOPS! (Ontology Pitfall Scanner!): An On-line Tool for Ontology Evaluation. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) ...


A Workflow for the Networked Ontologies Lifecycle. A Case Study in FAO of the UN

A Workflow for the Networked Ontologies Lifecycle. A Case Study in FAO of the UN

... in ontology modelling techniques and is- sues; have from basic to advanced knowledge of ontology engineering tools and inference engines, but may know little about the domain to be ...the ontology, ...


Reference Ontology and (ONTO)2 Agent: The Ontology Yellow pages

Reference Ontology and (ONTO)2 Agent: The Ontology Yellow pages

... Having identified the relevant features of ontologies and built the conceptual structure of the Reference Ontology using the Ontology Design Environment, the problem of accessing and u[r] ...




... La diferenciación gonadal, así como su maduración ontogenittica aún tienen varias incógnitas, por ejemplo, el de saber si hay biosíntesis de hormonas esteroides sexuale[r] ...


CreaDO – A Methodology to Create Domain Ontologies using Parameter-based Ontology Merging Techniques

CreaDO – A Methodology to Create Domain Ontologies using Parameter-based Ontology Merging Techniques

... consider ontology reuse techniques as a solution to reach the goal of producing a heterogeneous corpus of knowledge by joining fragments of lightweight ontologies included in Web ...overlap, ontology ...


Engineering an Ontology for Autonomous Systems - The OASys Ontology

Engineering an Ontology for Autonomous Systems - The OASys Ontology

... Considering the requirements, their fulfilment and the design decisions described in former sections, the fi- nal ontology for autonomous systems (OASys) was formalised as two main ont[r] ...


The organization ontology

The organization ontology

... The ontology does not provide category structures for organization type, organization purpose or ...the ontology provides just the core base concepts needed to allow extensions to add specific sub-class ...


OOPS! – OntOlogy Pitfalls Scanner!

OOPS! – OntOlogy Pitfalls Scanner!

... P11. Missing domain or range in properties: relationships and/or attributes without domain or range (or none of them) are included in the ontology. There are situa- tions in which the relation is very general and ...


TítuloNCBO Ontology Recommender 2 0: an enhanced approach for biomedical ontology recommendation

TítuloNCBO Ontology Recommender 2 0: an enhanced approach for biomedical ontology recommendation

... NCBO Ontology Recommender is BiOSS [21, 25], which was released in 2011 by some of the authors of this ...candidate ontology according to three criteria: (1) the input coverage; (2) the semantic richness of ...


A new fuzzy ontology development methodology (FODM) proposal

A new fuzzy ontology development methodology (FODM) proposal

... fuzzy ontology development methodology (FODM) is presented in this paper with aim to provide the first methodological approach to develop fuzzy ontologies from ...crisp ontology development methodologies ...


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