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Graphs and matrices

The hyperbolicity constant of infinite circulant graphs

The hyperbolicity constant of infinite circulant graphs

... network and was first considered by Wong and Coppersmith ...Circulant graphs are interesting by the role they play in the design of ...diameter, and in an attempt to reduce the diameter by ...


Critical ideals of graphs

Critical ideals of graphs

... to construct the Laplacian matrix. So, we look the problem almost exclusively as an algebraic problem. It seems that one forgets the crucial role of algebraic combinatorics in present mathematics. This was the main ...


On spectra of weighted graphs of order ≤5

On spectra of weighted graphs of order ≤5

... the spectrum of a weighted digraph with adjacency matrix A, a number of necessary conditions are known. The most basic of these follow from the fact that a nonnegative matrix has real entries and nonnegative ...


Spectral study of the Geometric-Arithmetic Index

Spectral study of the Geometric-Arithmetic Index

... properties and the spectrum of some important matrices in graph theory, as the adjacency matrix, the Laplacian matrix, and the incidence matrix, see ...of graphs appear in a natural way in ...


TítuloCompact and efficient representations of graphs

TítuloCompact and efficient representations of graphs

... Figure 4.8 shows some temporal results of simple and fast operations over the schema of the graph. The most relevant operations ask for the type of a node or an edge (queries GetN odeT ype and GetEdgeT ...


Spectral properties of certain tridiagonal matrices

Spectral properties of certain tridiagonal matrices

... k−Toeplitz matrices, where investigated by several au- thors for some special choices of the period k, among which we distinguish ...corn and in the lower right ...these matrices by considering a ...


Diferencias clnicas y demogrficas entre pacientes con troponina positiva y negativa que acudieron con taquicardia supraventricular y dolor torcico a los servicios de urgencias

Diferencias clnicas y demogrficas entre pacientes con troponina positiva y negativa que acudieron con taquicardia supraventricular y dolor torcico a los servicios de urgencias

... studied and related to coro- nary disease. We included a population with and without chest pain, and with and without measure- ment of troponins or ischemia induction tests, or coronary ...


On the k partition dimension of graphs

On the k partition dimension of graphs

... if and only if is k-partition dimensional, and conse- quently, we give the previous results for k-metric dimensional graphs in terms of the k-partition dimensional ...


Monitoring maximal outerplanar graphs

Monitoring maximal outerplanar graphs

... T . Given n ∈ N , we define g kd (n) = max{g kd (T ) : T is triangulation T = (V, E) with |V | = n}. A kd-vertex cover of T , is a subset C ⊆ V such that for each edge e ∈ E there is a path of length at most k, which ...


On rooted directed path graphs

On rooted directed path graphs

... path graphs contain no asteroidal quadruples linked by special ...ang and L´ evˆ eque, but in this original form the conjecture is incomplete, since they could not describe all the connections between two ...


Parallel Dynamical Systens Over Graphs.

Parallel Dynamical Systens Over Graphs.

... number and length of all the limit cycles and how many iterations of an eventually periodic point are needed to arrive in a limit cycle in some ...DS and AN D − P DS over undirected dependency ...


Matrices inversas. Matrices elementales. Rango.

Matrices inversas. Matrices elementales. Rango.

... Pero obsevamos que de hecho, toda operaci´ on elemental es reversible con una operaci´ on del mismo tipo. As´ı que si B puede obtenerse de A mediante operaciones elementales, entonces A puede obtenerse de B mediante ...


Test of Understanding Graphs in Calculus: Test of Students’ Interpretation of Calculus Graphs

Test of Understanding Graphs in Calculus: Test of Students’ Interpretation of Calculus Graphs

... mathematics and science, have difficulties understanding the concepts of the derivative as the slope and the concept of the antiderivative as the area under the ...Understanding Graphs in Calculus ...




... de matrices de un orden m × n dado, la relaci´ on de equivalencia por filas, por columnas, y la relaci´ on de equivalencia pertenecen a la clase de relaciones denominadas “relaciones de equivalencia”, puesto que ...


Quasiperiodic Graphs: Structural Design, Scaling and Entropic Properties

Quasiperiodic Graphs: Structural Design, Scaling and Entropic Properties

... We have demonstrated the capability of the HV algo- rithm for transforming into graph language the univer- sal properties of the route to chaos via quasiperiodicity in low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems. The ...


TítuloAnalysis of I/O Performance on an Amazon EC2 Cluster Compute and High I/O Platform

TítuloAnalysis of I/O Performance on an Amazon EC2 Cluster Compute and High I/O Platform

... Performance results have shown that the available cloud storage devices present significant performance differences. Thus, this paper has revealed that the use of ephemeral disks can provide more performance than EBS ...


Paths on graphs and associated quantum groupoids

Paths on graphs and associated quantum groupoids

... Some interesting further research arise in relation to this work. The represen- tation theory of these weak *-Hopf algebras has not been considered in this work. The detailed study of all the affine graphs(β = 2) ...


On the atomic decomposition length of graphs and tensegrities

On the atomic decomposition length of graphs and tensegrities

... The NP-complete minimum fill-in (MFI) [18] of a graph G is the minimal amount of edges whose addition makes the graph chordal. If a graph can be instantiated as a tensegrity in dimension d, its MFI plus its Laman bound ...


TítuloAnalysis and evaluation of MapReduce solutions on an HPC cluster

TítuloAnalysis and evaluation of MapReduce solutions on an HPC cluster

... over and over, since the amount of data managed by organizations grows every ...scalable and capable systems, while maintaining some of the axioms that unify the way that data are managed and ...


Some results on spectral distances of graphs

Some results on spectral distances of graphs

... of graphs related to some graph operations and modifications are ...two graphs does not depend on their common eigenvalues, up to ...some graphs with few distinct eigenvalues is com- puted ...


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