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Soluble klotho binds monosialoganglioside to regulate membrane microdomains and growth factor signaling

Soluble klotho binds monosialoganglioside to regulate membrane microdomains and growth factor signaling

... endocrine/paracrine factor with no known receptors and poorly understood mechanism of ...down-regulates growth factor-driven PI3K signal- ing, contributing to extension of lifespan, cardioprotection, ...


Connective tissue growth factor induction by lysophosphatidic acid requires transactivation of transforming growth factor type beta receptors and the JNK pathway

Connective tissue growth factor induction by lysophosphatidic acid requires transactivation of transforming growth factor type beta receptors and the JNK pathway

... In this paper, we have shown that the expression of CTGF, a key growth factor involved in wound healing and fi brotic diseases, is mediated by both TGF- β and LPA signaling pathways. The latter requires the ...


Metabolic syndrome, non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)

Metabolic syndrome, non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)

... Background: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is not only an antiapoptotic and antifibrotic factor of liver, but it is also an adipokine. Serum HGF levels are strongly associated with liver diseases, ...


Insulin like growth factor 2 promotes ovarian cancer growth and resistance to traditional chemotherapy

Insulin like growth factor 2 promotes ovarian cancer growth and resistance to traditional chemotherapy

... Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) signaling axis is involved in several cancers and increased IGF2 expression is suggested to be associated with poor survival in women with ovarian ...cancer growth ...


TítuloAlternative protocols to induce chondrogenic differentiation: transforming growth factor β superfamily

TítuloAlternative protocols to induce chondrogenic differentiation: transforming growth factor β superfamily

... Aggrecan is one of the more abundant proteoglycans in the hyaline articular cartilage, as reported by Heinegard (2009). This large proteoglycan consists of a 200 kDa core protein to which keratin sulphate and chondroitin ...


Mecanismos de las acciones neuroprotectoras inducidas por Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF 1) en animales con deficiencia de esta hormona : efectos de la administración exógena de IGF 1 / Juan Enrique Puche García; [directora Inma Castilla de Cortázar La

Mecanismos de las acciones neuroprotectoras inducidas por Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF 1) en animales con deficiencia de esta hormona : efectos de la administración exógena de IGF 1 / Juan Enrique Puche García; [directora Inma Castilla de Cortázar Larrea]

... En lo referente a IGFBP-rP2 (IGFBP-8), su nomenclatura como CTGF (Conective Tissue Growth Factor) aporta más información sobre su principal función: regular la formación de tejido conectivo. Por ello, es de ...


Insulin like growth factor I restores the reduced somatostatinergic tone controlling growth hormone secretion in cirrhotic rats

Insulin like growth factor I restores the reduced somatostatinergic tone controlling growth hormone secretion in cirrhotic rats

... 1. Growth hormone (GH) response to pyridostigmine or sa- line bolus in the three experimental ...lin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (CIπIGFπPD, nΩ6) as com- pared to the control group (CO, nΩ6) and the ...


Human conditions of insulin like growth factor I (IGF I) deficiency

Human conditions of insulin like growth factor I (IGF I) deficiency

... Finally, GH and IGF-I (both liver/endocrine and lo- cally produced) are essential for normal body growth. The role of other molecules for this control is also im- portant and may increase the complexity in the ...


Antitumoral properties of epidermal growth factor derivatives

Antitumoral properties of epidermal growth factor derivatives

... 47 Regarding the functions of nuclear EGFR, evidence to date indicates three major roles of EGFR in the cell nucleus: (1) gene regulation, (2) kinase function leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of target proteins, and ...


Nuevos marcadores como factor pronóstico en síndrome coronario agudo: copeptina y HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor)

Nuevos marcadores como factor pronóstico en síndrome coronario agudo: copeptina y HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor)

... como factor pronóstico en 2 años para pacientes con ...el factor pronóstico realizando de nuevo el cálculo de la escala en los meses posteriores y evaluando a su vez si el tratamiento de elección aporta o ...


Commuting within the cell mind the GAPs  Workshop on Systems Dynamics of Intracellular Communication: overcoming Distance in Signalling Networks

Commuting within the cell mind the GAPs Workshop on Systems Dynamics of Intracellular Communication: overcoming Distance in Signalling Networks

... epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HEr2), an oncogenic member of the EgFr family, which leads to abnormal ligand-induced ubiquitination and receptor ...


TítuloLa ciclooxigenasa 2 (COX 2) y el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EFG) en lesiones epiteliales orales premalignas

TítuloLa ciclooxigenasa 2 (COX 2) y el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EFG) en lesiones epiteliales orales premalignas

... Abstract: Oral premalignant lesions include leukoplakia (white patch) and erythroplakia (red patch), which develop on epithelial surfaces. These lesions are markers for field cancerization because patients with oral ...


Leucemia mieloblstica aguda: una perspectiva

Leucemia mieloblstica aguda: una perspectiva

... cell factor. Blood 1992;80:60-67. 21. Hassan HT, Zander A. Stem cell factor as a survival and growth factor in human normal and malignant ...


Pattern of recurrence of early breast cancer is different according to intrinsic subtype and proliferation index.

Pattern of recurrence of early breast cancer is different according to intrinsic subtype and proliferation index.

... The definition of the genomic intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer has been established as the best explan- ation for the heterogeneous patient outcomes [1-3]. In their original paper, Perou et al. [1] found that the ...


Angiogenesis and pancreatic cancer: a role for tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

Angiogenesis and pancreatic cancer: a role for tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

... tPA has been described to have a mitogenic role on variety of cell types like aortic smooth muscle cells, pancreatic cells and neurons and this effect has been related to ERK 1/2 signalling pathway activation. In ...


Repoblacin neuronal en el ncleo arcuato del hipotlamo

Repoblacin neuronal en el ncleo arcuato del hipotlamo

... Recent evidences suggest that neurogenesis could occur in different zones of the central nervous system. Objective: with the purpose of analyzing neurogenesis, we have done a study in the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus ...


Un candidato vacunal para tumores sólidos con factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular como diana

Un candidato vacunal para tumores sólidos con factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular como diana

... We present a short report that give information about rationality of active and passive immunotherapies in cancer. It is presented a vaccine candidate for solid tumors with vascular endothelial growth ...


Fracción activa del factor derivado del epitelio pigmentario (PEDF) en el tratamiento de la neovascularización coroidea en modelo animal de degeneración macular asociada a la edad

Fracción activa del factor derivado del epitelio pigmentario (PEDF) en el tratamiento de la neovascularización coroidea en modelo animal de degeneración macular asociada a la edad

... Degeneración macular asociada a la edad Tratamientos de la DMAE Vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF Pigment epithelium derived factor PEDF Modelos animales de DMAE exudativa Administ[r] ...


La expresión transgénica del gen supresor de tumores p53 modifica el espectro de tumores desarrollados en un fondo genético carente de p53

La expresión transgénica del gen supresor de tumores p53 modifica el espectro de tumores desarrollados en un fondo genético carente de p53

... IGF-BP3 Insuline-like growth factor binding protein 3, proteína 3 de unión al factor de crecimiento tipo insulina.. IL-3 Interleucína 3 IR Radiación Ionizante.[r] ...


Cambios morfológicos, celulares y moleculares en la fibrosis renal debido al envejecimiento

Cambios morfológicos, celulares y moleculares en la fibrosis renal debido al envejecimiento

... Los modelos hasta ahora mencionados en los estudios de las cascadas moleculares que modu- lan la fibrosis renal, se basan en la inducción de la ERC a través de distintos mecanismos patogéni- cos (modelos de diabetes, ...


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