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Healthcare system



... Esfuerzos Razonables: Cierto conjunto de acciones que una organización de atención médica debe tomar para determinar si una persona es elegible para recibir asistencia financiera según la política de asistencia ...


¿Hacia donde debe ir el sistema de salud en México? una perspectiva desde el derecho a la salud  /   Is there a way forward for the Mexican healthcare system? A human rights perspective

¿Hacia donde debe ir el sistema de salud en México? una perspectiva desde el derecho a la salud / Is there a way forward for the Mexican healthcare system? A human rights perspective

... Para avanzar en un Sistema Único de Salud es necesario resolver varios de los problemas señalados anteriormente, entre los que destacan: la fragmentación del sistema ([r] ...


Barriers to the normalization of telemedicine in a healthcare system model based on purchasing of healthcare services using providers' contracts

Barriers to the normalization of telemedicine in a healthcare system model based on purchasing of healthcare services using providers' contracts

... Mientras en el estudio de ámbito nacional la barrera económica sólo aparece formulada genéricamente como la necesidad de un mayor compromiso de la administración para garantizar la financ[r] ...


Doctors’ opinions on clinical coordination between primary and secondary care in the Catalan healthcare system

Doctors’ opinions on clinical coordination between primary and secondary care in the Catalan healthcare system

... Changes in the organizational model in the context of the eco- nomic crisis emerged from the discourse of PC doctors and, with less intensity, in that of the SC doctors, in Ciutat Vella and Girona. They attributed these ...


Aplicable A: Página 1 de 8

Aplicable A: Página 1 de 8

... Community Healthcare System por diversos medios, que pueden incluir, pero no se limitan a, la publicación de avisos en letras del paciente y la publicación de avisos en salas de emergencia, en la forma de ...


L'IMAS en dades 2006

L'IMAS en dades 2006

... its healthcare, focussing on the coastal neighbourhoods of the city of Barcelona, but also open, due to its specialization and the quality of its research, to the whole Catalan healthcare ...


Integrating supply chain data standards in healthcare operations and Electronic Health Records

Integrating supply chain data standards in healthcare operations and Electronic Health Records

... in healthcare systems before considering larger-scale ...EHR system capabilities on hospital process quality scale for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, and surgical care infection ...of ...


Rural Telemedicine for Primary Healthcare in Developing Countries

Rural Telemedicine for Primary Healthcare in Developing Countries

... communication system, ...communication system seems an obvious solution for the situation described, but in order to achieve long-term viability, the situ- ation in rural areas of developing countries has ...


Access to an optimal treatment: current situation.

Access to an optimal treatment: current situation.

... efficient healthcare system, which should include an early primary care referral base, well-equipped laboratories and im- aging departments, access to a health professional team led by a rheumatologist, and ...


Empleo, condiciones de trabajo y salud

Empleo, condiciones de trabajo y salud

... of healthcare – as an obligation of the State and the right of a citizen ...privatize healthcare or to maintain a dual system composed of a market-driven subsystem and a public subsystem for the poor ...


Nurse attitudes in relation to health care ethics and legal regulations for nursing

Nurse attitudes in relation to health care ethics and legal regulations for nursing

... to healthcare ethics and nursing legal ...a healthcare system in Principado de Asturias, a northern state of Spain and were enrolled in a continuing nursing education program about ethical and legal ...


Challenges on the telephone interpreting in the healthcare setting

Challenges on the telephone interpreting in the healthcare setting

... between healthcare providers and ...to healthcare and quality of communication facilitated by interpreters also report improved appointment keeping, fewer emergency visits, greater patient satisfaction and ...


Technology Banding in Public Private Partnership in Healthcare

Technology Banding in Public Private Partnership in Healthcare

... Public Private Partnership is special formula of stimulating private sector participation in financing infraestructures and public services. This instrument is intended to increase the provision of high quality public ...


Community healthcare translation training and ad hoc corpora

Community healthcare translation training and ad hoc corpora

... This article deals with the exploitation of a monolingual specialised ad hoc corpus as a documentation resource in the community healthcare translation classroom. We start with a general overview of using a ...


Implementación de Lean Healthcare: aplicado a la cadena de suministro en el sector hospitalario

Implementación de Lean Healthcare: aplicado a la cadena de suministro en el sector hospitalario

... Lean Healthcare que está basado en la mejora continua relacionada con la atención directa del paciente, según Silberstein (2006) ocurrió su desarrollo de manera estructurada y sistemática en el 2006, siendo la ...


Design of a drone based measurement system for GSM signals

Design of a drone based measurement system for GSM signals

... The new system introduced protocols of digital telephony, allowing more links simultaneously in the same bandwidth. Analogue systems did not fully use the signal between the phone and the cellular network. ...


GE Healthcare CARESCAPE V100. Monitor de signos vitales

GE Healthcare CARESCAPE V100. Monitor de signos vitales

... Al integrar los signos vitales de los pacientes en un historial de información clínica completo, CARESCAPE V100 permite acceder a la información necesaria en el momento y el lugar adec[r] ...


GE Healthcare. Brivo OEC * 850. Cumple lo que ofrece.

GE Healthcare. Brivo OEC * 850. Cumple lo que ofrece.

... Imágenes de alta resolución y calidad superior de 1k 2.. Su personal quirúrgico necesita un arco en C móvil que les ayuda a lograr imágenes de alta calidad de forma rápida y sencilla. [r] ...


Development of the Safety and Healthcare project

Development of the Safety and Healthcare project

... These kind of meetings are referred (like security pauses) to own staff. They are done periodically. The director of each zone organizes them for the periodical tracing of the safety and healthcare of the workers ...


Autobiologies: Making sense of engagements with healthcare technologies

Autobiologies: Making sense of engagements with healthcare technologies

... with healthcare technologies than is conceptualised through terms such as ...in healthcare, focusing particularly on the movement from patient to active citizen, through subscribing to and utilising medical ...


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