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Higher - Evaluation - Spain.

Evaluation of new silvicultural alternatives for Scots pine stands in northern Spain

Evaluation of new silvicultural alternatives for Scots pine stands in northern Spain

... The comparison of the silvicultural alternatives described above shows differences between the various alternatives, in terms of the percentage of trees uncut and the objectives usually considered in the management of ...


Implementing Plurilingualism in Higher Education: Teacher Training Needs and Plan Evaluation

Implementing Plurilingualism in Higher Education: Teacher Training Needs and Plan Evaluation

... ABSTRACT: The incorporation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has given rise to an increase of the level of internationalisation of Spanish universities. Consequently, numerous institutions have started ...


Proposals for improving evaluation systems in higher education: An approach from the model 'Working with People'

Proposals for improving evaluation systems in higher education: An approach from the model 'Working with People'

... European Higher Education Area (EHEA) implementation which launched the Bologna Process brought a new structure of studies as well as some guidelines and regulations aimed at ensuring the quality of higher ...


ESF ex post evaluation synthesis 2007 2013 Country report: Spain

ESF ex post evaluation synthesis 2007 2013 Country report: Spain

... new higher level vocational training qualification was introduced: ‘Promoció per a la igualtat efectiva de dones i homes’ (Promotion of effective equal opportunities between men and women) belonging to the ...




... Abstract: Since 1990, governments have put more emphasis on evaluation of regional and local policies, program- mes and plans. However, evaluations results have been scarcely used and only limited lessons can be ...


Empowerment Evaluation in Spain: The Critical Friend Role in Working with Rural Communities

Empowerment Evaluation in Spain: The Critical Friend Role in Working with Rural Communities

... The concept of endogenous development (Musto, 1985; Haan & Van der Ploeg, 1992; Van der Ploeg & Long, 1994) has been the source of numerous debates and definitions, although a general agreement was reached that ...


Calidad docente y rendimiento escolar en Chile : evaluando la evaluación docente

Calidad docente y rendimiento escolar en Chile : evaluando la evaluación docente

... Sanders, W. y Horn, S. (1998) “Research findings from the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS). Database: Implications for Educational Evaluation and Research”. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in ...


TítuloTendencies of contemporary building rehabilitations in Spain: the evaluation of the practice in the new millennium based on functional transformations

TítuloTendencies of contemporary building rehabilitations in Spain: the evaluation of the practice in the new millennium based on functional transformations

... is Spain, where the number of internationally publis- hed contemporary interventions on historic buildings is especially high that allows the systemization and the detection of ...the evaluation and ...


Students' gender bias in teaching evaluations

Students' gender bias in teaching evaluations

... The original study, “Is there gender bias in the student evaluations of teachers?”, had slightly different results than this study. While the original found female students to give female professors better evaluations, ...


The Importance of Certification of English Medium Instruction teachers in Higher Education in Spain

The Importance of Certification of English Medium Instruction teachers in Higher Education in Spain

... In Spain teachers were also conscious of their language limitations (Lasagabaster, 2018), underscoring the challenges they needed to bridge the gap between their current and ideal performance – mainly ...


Improving bilingual higher education: Training university professors in content and language integrated learning

Improving bilingual higher education: Training university professors in content and language integrated learning

... proposed that in order to be successful, CLIL teachers need to have skills in a great many areas, including content knowledge, content pedagogy, understanding of language acquisition, language pedagogy, knowledge of ...




... a higher complexity because it is an intangible, hard to quantify, which implies the adoption of appropriate tools for proper management and monitoring, so that it meets the needs of stakeholders in the ...


Building a corpus-based glossary of Spanish-Russian higher education for specialised translation.

Building a corpus-based glossary of Spanish-Russian higher education for specialised translation.

... as higher education institution [‘institución de educación supe- rior’ – ‘высшее учебное заведение’] generalise establishments for the academic envi- ronment within the global institution [‘institución’ – ...of ...


Análisis de la tasa de rendimiento de la educación

Análisis de la tasa de rendimiento de la educación

... a higher level of education is considered from a political point of view as a key issue to facilitate employability and employment prospects, there exist widespread skill mismatches among workers with college ...


Evaluating the Water Footprint of the Mediterranean and American Diets

Evaluating the Water Footprint of the Mediterranean and American Diets

... efficient production. But this message is less likely to be embraced by the general public because of the lack of knowledge about the environmental impacts of current consumption patterns and in particular linked to the ...


Portfolios for entrepreneurship and self evaluation of higher education institutions

Portfolios for entrepreneurship and self evaluation of higher education institutions

... The engagement between universities, industries, government and society to provide commercial or social benefits is based in a multi-way negotiated flow of knowledge. Entrepreneurship can push KT processes by means ...


Essays on health capital and the efficiency of health care

Essays on health capital and the efficiency of health care

... Adherence to reporting conventions and atten- tion to providing information required under- standing and interpreting study results would improve the relevance and accessibility to eco- nomic analyses [113]. The ...


Higher education bilingual programmes in Spain

Higher education bilingual programmes in Spain

... from higher education institutions in the form of Bilingual or Plurilingual Programmes so that those bilingual students will be able to continue their bilingual education at university ...Keywords: higher ...


Measuring the quality of management in education. Review article

Measuring the quality of management in education. Review article

... in higher education from the point of view of the students, proposing the weights that can help in the development of a scoring model that will help to the quality control departments to quantify the students’ ...


PID 18 19 159 Anexo 1  Comunicación INTED 2019

PID 18 19 159 Anexo 1 Comunicación INTED 2019

... European Higher Education Area (EHEA) learning process, proposed by the Bologna Declaration, is based on a competences ...the evaluation, must be designed and developed according to the competences that the ...


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