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Human capital

– Human capital and entrepreneurial success; a meta analytical review

– Human capital and entrepreneurial success; a meta analytical review

... of human capital as well as the heterogeneity of reported effect sizes clearly requires additional ...First, human capital has to be task-related and directly related to knowledge and ...when ...


Biased technological change, human capital and factor shares

Biased technological change, human capital and factor shares

... 1999; Krusell et.al., 2000 and Acemoglu 2002). Moreover, according to Gottshalk (1997), real wages of unskilled labor signi…cantly fell during the past few decades (iii) In addition, it has been argued that labor in- ...


– Emergence of the human capital resource; a multilevel model


... Unit affect represents the unit’s general posi- tive-negative emotional orientation; we can think of this as the general “emotional state” of the unit’s task environment. When the unit man- ifests a generally positive ...


Essays on human capital and labor market dynamics

Essays on human capital and labor market dynamics

... The U.S. labor market has been traditionally characterized as highly flexible and dynamic. However, over the recent decades several measures of labor market turnover appear to have been trending down. Diminished labor ...


Empirical studies on human capital and natural resources

Empirical studies on human capital and natural resources

... I provide evidence of a positive and signi…cant e¤ect of home country trade on returns to home country experience of US immigrants, indicating that trade enhances the accu- mulation of on-the-job human ...


Human capital formation, inequality and competition for job

Human capital formation, inequality and competition for job

... of human capital accumulation and competition for jobs where there are strategic interactions between heterogeneous agents that compete for the best available ...accumulate human capital ...


– Impact of human capital management on organizational performance

– Impact of human capital management on organizational performance

... physical capital, 20% of natural capital and 64% attributed to human and social ...is human capital management. Nothing happens unless human being makes a concise decision to ...


– Emergence of the human capital resource; a multilevel model

– Emergence of the human capital resource; a multilevel model

... the human capital resource has a long tra- ...the human capital ...the human resources (HR), organi- zational behavior (OB), and industrial/organi- zational (I/O) psychology domains, ...


Essays on wage inequality and human capital in Spain

Essays on wage inequality and human capital in Spain

... man capital level of the region. A variable that measures the average human capital level is included in the traditional Mincerian ...identifying human capital externalities because of ...


Factors explaining the level of voluntary human capital disclosure in the Brazilian capital market

Factors explaining the level of voluntary human capital disclosure in the Brazilian capital market

... Agency theory would suggest disclosure as a way to reduce agency costs due to, among other things, information asymmetry. On the other hand, the proprietary costs theory indicates that disclosure might increase the ...


EU Immigrant integration policies and returns on human capital

EU Immigrant integration policies and returns on human capital

... of human capital to the new labour market, while the rapid growth over time in immigrant wage levels is related to their accumulation of different types of human capital in the host country, ...


TítuloOptimal R&D subsidies in a model with physical capital, human capital and varieties

TítuloOptimal R&D subsidies in a model with physical capital, human capital and varieties

... physical capital accumulation, knowledge formation, and R&D- based technological progress are the three main engines of ...physical capital, human capital and R&D, in which the economy ...


Human capital and FDI inflows to developing countries : new empirical evidence [Recurso elctrónico] / Farhad Noorbakhsh, Alberto Paloni and Ali Youssef

Human capital and FDI inflows to developing countries : new empirical evidence [Recurso elctrónico] / Farhad Noorbakhsh, Alberto Paloni and Ali Youssef

... As explained at the beginning of section ``Estimation'', the results reported in Tables 1± 4 are those of the White estimator. Although this seems the preferred procedure in the econometric literature, the issue of how ...


Careers, human capital and managerial styles

Careers, human capital and managerial styles

... The information recorded in the BHPS concerning job related training of individuals also included several questions about the aim of the training received (if any). The last of these questions - “Was any of this training ...


– Interaction between structural capital and human capital in italian NPOs

– Interaction between structural capital and human capital in italian NPOs

... theory, Human Capital is part of knowledge management, while Italian NPOs appear to be assuming that Knowledge management is part of human resource management, given the relevance assigned to the ...


Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps

Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps

... of human capital within the framework of a Mincerian wage ...the human capital theory, the higher a worker’s human capital endowment, the higher the wage she will earn, since it ...


Human capital development before age five

Human capital development before age five

... The absence of detectable long-term effects from a very severe early childhood shock (e.g., a head injury, or emotional trauma) would be surprising. There- fore, a more interesting set of questions considers how ...


– Rethinking human capital, creativity and urbam growth

– Rethinking human capital, creativity and urbam growth

... of human capital are no doubt especially unlikely to shift location in the absence of relevant employment opportunities (which is not the same as saying that they are relatively ...much human ...


– Occupational specificity of human capital

– Occupational specificity of human capital

... In this paper we have found substantial returns to occupational tenure. Everything else being constant, 5 years of occupational tenure are associated with an increase in wages of 12% to 20%. This finding is consistent ...


An economic personalist perspective of human capital : a compared anthropological interpretation / tesis doctoral presentada por Luca Sandonà ; dirigida por [el] Prof  Dr  Stefano Solari, [el] Prof  Dr  Juan Nave Pineda, [y el] Prof  Dr  [Gabriel] Gerez K

An economic personalist perspective of human capital : a compared anthropological interpretation / tesis doctoral presentada por Luca Sandonà ; dirigida por [el] Prof Dr Stefano Solari, [el] Prof Dr Juan Nave Pineda, [y el] Prof Dr [Gabriel] Gerez Kramer

... Here, human capital can flourish by learning the practice of civic virtues and by developing an innate attitude toward good social relations with others (Colombo, Merzoni, ...


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