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Income levels

Vista de Análisis de la resiliencia en personas divorciadas, según su nivel educativo e ingresos económicos/ Analysis of resilience in divorced people according to their educational and income levels

Vista de Análisis de la resiliencia en personas divorciadas, según su nivel educativo e ingresos económicos/ Analysis of resilience in divorced people according to their educational and income levels

... identify levels of resilience in divorced people according to their education and income ...equate levels of ...an income of less than COP $1.8 million (60.4 %) and with an income ...


Minimum land requirements for specified income levels, Lower Sinu River Valley of Colombia

Minimum land requirements for specified income levels, Lower Sinu River Valley of Colombia

... farm income of 15,000 pesos and 25,000 pesos for a zero equity situation, three yield levels and average land quality ...four levels of interest capital, four hired labor prices, four levels ...


Percepciones de la población local sobre Estambul como Capital Europea de la Cultura

Percepciones de la población local sobre Estambul como Capital Europea de la Cultura

... the city is the more complex the structure gets, the cultural program implementation of Istanbul ECOC 2010 requires a well- defined job description and an effective and efficient management (Uraz, 2007). Local ...


Wage Differentials in Mexico: an education and economic activity perspective

Wage Differentials in Mexico: an education and economic activity perspective

... The marginal rate of return calculated using the Psacharopoulos (1993) methodology shows that transitioning from one to another level of formal instruction improves the incentives for participating in the labor market. ...


Asociacin entre la globalizacin en sus diferentes dimensiones con el sobrepeso y la obesidad: un anlisis en 10 pases de Amrica Latina y el Caribe

Asociacin entre la globalizacin en sus diferentes dimensiones con el sobrepeso y la obesidad: un anlisis en 10 pases de Amrica Latina y el Caribe

... higher levels of human capital have more information about the risks of obesity and being overweight on ...individual income with obe- sity because it is associated with higher levels of human ...


Down and out or up and in? . Polarization-based measures of the middle class for Latin America

Down and out or up and in? . Polarization-based measures of the middle class for Latin America

... bound income levels that include the middle class are defined in terms of international currency units, with the lower bound usually corresponding to one of the widely used international poverty ...with ...


Sorensen 2001  Nordic income dual

Sorensen 2001 Nordic income dual

... comprehensive income taxation, the vast majority of OECD countries do not impose any tax on the return to institutionalised pension ...comprehensive income tax would require that the annual return to ...


Will FTAA Bring Income Convergence?

Will FTAA Bring Income Convergence?

... capita income between the industrialized economies of the North, -Canada and the ...countries, income convergence will, probably, not be one of the outcomes of this ...expecting income convergence ...


DT 14/17 - Subjective well-being and adaptation. The case of Uruguay

DT 14/17 - Subjective well-being and adaptation. The case of Uruguay

... inequality levels still persist, most countries in the region have experienced rapid economic growth in the last fifteen years, coupled with a substantial fall in income poverty and inequality (ECLAC, 2012; ...


Economic Growth and Income Distribution

Economic Growth and Income Distribution

... "Population Growth and Human Capital Theory and Evidence", Journal of Political Economy 1990, 985... and Schmitz, J.A.[r] ...




... real income and real per capita income are I(0) we have kept these variables in the savings functions (b) and (d) in table 2 for their theoretical and empirical relevance for developing ...capita ...


Income, income inequality and mortality in metropolitan regions of Brazil: an exploratory approach

Income, income inequality and mortality in metropolitan regions of Brazil: an exploratory approach

... The international life expectancy curve versus per capita GDP elaborated by Preston in 1975 and revised by Deaton (Preston, 1975; Deaton, 2003) with data from the year 2000 for more than 100 countries in different stages ...


Monitoring the socio-economic conditions in Uruguay

Monitoring the socio-economic conditions in Uruguay

... The income changes shown in the figures of this section suggest clear patterns for poverty, inequality and ...mean income fell for the poorest percentiles between those years, changes in poverty measures ...


Vista de The Search of the Equality Across Educational Policies: scopes and limits / La Búsqueda de la Igualdad a través de las Políticas Educativas: Alcances y Límites
							| REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación

Vista de The Search of the Equality Across Educational Policies: scopes and limits / La Búsqueda de la Igualdad a través de las Políticas Educativas: Alcances y Límites | REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación

... Direct financial interventions by central ministries into improving outcomes for low income students were also effective in both Argentina and Chile. The P-900 program, begun in 1990 in Chile and extended to ...


Social security in United States of America

Social security in United States of America

... The act limits payments to households with income under 150 percent of the poverty income guidelines or 60 percent of the State's median income, whichever is greater, or to those househo[r] ...


Trade, Technology, Income Distribution and Growth

Trade, Technology, Income Distribution and Growth

... Similar to Acemoglu and Zeira we relate relative supplies of factors, technology and trade. However, we use a different setting. In particular, we consider a general production function and we refer to reproducible ...


Income Taxes, Political Accountability and Public Goods Provision

Income Taxes, Political Accountability and Public Goods Provision

... To conclude our discussion in this section, we would comment on the assumption that the present value of rents of holding office (R) is not affected by t. How R affects political accountability has been analyzed in ...


EICT Microsimulations for New Public Policy Initiatives for Mexico to tackle poverty

EICT Microsimulations for New Public Policy Initiatives for Mexico to tackle poverty

... taxable income by two Mexican government institutions: the Treasury (SHCP) and the National Council of Evaluation of the Social Policy (CONEVAL), the latter is the institution in charge of calculating the official ...


Prothrombin levels in yellow fever

Prothrombin levels in yellow fever

... 2. The degree of diminution of the prothrombin leve! is proportionate to the severity of the liver lesion and generally related to the clinical findings. 3. High prothrombin levels during the period of the illness ...


Contexto socioeconómico del conocimiento micológico tradicional en la sierra nevada, México

Contexto socioeconómico del conocimiento micológico tradicional en la sierra nevada, México

... the low class homes that were visited that at least had one person that harvested fungi, amounted to 81%, which became 61% in the middle and 33% in the high classes, which means that some inhabitants of the low level ...


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