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interstitial lung disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated Interstitial Lung Disease and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Shared Mechanistic and Phenotypic Traits Suggest Overlapping Disease Mechanisms

Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated Interstitial Lung Disease and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Shared Mechanistic and Phenotypic Traits Suggest Overlapping Disease Mechanisms

... evident interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is approximately ...have interstitial lung abnormalities that can be detected with high-resolution computed ...


Practical Approach to the Evaluation and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis Interstitial Lung Disease Based on its Proven and Hypothetical Mechanisms

Practical Approach to the Evaluation and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis Interstitial Lung Disease Based on its Proven and Hypothetical Mechanisms

... of interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis varies from 10 to ...with interstitial lung disease have three times the risk of death compared with those ...


Correlation between Lung and Joint Involvement in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease: A Cross Sectional Study

Correlation between Lung and Joint Involvement in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease: A Cross Sectional Study

... with interstitial lung disease (ILD) as the most serious ...Although lung and joint compromise could be thought to evolve in parallel, there are data suggest- ing the ...between lung ...


Functional Respiratory Assessment in Interstitial Lung Disease

Functional Respiratory Assessment in Interstitial Lung Disease

... of lung compliance; the curve is clearly displaced downwards and to the right compared with the curve of a normal subject ...of. Lung compliance decreases as a consequence of loss of lung volume, ...


A comparison of visual and quantitative methods to identify interstitial lung abnormalities

A comparison of visual and quantitative methods to identify interstitial lung abnormalities

... of lung density thresholds for the classification of ILA in multiple cohorts, longitudinal follow-up of individuals with ILA defined by various methods has not been ...involving lung segmentation and ...


Controversies and Limitations in the Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Controversies and Limitations in the Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

... The use of low-dose CT (20-40 mA) with a slice thickness of 1.25 mm allows for the identification of pulmonary emphysema with accuracy, in addition to permitting the graduation of its extension and correlating it with ...


Comparacin entre los criterios de la "global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease" y el "lmite inferior de la normalidad" para el diagnstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crnica

Comparacin entre los criterios de la "global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease" y el "lmite inferior de la normalidad" para el diagnstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crnica

... Durante los últimos años muchas han sido las iniciativas propuestas dirigidas a obtener un diagnóstico rápido y un tratamiento precoz de la EPOC. Con este fin se ha utilizado la relación volumen espiratorio forzado en 1 ...


TítuloPreoperative pulmonary rehabilitation in lung cancer patients undergoing lung resection surgery

TítuloPreoperative pulmonary rehabilitation in lung cancer patients undergoing lung resection surgery

... her lung similar to that seen in other malignant diseases (Timmermann, ...the disease was becoming more common and they started to look for a ...and lung cancer incidence was evident, with the first ...


Health Effects of Incinerators (2008)

Health Effects of Incinerators (2008)

... numbers of registered cancer cases within 3 km and within 7.5 km of the 72 municipal waste incinerator sites in the UK with the number of cases expected. It involved data on over 14 million people for up to 13 years. ...


Small Airway Disease in COPD Associated to Biomass Exposure

Small Airway Disease in COPD Associated to Biomass Exposure

... and lung biopsies and from autopsies in persons chronically exposed to biomass smoke, with or with- out a diagnosis of COPD, revealed an important thickening of the bronchial wall, mainly of its basal membrane, ...


Biological mechanisms in respiratory and limb muscle dysfunction in chronic respiratory conditions : influence of disease severity and body composition

Biological mechanisms in respiratory and limb muscle dysfunction in chronic respiratory conditions : influence of disease severity and body composition

... of lung cancer patients (7 out of 10) also had mild-to-moderate ...for lung cancer (146, ...cachectic lung cancer patients could be largely attributed to COPD rather than to cancer-induced muscle ...




... Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax should be managed with a chest tube (20 to 28 French) at- tached to a water-seal device, and patients should be hospitalized, because of the risk of respiratory com- promise. Suction ...


Calidad de vida en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en fase estable

Calidad de vida en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en fase estable

... Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) se define como una “entidad prevenible y tratable, caracterizada por una limitación al flujo aéreo persistente, generalmente progresiva y asociada a una respuesta ...


Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Pathology, therapeutic drugs and prophylaxis

Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Pathology, therapeutic drugs and prophylaxis

... enhanced disease after challenge with hRSV, as measured by lung pathology ...hRSV-induced lung pathology both in young and aged mice the F- alum formulation significantly decreased pathology in aged ...


Fibrosis pulmonar idioptica en un gato

Fibrosis pulmonar idioptica en un gato

... tathione, n-acethylcystein) and bronchodilators or ß-adrenergic substances. Other measures that help the patient are: respiratory rehabilitation, oxygen therapy and, as a surgical option, a lung transplant. Many ...


Role of Genetic Susceptibility in Nicotine Addiction and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Role of Genetic Susceptibility in Nicotine Addiction and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

... meta-analysis with the strongest association signals from direct genotyping, a summary association of in silico data of the CHARGE consortium, and ultimate- ly included data from the Health 2000 study, con- firming the ...


Influenza aviar: histopatologa y deteccin viral por RT PCR en tejidos fijados con formalina e incluidos en parafina

Influenza aviar: histopatologa y deteccin viral por RT PCR en tejidos fijados con formalina e incluidos en parafina

... The 34 cases of comb vasculitis, as well as the 8 cases in lung and sinlge cases in kidney, liver and spleen indicate a marked tropism of this virus to vascular endothelia. In this study, vasculitis is associated ...


Lung Volumes and Emphysema in Smokers with Interstitial Lung Abnormalities

Lung Volumes and Emphysema in Smokers with Interstitial Lung Abnormalities

... pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary-function testing are missing for 1 participant, data on information about res piratory symptoms are missing for 13 participants, data on percentage of emphysema defined by ...




... micronodular, interstitial pattern in the lower and middle lung zones, whereas the subacute and chronic forms involve the middle to upper lung ...


Energetics and Electronic Properties of Interstitial Chlorine in CdTe

Energetics and Electronic Properties of Interstitial Chlorine in CdTe

... of interstitial chlorine in the electronic properties of CdTe is addressed by density functional theory calculations including hybrid func- tionals and large unit ...five interstitial sites with rather ...


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