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knowledge representation.

Terminological Importation for Adapting Reusable Knowledge Representation Components in the KSM Environment

Terminological Importation for Adapting Reusable Knowledge Representation Components in the KSM Environment

... reusable knowledge representation components used in the KSM environment for the formulation and operationalisation of structured knowledge ...Reusable knowledge representation ...


A knowledge representation semantic network for a natural language syntactic analyzer based on the UML

A knowledge representation semantic network for a natural language syntactic analyzer based on the UML

... The context of the present work is a project for an intelligent assistant that implements a linguistic technique with the purpose of extracting object-oriented elements from requirement specifications in natural ...


Knowledge Representation Model for Bodies of Knowledge Based on Design Patterns and Hierarchical Graphs

Knowledge Representation Model for Bodies of Knowledge Based on Design Patterns and Hierarchical Graphs

... based knowledge representation and reasoning formalism stemming, from conceptual graphs, with a substantial focus on the computational properties, are presented in ...a knowledge engineering method ...


TítuloMethodology for integration of fisher's ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management using knowledge representation (artificial intelligence)

TítuloMethodology for integration of fisher's ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management using knowledge representation (artificial intelligence)

... of knowledge and it is subject to continuous ...resulting knowledge-based system, but he/she is involved in the knowledge engineering process from the ...the Knowledge Representation ...


ISKRM: an implicit simple knowledge representation model

ISKRM: an implicit simple knowledge representation model

... of knowledge representation ...of knowledge representation is introduced, which allows for functionalities of traditional models of representation and solves many of their ...


Evaluating Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Capabilites of Ontology Specification Languages

Evaluating Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Capabilites of Ontology Specification Languages

... from knowledge representation (semantic nets, frames and predicate logic), but it is much simpler to implement (and also less expressive) than full predicate calculus languages such as CycL and ...


A body of knowledge representation model of ecotourism products in southeastern Ecuador

A body of knowledge representation model of ecotourism products in southeastern Ecuador

... of knowledge in a BOK of Ecotourism, they de fi ne the amount of knowledge that will be o ff ered within a speci fi c level of activities ...semantic knowledge, including skills and ...


Knowledge Representation of Intelligent Public Services through a Semantic Model

Knowledge Representation of Intelligent Public Services through a Semantic Model

... ?Lugar rdf:type ?TipoLugar.. ?Lugar infra:localidad ter:Posadas.[r] ...


A layered approach to ontology translation with knowledge representation

A layered approach to ontology translation with knowledge representation

... Asimismo, en relación con el análisis de las distintas alternativas de traducción mostradas en la sección anterior, todas ellas han sido probadas en alguno de los servicios de traducción[r] ...


A desiderata for modeling and reasoning with social knowledge

A desiderata for modeling and reasoning with social knowledge

... In this position paper, we have discussed the need to develop novel knowledge representation and reasoning tools and techniques that are adequate for tackling the challenges that come with modeling social ...


Profesor responsable de la asignatura

Profesor responsable de la asignatura

... the representation of different forms of knowledge and reasoning, focusing on their logical ...of knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms are studied, developed and applied to real ...


Non prioritized belief revision with ansprolog

Non prioritized belief revision with ansprolog

... of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and Belief Revision deal with the issues of how beliefs are represented, how they are used in reasoning processes, and how a current body of beliefs reacts to the ...


KISF: An interactive ontology framework

KISF: An interactive ontology framework

... The observation of new phenomena implies the reevaluation of historic/scientific knowing, aiming to adjust it to reality. Such scene, applied to the knowledge representation, must be faced in two fronts: ...


A comparison between non-monotonic formalisms

A comparison between non-monotonic formalisms

... In general, it is interesting and important to compare, analyze and assess the alternative tools that could be used to confront a specific problem. In particular, in the area of Artificial Intelligence there are several ...


Ontological evaluation in the knowledge based system

Ontological evaluation in the knowledge based system

... of knowledge representation based on ontology that was developed through Knowledge Based System ...and knowledge base organization is performed using this ...


The Decision View of Software Architecture

The Decision View of Software Architecture

... But even for these less traditional topics there are proposals worth to be taken into account, although most of them come from the domain of requirements engineering, such as the NFR (non-functional requirements) ...


The ignatian obedience and representation

The ignatian obedience and representation

... Ignatian representation to the Pope on the theme of the Fourth vow to ...of representation and the previous Congregation on the theme of the Fourth vow to represent the matter to the ...


Entrepreneur's Knowledge Perception Model and Their Product or Services Probability to Have Precense in the Market.-Edición Única

Entrepreneur's Knowledge Perception Model and Their Product or Services Probability to Have Precense in the Market.-Edición Única

... market knowledge through different channels, which will be addressed throughout his/her ...their knowledge perception to achieve competitive advantage and to develop more successful ...entrepreneur's ...


Bilateral representation of language: A critical review and analysis of some unusual cases

Bilateral representation of language: A critical review and analysis of some unusual cases

... Intraoperative electrical stimulation of the left arcuate fasciculus has demonstrated its involve- ment in language transferring of phonology traits (Duffau, Gatignol, Mandonnet, Capelle, & Taillandier, 2008; ...


TítuloCompact Trip Representation over Networks

TítuloCompact Trip Representation over Networks

... Abstract. We present a new Compact Trip Representation ( CTR ) that allows us to manage users’ trips (moving objects) over networks. These could be public transportation networks (buses, subway, trains, and so on) ...


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