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Late medieval religious culture

The Morisco and Hispano Arabic culture and Malta  Some highlights on late medieval and early modern links

The Morisco and Hispano Arabic culture and Malta Some highlights on late medieval and early modern links

... chosen King of Aragon made no deep difference to the relationship of Malta to the Aragon country. Fernando de Antequera and his successors ruled the Aragonese confederation much as their ancestors of the House of ...


Images of Rodrigo: the construction of past and present in late medieval iberian chronicles

Images of Rodrigo: the construction of past and present in late medieval iberian chronicles

... of medieval Iberia a number stand out for the interest that they have generated in the historical and literary culture of the ...many medieval chronicles and appears in several subsequent cultural ...


Illuminations I: Lights, Material Culture and the Society of Spectacle in the Late Middle Ages

Illuminations I: Lights, Material Culture and the Society of Spectacle in the Late Middle Ages

... Nevertheless, the area of illuminations was perceived by the informers or witnesses before the Inquisition and by the Inquisitors themselves, as “central signs” of adherence to an immutable Judaism. Hence the ...


Pupils and Sources in Late Medieval Lyon

Pupils and Sources in Late Medieval Lyon

... of late-medieval Lyon and that the schoolmasters so energetically recruited by the councilors in the face of the cathedral’s jurisdictional objections were there to teach the children of the very same ...in ...


A Model to Align Organizational Culture to Lean Culture

A Model to Align Organizational Culture to Lean Culture

... In fact, management practices for Lean and Lean culture is easy to grasp but difficult to execute consistently (Wilson, 2009) which are neglected in most descriptions of Lean (Mann, 2014). Lean grew naturally out ...


Religious Tourism In The Tourism System

Religious Tourism In The Tourism System

... in religious life affects the society, both the citizens of the country and potential ...context, religious tourism becomes an ins- trument of peoples’ ...of religious tourism encourages learning the ...


The religious mandate in dance sanctuaries

The religious mandate in dance sanctuaries

... Palabras claves: santuarios, fiestas religiosas, manda, devoción popular Abstract: This study reflects on the nature and changes of the religious conscience of dancers and devotees on pilgrimage to the festivals ...


Digital culture as a converging paradigm for technology and culture : challenges for the culture sector

Digital culture as a converging paradigm for technology and culture : challenges for the culture sector

... The culture sector safeguards and transmits our cultural memory recorded in different forms (as literature, art, music, ...the culture sector needs to be able to take advantage of the new opportunities ...


Carta de Othea: una apuesta educativa sugerente en la cultura bajomedieval / A Letter from Othea: A suggesting educational choice in the Late Middle Ages culture

Carta de Othea: una apuesta educativa sugerente en la cultura bajomedieval / A Letter from Othea: A suggesting educational choice in the Late Middle Ages culture

... El último texto que mostramos es el que habla sobre la muerte. Viene re- presentada por átropos, quien, según la mitología griega, fue la primera de las tres hijas de zeus y de Temis, hermanas llamadas Las Parcas y en ...


FREIDENREICH, David M  – Miriam GOLDSTEIN (eds )(Philadephia, 2012) Beyond Religious Borders  Interaction and Intellectual Exchange in the Medieval Islamic World

FREIDENREICH, David M – Miriam GOLDSTEIN (eds )(Philadephia, 2012) Beyond Religious Borders Interaction and Intellectual Exchange in the Medieval Islamic World

... En la edición de Freidenreich y Goldstein se han retomado algunos de los lugares comunes en torno al problema de las interrelaciones culturales y las fronteras religiosas en el mundo islámico medieval. Los ensayos ...


Familias lombardas en la Valencia bajomedieval : los PratoLombard families in the late medieval Valencia : the PratoFamílias de lombardos em Valencia bajomedieval : los Prato

Familias lombardas en la Valencia bajomedieval : los PratoLombard families in the late medieval Valencia : the PratoFamílias de lombardos em Valencia bajomedieval : los Prato

... No se indica la suma del seguro.37 Sabemos que el radio de acción de sus negocios llegaba al interior de Castilla, a La Mancha, pues en noviembre de 1452 Angelino tenía diferencias con F[r] ...


Juridical culture and social culture under Austrias

Juridical culture and social culture under Austrias

... Introducción esde el siglo XVI, los procedimientos de la justicia hispánica mostraron avances significativos con respecto al período anterior: los pleitos civiles, en los tribunales reales y con especialistas de la ley, ...


Religious Actors in the European Union

Religious Actors in the European Union

... Despite the limited public discussion among Protestant and Anglican churches on the nature of the ECSC in the 1950s and the 1960s, the ECEC had a double impact. Firstly, it brought together Protestant clergymen and ...


Medieval - Botalla

Medieval - Botalla

... LE GOFF J., La civilización del occidente medieval, Buenos Aires, Piados,1999. MCKITTERICK, R.: La Alta Edad Media: Europa 400−1000. Barcelona, Crítica, 2002. MITRE, E.: Historia de la Edad Media en Occidente. ...


Bestiario Medieval

Bestiario Medieval

... Esta serpiente significa un tipo de hombres comunes que no tienen fuerza de voluntad ninguna; cuando el diablo, que es cazador y ladrón de almas, les ha robado el alma por [r] ...


Analfabetismo Medieval

Analfabetismo Medieval

... Es cierto que al amparo de los prejuicios de la ilustración y de la militancia anticristiana de las últimas décadas del XIX y de buena parte del XX , se ha estig- matizado el pensamiento cristiano y el pensamiento ...


Matemática medieval

Matemática medieval

... El libro del ábaco (1202, 1228), que no se ocupa del ábaco, sino de problemas algebraicos, caracteriza el pensamiento medieval islámico y el cristiano, establece que la aritmética y la geometría están conectadas; ...


Exceptional preservation of a late Cenomanian
				(Late Cretaceous) crab from Texas, U.S.A.

Exceptional preservation of a late Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) crab from Texas, U.S.A.

... the late Albian Weno and Pawpaw formations near Fort Worth, Texas, and based on these specimens, Schweitzer et ...during late Albian/early Cenomanian ...


Eso que late tan fuerte y no es el corazón

Eso que late tan fuerte y no es el corazón

... Este proyecto tiene como origen el reconocimiento del miedo como un sentimiento transversal en la experiencia del ser humano, el cual hace parte de nuestra biología y es el encargado [r] ...


Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: Bibliometric Overview

Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: Bibliometric Overview

... on religious tourism (Table 7), Annals of Tourism Research stands out with an average of ...on religious tourism are included: Social Sciences (Other Topics) with 51 ...


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