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Lie groups

Global dimensions for Lie groups at level k and
their conformally exceptional quantum subgroups

Global dimensions for Lie groups at level k and their conformally exceptional quantum subgroups

... affine Lie algebras, or in terms of a particular class of representations of quantum groups at roots of ...of Lie groups and Lie ...theory, groups may have non trivial subgroups ...


A qualitative uncertainty principle for completely
      solvable Lie groups

A qualitative uncertainty principle for completely solvable Lie groups

... Proof 5.1. We proceed by induction on the dimension n of G. The result is true if the dimension of G is one, since G ∼ = R (see [1,theorem2]). Assume that the result is true for all completely solvable Lie ...


Geometric properties of neutral signature metrics on
        $4$ dimensional nilpotent Lie groups

Geometric properties of neutral signature metrics on $4$ dimensional nilpotent Lie groups

... shown that they have a (local) canonical form depending on three smooth func- tions. Walker metrics appear in a natural way being associated with tangent and cotangent bundles in various constructions (for more details ...


Classification of real solvable Lie algebras whose
        simply connected Lie groups have only zero or maximal dimensional
        coadjoint orbits

Classification of real solvable Lie algebras whose simply connected Lie groups have only zero or maximal dimensional coadjoint orbits

... Heisenberg Lie group and the 4-dimensional real Diamond Lie group has dimension zero or ...solvable Lie groups (and corresponding algebras) having the similar ...solvable Lie group is ...


Poisson Lie groups, bi Hamiltonian systems and integrable deformations

Poisson Lie groups, bi Hamiltonian systems and integrable deformations

... connected Lie group with Lie algebra g (see [9]). Lie groups which are endowed with multiplicative Poisson structures are called Poisson-Lie groups and Lie-Poisson ...


Flag spaces for reductive Lie groups

Flag spaces for reductive Lie groups

... of Harish-Chandra class). Although quite simple, our definition· and characteriza­ tion of complex flag spaces for reductive Lie groups also does not seem to appear anywhere in the current literature. This ...


From Finite Groups to Lie Groups

From Finite Groups to Lie Groups

... n > 2, and more generally, to the finite subgroups of SU(2). These either are of the form ϕ −1 (G), for a finite subgroup G of SO(3), or are cyclic groups of odd order. For each finite subgroup of SU(2), one can ...


Naturally reductive homogeneous structures on 2 step nilpotent
Lie groups

Naturally reductive homogeneous structures on 2 step nilpotent Lie groups

... studied by C. Cordon. It is proved in [Co] t hat any naturally reductive nilpotent Lie group ( N, ( , ) ) is at most 2-step nilpotent . Moreover a characterization of the naturally reductive 2-step ni lpotent ...


Classification of left invariant Hermitian structures on 4 dimensional
    non compact rank one symmetric spaces

Classification of left invariant Hermitian structures on 4 dimensional non compact rank one symmetric spaces

... Hermitian complex structures. The main result of this paper is a classifica- tion of left invariant Hermitian complex structures on CH 2 with respect to all non-isometric left invariant Riemannian metrics (Theorem 2.2). ...


A survey on hyper Kähler with torsion geometry

A survey on hyper Kähler with torsion geometry

... compact Lie groups with the hypercomplex structure constructed in [31] and independently by Joyce in [22], which was generalized in [26] to the case of homogeneous ...solvable Lie groups, ...


On I null lie algebras

On I null lie algebras

... Leibniz algebras are non-antisymmetric versions g of Lie algebras: the commu- tator is not required to be antisymmetric, and the right adjoint operations [., Z] are required to be derivations for any Z ∈ g ([10]). ...


El comportamiento asintótico del flujo pluriclosed en grupos de Lie de dimensión 4

El comportamiento asintótico del flujo pluriclosed en grupos de Lie de dimensión 4

... In this paper we study a geometric flow on Hermitian manifolds introduced by Jeffrey Streets and Gang Tian called pluriclosed flow, which evolves Hermitian SKT structures (an special class of Hermitian manifolds). ...


Estructura de los productos tensoriales de sl(2) n V (m)-módulos uniseriales

Estructura de los productos tensoriales de sl(2) n V (m)-módulos uniseriales

... For know better the classification of indecomposable modules a natural estrategy is to identify a class of indecomposable modules for which you can wait a reasonable classifi- cation. A important class is the of ...


La curvatura de Riemann a través de la historia

La curvatura de Riemann a través de la historia

... de Lie ha sido extensamente estudiada, y tiene m´ ultiples aplicaciones en otras ramas de la Matem´atica, en es- pecial en la F´ısica ...de Lie tienen una estructura geom´etrica extremadamente ...de ...


Introducción grafica a las superálgebras de Lie clásicas

Introducción grafica a las superálgebras de Lie clásicas

... de Lie fue desarrollada principalmente por Wihelm Killing y ´ Elie ...de Lie simples de dimensi´on finita sobre C (ver [2]) y prob´o que deben ser isomorfas a alguna de las ´algebras cl´asicas o a una de ...


Three dimensional real Lie bialgebras

Three dimensional real Lie bialgebras

... Automorphism groups in the non abelian and non co-abelian ...the Lie bialgebra automorphism groups in the non abelian and non co-abelian cases are as ...


Sistemas de raíces abstractas y álgebras de Lie

Sistemas de raíces abstractas y álgebras de Lie

... Proposici´ on 6.1. Toda sub´algebra toral de una ´algebra de Lie g es abeliana. Demostraci´on. Si h es una sub´algebra toral de g, basta con probar que los valores propios de ad v : h → h son ceros para todos los ...




... in groups, from cradle to grave – in families, communities, villages, neighbourhoods, regions, ...of groups affiliation varying) of numerous other ...together. Groups then are defined here as ways of ...


Grupoides y algebroides dobles de Lie /

Grupoides y algebroides dobles de Lie /

... La noción de grupoide doble de Lie fue definida e investigada por K. Mackenzie [M1, M4]; ver también [P, M2, LW2] para aplicaciones a geometría diferencial y de Poisson. En particular, el tema de la clasificación ...


Teorema de Engel en las álgebras de Lie

Teorema de Engel en las álgebras de Lie

... de Lie compuesta por transformaciones lineales (operadores lineales) la existencia de una base (en nuestro estudio se pudo construir una base aplicando el método de inducción), dicha construcción no solo aclara ...


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