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massive online open courses

Engaging with OER at universities

Engaging with OER at universities

... of Open Educational Resources (OER) in all of its forms: OpenCourseware repositories OCW, spare open resources, or even more recently as Massive Online Open Courses (also called ...


Los Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos (MOOC) como una oportunidad para las PYMES en sus procesos de capacitación

Los Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos (MOOC) como una oportunidad para las PYMES en sus procesos de capacitación

... de Massive Online Open Courses (o cursos online masivos y abiertos), con el surgimiento del internet la educación ha visto nacer nuevos procesos y formas de impartir ...


Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos: 20 expertos delinean el estado de la cuestión / Massive Open Online Courses: 20 experts for a state of the art

Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos: 20 expertos delinean el estado de la cuestión / Massive Open Online Courses: 20 experts for a state of the art

... Estos tipos de cursos ofrecen un modelo de aprendizaje «horizontal», combinando contenidos y recursos seleccionados por profesores expertos de reconocido prestigio con modalidades de aprendizaje autónomo y «peer to peer»  ...


Developing self efficacy through a massive open online
course on study skills

Developing self efficacy through a massive open online course on study skills

... to massive open online courses (MOOCs) as a space to study learners’ self-efficacy (eg, Hood, Littlejohn & Milligan, 2015; Verzat, Jore, Toutain & Silberzahn, ...considered ...


Open online courses in Colombia : report of an educational and technological experiment

Open online courses in Colombia : report of an educational and technological experiment

... a massive open online course (MOOC), which addressed in its design some specific aspects of what it means to offer open learning experiences at a large ...


An approach to build in situ models for the prediction of the decrease of academic engagement indicators in Massive Open Online Courses

An approach to build in situ models for the prediction of the decrease of academic engagement indicators in Massive Open Online Courses

... of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is currently being actively researched with a special focus on academic engagement [Sinclair and Kalvala, 2016], possibly because it is easier to ...


Fundamentos teóricos para la transformación de «Massive Open Online Courses» hacia «Customizable Open Online Courses» (CzOOC)

Fundamentos teóricos para la transformación de «Massive Open Online Courses» hacia «Customizable Open Online Courses» (CzOOC)

... production process always starts from a specific educational need, but at the same time, it tries to benefit the largest number of users. This contradiction is evident in the new MOOC taxonomies that demonstrate an ...


MOOC Design Principles  A Pedagogical Approach from the Learner"s Perspective

MOOC Design Principles A Pedagogical Approach from the Learner"s Perspective

... around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is much more focused on the social, institutional, technological and economical aspects than on the need for development of new pedagogical ...


Importancia de la oferta académica de las principales plataformas MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) para las ciencias administrativas / Analysis academic offering of the main MOOC platforms (massive open online course) and its importance in the 21st c.

Importancia de la oferta académica de las principales plataformas MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) para las ciencias administrativas / Analysis academic offering of the main MOOC platforms (massive open online course) and its importance in the 21st c.

... mass courses open online from the point of view of its contribution to the sciences and especially to the administrative sciences, starting with a look at the current situation of mass online ...


Massive Open Online Social Learning Environment For English Elearning System varo Martino Mantilla Herrera

Massive Open Online Social Learning Environment For English Elearning System varo Martino Mantilla Herrera

... together online and use the foreign languages in real ...have online. We will give a small review about a new idea MOOSLE (Massive Open Online Social Learning Environment), which uses ...


Indicators of pedagogical quality for the design of a massive open online course for teacher training

Indicators of pedagogical quality for the design of a massive open online course for teacher training

... an online course accessible to virtually anyone who wishes to participate with unlimited attendance (EDUCAUSE, ...are online courses that appeal to a wide variety of participants around the world; ...


From Low Scale to Collaborative, Gamified and Massive Scale Courses: Redesigning a MOOC

From Low Scale to Collaborative, Gamified and Massive Scale Courses: Redesigning a MOOC

... Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are arising as a new and global form of education that extends learning all over the world. The popularity and the number of MOOCs offered is increasing ...


Análisis de un curso en línea masivo y abierto (MOOC) con una eficiencia terminal atípica / Analysis of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with an Atypical Terminal Efficiency

Análisis de un curso en línea masivo y abierto (MOOC) con una eficiencia terminal atípica / Analysis of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with an Atypical Terminal Efficiency

... Abstract: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have generated great expectations since they empower online education by providing students, teachers and the community in general, a new ...


Are massive open online courses (MOOCs) pedagogically innovative?

Are massive open online courses (MOOCs) pedagogically innovative?

... in massive open online courses, or MOOCs, whose emergence was followed by a pattern of uncritical hype accompanying the use of new technologies (Baggaley, ...


Massive open online courses in higher education: A data analysis of the MOOC supply

Massive open online courses in higher education: A data analysis of the MOOC supply

... capita and the Internet penetration in the university's country of origin. Given the importance the strategic factor "prestige" had in this study, it was estimated by two models, one using presence in the ...


Evaluación del impacto del término "MOOC" vs "elearning" en la literatura científica y de divulgación

Evaluación del impacto del término "MOOC" vs "elearning" en la literatura científica y de divulgación

... los Massive Open Online Courses y su perspectiva de crecimiento inmediato, se desarrolla un estudio bibliométrico acerca de la evolución de este término en la literatura científica y de ...


Informe d'Autors UOC a ISI Web of Knowledge  Gener 2014

Informe d'Autors UOC a ISI Web of Knowledge Gener 2014

... Learning online: massive open online courses MOOCs, connectivism, and cultural psychology.. Study and Comparison of Rule-Based and Statistical Catalan-Spanish Machine Translation Systems[r] ...


Propuesta de un proceso para la creación de Massive Open Online Courses – MOOC aplicados a adultos mayores

Propuesta de un proceso para la creación de Massive Open Online Courses – MOOC aplicados a adultos mayores

... Se debe consumir 3 platos 360gr ya sea de porotos, habas, arvejas, lentejas, garbanzo, chocho a la semana Se debe consumir 1 plato 120gr ya sea de porotos, habas, arvejas, lentejas, garb[r] ...


Los Massive Open On line Courses (MOOCs) como extensión universitaria

Los Massive Open On line Courses (MOOCs) como extensión universitaria

... Los Massive Open Online Course representan, como ya hemos indicado, una de las opciones más novedosas en los modos de concebir los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitarios, al integrar su ...


EduFeedr   following and supporting learners in open blog based courses

EduFeedr following and supporting learners in open blog based courses

... Technically EduFeedr is built as a plug-in for Elgg social networking engine. We decided to use Elgg because we have previous experience with the platform (Sillaots & Laanpere, 2009). EduFeedr works as a frontend, ...


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