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Musculoskeletal pain

TítuloPrevalence, co occurrence, and predictive factors for musculoskeletal pain among shellfish gatherers

TítuloPrevalence, co occurrence, and predictive factors for musculoskeletal pain among shellfish gatherers

... of musculoskeletal pain (MSP) among shellfish gatherers and its consequences for the use of medicine, health care, and sickness leave and to investigate predictive factors (sociodemographic, lifestyle, ...


Upper extremity musculoskeletal pain among office workers in three Spanish speaking countries: findings from the CUPID study

Upper extremity musculoskeletal pain among office workers in three Spanish speaking countries: findings from the CUPID study

... extremity pain and disability varied by country, generally showing higher incidence and prevalence in Costa Rica and Nicaragua than in ...of musculoskeletal pain among of fi ce workers performing ...


TítuloImpact of musculoskeletal pain on health related quality of life among fishing sector workers

TítuloImpact of musculoskeletal pain on health related quality of life among fishing sector workers

... of musculoskeletal pain (in terms of intensity of the pain, location and functional disability due to back pain) and other factors (socio-demographic, lifestyle and co-morbidity) on the ...


Differences between patients with fibromyalgia and chronic low back pain in balance and sensitivity to pain

Differences between patients with fibromyalgia and chronic low back pain in balance and sensitivity to pain

... causing pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints (Wolfe et al; ...diffuse musculoskeletal pain (Valverde, ...widespread pain, accompanied by myalgia at imprecise ...


The Pain Disability Questionnaire: estudio de confiabilidad y validación

The Pain Disability Questionnaire: estudio de confiabilidad y validación

... of musculoskeletal pain intensity: a comparison of four ...The pain disability questionnaire: relationship to one-year functional and psychosocial rehabilitation ...


Originales. Intervencionismo Musculoesquelético en Cuidados Paliativos Musculoskeletal Interventionism on Palliatives Cares.

Originales. Intervencionismo Musculoesquelético en Cuidados Paliativos Musculoskeletal Interventionism on Palliatives Cares.

... of musculoskeletal pain in patients that were diagnosed with terminal cancer; but have retained activity level, which are given they state of health at the Unit Pain Relief And Palliative Care at ...


Phytodolor® in musculoskeletal disorders: re-analysis and meta-analysis

Phytodolor® in musculoskeletal disorders: re-analysis and meta-analysis

... In the entire patient population in the studies that reported on this variable (table 1) for STW1 (n = 141), pain at rest was significantly reduced compared to placebo (n = 143) after 2 weeks of treatment ...


Breakthrough cancer pain - still a challenge.

Breakthrough cancer pain - still a challenge.

... cancer pain (BCP) has undergone undeniable modification in recent ...breakthrough pain and afford improved efficacy and a better toxicity profile (limiting ...breakthrough pain episodes have a ...


Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review

... mal pain, creating central ...post-ischemia pain), which involved a period of ischemia-reperfusion produced by placing a tourniquet on the hind leg of a rat, then withdrawing it and recording their ...


Informe resumido. La salud musculoesquelética en Europa. . Driving musculoskeletal health for Europe

Informe resumido. La salud musculoesquelética en Europa. . Driving musculoskeletal health for Europe

... En toda la UE-27 el porcentaje medio de personas que declararon trastornos musculoesqueléticos como el problema de salud más serio de origen laboral era del 54%, con el porcentaje más [r] ...


Síndrome do túneio do carpal como transtorno musculoskeletal de origem do trabalho

Síndrome do túneio do carpal como transtorno musculoskeletal de origem do trabalho

... Resultados: La búsqueda bibliográfica evidenció que los factores de riesgos de carga física tales como posturas en flexión y extensión de dedos, mano y muñeca; desviación cubital o ra[r] ...


Enhanced therapeutic alliance modulates pain intensity and muscle pain sensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain: An experimental controlled study

Enhanced therapeutic alliance modulates pain intensity and muscle pain sensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain: An experimental controlled study

... Clinical outcomes for participants in the SL group showed the smallest effect and are not considered clini- cally meaningful. Interestingly, the sham IFC with an enhanced TA (SE group) demonstrated better results than ...




... Posteriormente esta información pasa a ser evaluada y discriminada por una base de datos, la misma que validará el ingreso o no al sistema, además también este método me facilitará el análisis de toda la información ...


Según los resultados de un estudio español publicado en la revista científica BioMed Central Musculoskeletal Disorders

Según los resultados de un estudio español publicado en la revista científica BioMed Central Musculoskeletal Disorders

... Como concluye el estudio, estos resultados aconsejan, especialmente en el contexto actual de crisis económica, dejar de pagar con recursos públicos los procedimient[r] ...


Josué telefe capítulos Wheel pain 4 oxycodone

Josué telefe capítulos Wheel pain 4 oxycodone

... Josué y la tierra prometida (Televisión) - Guía completa de programas online gratis en español latino y programas en vivo de Telefe. A través de un nuevo spot, Telefe anunció que muy pro[r] ...


Prevención del Low Back Pain en el costalero a través del Core

Prevención del Low Back Pain en el costalero a través del Core

... Through core strength training, patients with chronic low back pain can strengthen their deep trunk muscles. However, independent training remains challenging, despite the existence of numerous core strength ...


Pain perception and thermographic analysis in patients with chronic lower back pain submitted to osteopathic treatment

Pain perception and thermographic analysis in patients with chronic lower back pain submitted to osteopathic treatment

... back pain was quantified using the VAS, where participants were shown a ruler numbered 1 to 10 with faces demonstrating three pain intensities: a) Mild (0 to 2) b) Moderate (3 to 5 less intense and 5 to 7 ...


EL PASO PAIN CENTER Comprehensive Health & Wellness

EL PASO PAIN CENTER Comprehensive Health & Wellness

... Deducible, así como el saldo de la cuenta que se debe al tiempo de servicio a menos que se hayan hecho arreglos de pago anteriormente. Si sé que no podré asistir a mi cita, yo le notificaré a EI Paso Pain Center ...


Access to pain relief a human right.pdf

Access to pain relief a human right.pdf

... is pain relief. Freedom from pain allows the highest quality of life possible for as long as ...aware, pain increases distress and anxiety not only in the patient but also their friends and ...


Sports injury: A patellofemoral pain syndrome study

Sports injury: A patellofemoral pain syndrome study

... ABSTRACT The patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is defined as a retropatellar or anterior knee pain, without another disease. It affects until 25% of the population, being more common in women and trained ...


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