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Myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome. Literature update on the subject of a clinical case

Myofascial pain syndrome. Literature update on the subject of a clinical case

... the myofascial pain syndrome in which the most relevant information for a diagnosis is collected, also presents a clinical case in which psychological etiology that began the pathological disorder ...


Revisión. Fisioterapia conservadora. miofascial. Conservative physical therapy in myofascial pain syndrome

Revisión. Fisioterapia conservadora. miofascial. Conservative physical therapy in myofascial pain syndrome

... 46. Maya J. Tratamiento por medios físicos de los puntos gatillo. En: ONCE, editor. Fisioterapia en el síndrome de dolor miofas- cial. Madrid: ONCE; 2002. p. 108-42. 47. Lee JC, Lin DT, Hong C-Z. The effectiveness of ...


TítuloEffectiveness between Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression in the Triceps Surae Latent Myofascial Trigger Points of Triathletes on Pressure Pain Threshold and Thermography : A Single Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial

TítuloEffectiveness between Dry Needling and Ischemic Compression in the Triceps Surae Latent Myofascial Trigger Points of Triathletes on Pressure Pain Threshold and Thermography : A Single Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial

... of Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) in latent myofascial trigger points ...pressure pain threshold (PPT) and skin temperature of the latent MTrPs of the triceps surae has not yet been ...




... “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual”, que es considerado el criterio estándar de referencia para la localización y tratamiento de los ...


DOLOR NEUROPÁTICO. Neuropathic pain

DOLOR NEUROPÁTICO. Neuropathic pain

... Key words: Neuropathic pain, chronic pain, somatosensorial system. INTRODUCCIÓN El dolor es un sistema de alarma que avisa que hay un daño actual o potencial y permite protegernos de ese daño, constituyendo ...


Toaster Grille-pain Tostadora

Toaster Grille-pain Tostadora

... • À cause de la surface irrégulière des muffins anglais, ils peuvent exiger plus d’un cycle de grillage. Après un cycle de grillage au réglage le plus foncé, si une nuance plus foncée est désirée, régler le sélecteur de ...


STOP PAIN. Corriente Tens

STOP PAIN. Corriente Tens

... La colocación de los electrodos, tamaños, comparar aplicación bipolar o monopolar, implicar el trayecto nervioso o no implicarlo, etc. Nos van a dar un resultado óptimo en nuestros tratamientos. Bibliografía: ...


Dolor Neuropático. Neuropathic Pain

Dolor Neuropático. Neuropathic Pain

... Neuropathic pain, neuropathy INTRODUCCIÓN La Asociación Internacional para el Estudio del Dolor (IASP) (Merskey y Bogduk, 1994), define el dolor neuropático como «dolor iniciado o causado por una lesión primaria o ...


Fisioterapia en la rehabilitación del usuario con síndrome doloroso regional complejoThe Physical Therapy in the Rehabilitation of a Patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Fisioterapia en la rehabilitación del usuario con síndrome doloroso regional complejoThe Physical Therapy in the Rehabilitation of a Patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

... subject Síndrome doloroso regional complejo; estrés de carga; desensibilización; relajación.. source Revista Ciencias de la Salud; Vol.[r] ...


02  Sepsys Syndrome

02 Sepsys Syndrome

... Incidence of severe sepsis or septic shock: 3 cases per 1,000 inhabitants and year 2/3 of sepsis cases in patients with significant underlying illnesses Occurs in 2 % of all hospitalizat[r] ...


Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X Syndrome

... X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disease due to a CGG trinucleotide expansion, named full mutation (greater than 200 CGG repeats), in the FMR1 gene locus ...the syndrome, there are patients with a number of ...


Dolor torácico Chest pain

Dolor torácico Chest pain

... Los pacientes considerados como de bajo riesgo de tener un síndrome coronario agudo y con baja probabilidad de presentar complicaciones graves, pueden ser observados por 6 a 12 horas [r] ...


Short term efficacy of Richelli's painreliever TM on upper trapezius myofascial trigger point in a patient with neck pain : a case report / F  Javier Montañez Aguilera     [et al ]

Short term efficacy of Richelli's painreliever TM on upper trapezius myofascial trigger point in a patient with neck pain : a case report / F Javier Montañez Aguilera [et al ]

... of Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) on a sensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle which is painful on compression, generating motion and vegetative alterations, as well as “patient recognition of ...


Pain Resilience: Issues of Modeling Dynamic Adaptation in Chronic Pain

Pain Resilience: Issues of Modeling Dynamic Adaptation in Chronic Pain

... to pain is positive ...chronic pain is beyond the scope of the current paper, other excellent reviews exist on this topic (Finan & Garland, 2015; Folkman, 2008; Hassett & Finan, ...of pain ...


Pressure pain sensitivity topographical maps reveal bilateral hyperalgesia of the hands in patients with unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.

Pressure pain sensitivity topographical maps reveal bilateral hyperalgesia of the hands in patients with unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome.

... with pain intensity and duration of pain symptoms ...pressure pain hyper- sensitivity is not uniformly distributed within a region, as spatial changes in pressure pain sensitivity have been ...


Prostatitis autoinmune experimental (PAE): ¿un modelo de prostatitis crónica no bacteriana (PCNB)? - Experimental autoinmune prostatitis: a model of chronic prostatitis ? chronic pelvic pain syndrome?

Prostatitis autoinmune experimental (PAE): ¿un modelo de prostatitis crónica no bacteriana (PCNB)? - Experimental autoinmune prostatitis: a model of chronic prostatitis ? chronic pelvic pain syndrome?

... The prostate is one of the main male sex accessory glands and the target of many pathological conditions affecting men of all ages. Pathological conditions of the prostate gland range from infections, chronic prostatitis ...


Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome

Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome

... RESULTS: >L PKLU[PÄLK WH[PLU[Z ^P[O 4LSRLYZZVU9VZLU[OHS Z`UKYVTL ^LYL females and 13 were males; 100% of patients presented with recurrent facial nerve palsy. The onset of the disease was an average of 22.2 years old. ...


Breakthrough cancer pain - still a challenge.

Breakthrough cancer pain - still a challenge.

... breakthrough pain adequately diagnosed? Should medical training programs in breakthrough pain be implemented? In the near future we will undoubtedly witness further advances in all these pending areas and ...


Enhanced therapeutic alliance modulates pain intensity and muscle pain sensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain: An experimental controlled study

Enhanced therapeutic alliance modulates pain intensity and muscle pain sensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain: An experimental controlled study

... To our knowledge, this is the first experimental controlled study aimed at exploring the effects of manipulat- ing the TA in physical therapy treat- ment of chronic pain. The testing protocol was standardized to ...


Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome

Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome

... Case report: a 31-year-old woman who comes to the on-call body for rectal bleeding and edema in the left lower limb encompasses the thigh. Physical examination shows vascular nevus located in the lower left extremity and ...


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