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Developments in Bulgarian Education: from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-State and beyond, 1800-1940s

Developments in Bulgarian Education: from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-State and beyond, 1800-1940s

... influence on the Bulgarian nineteenth century education until the 1840s was of Greek origin, not only in terms of the types of schools and programmes but also in the number of (men) teachers educated in Greek ...


The biopolitical transformation of the Nation-State "The art of governing populations in neoliberalism”

The biopolitical transformation of the Nation-State "The art of governing populations in neoliberalism”

... the state or the “art of governing” from the critical stance of ...the state of exception in the path of transformations that the role of the nation-state as a privileged form of power in the ...


Kacper Poblocki Anthropologies and Commoditization of Knowledge Whither Anthropology without Nation-state? : Interdisciplinarity, World Published by: http:www.sagepublications.com

Kacper Poblocki Anthropologies and Commoditization of Knowledge Whither Anthropology without Nation-state? : Interdisciplinarity, World Published by: http:www.sagepublications.com

... The 1970s and 1980s gave birth to a ‘writing culture’ turn in Polish anthropology that eventually led to a practice of anthro- pology as a ‘purely theoretical, almost philosophical enter[r] ...


The roles played by a common language and music education in modernization and nation-state building in Asia

The roles played by a common language and music education in modernization and nation-state building in Asia

... National Day songs also reflect Singapore’s complicated identity that can never be separated from western musical culture. For example, the early National Day songs in the mid-1980s were written by a Canadian composer ...


Nación antes que región. La construcción del estado-nacional y su impacto en la región surecuatoriana-norperuanaNation before Region. The Nation- State Building and its Impact m the Southecuatorian-Norperuvian Region

Nación antes que región. La construcción del estado-nacional y su impacto en la región surecuatoriana-norperuanaNation before Region. The Nation- State Building and its Impact m the Southecuatorian-Norperuvian Region

... surecuatoriana- norperuana, todo eso significaba recortar el mercado, a ojos vista, más amplio donde se movían los exitosos mercaderes ingleses y franceses: ellos, los de[r] ...


A Revolution in Stages : Subaltern Politics, Nation-State Formation, and the Origins of Social Rights in Ecuador, 1834-1943

A Revolution in Stages : Subaltern Politics, Nation-State Formation, and the Origins of Social Rights in Ecuador, 1834-1943

... Plurinational State both have organizing effects and suggest present and future forms of collective political ...the state in the building of democracy ...


From Empire to Nation State: The Mutation of Educational Interaction Rituals in Turkey

From Empire to Nation State: The Mutation of Educational Interaction Rituals in Turkey

... Independence, State of the Republic of Turkey rapidly realized the break with tradition in many aspects through modernism movements and ...the nation had certainly decided to accept the purposes and the ...


Haitian migration in Santiago, Chile: Expulsions, imaginary and social insertion in a neoliberal nation-state

Haitian migration in Santiago, Chile: Expulsions, imaginary and social insertion in a neoliberal nation-state

... The objective of this article is to characterize and analyze Haitian migration in Chile, in the global context in which it oc- curs, addressing it from a micro and meso level, understanding from its subjectivities the ...


The culture of liberty

The culture of liberty

... the nation-state considered ...the nation-state forcibly imposed a dominant culture upon local ones that were repressed and abolished from official ...the nation-state, we are ...


National environmental policies: state sovereignity and state responsibility

National environmental policies: state sovereignity and state responsibility

... the Nation-State, even with its alleged erosion by the undeterrable forces of ...a Nation-State unless it encompasses and relates all the different national policies adopted by its ...


Perú INC : la pugna por una nación a partir del Nation Branding.

Perú INC : la pugna por una nación a partir del Nation Branding.

... No obstante, debemos ser críticos con la mirada de Canepa, pues si bien para ella la publicidad -en especial la encargada del nation branding- es creadora de mitos nacionales y por tanto de los deseos; nuestra ...


Des rites de passage à la nation: conceptions ethnographiques de la nation chez arnold van gennep (1873 1957)

Des rites de passage à la nation: conceptions ethnographiques de la nation chez arnold van gennep (1873 1957)

... la nation française, du fait d’une naissance en Allemagne, d’une enfance passée en Savoie où se mêlaient des influences culturelles régionales diverses, de longs séjours effectués à l’étranger, notamment quatre ...


Driver State Model

Driver State Model

... “Driver State Model” es un proyecto para detectar el estado mental del usuario basado en las ondas cerebrales, utilizando la tecnología de un sensor de EEG (electroencefalograma) para poder obtener la lectura de ...


Políticas económicas progresistas

Políticas económicas progresistas

... sobre la economía estadounidense (Blanchard, 2006). Las fuentes trabajadas han sido las siguientes. Para Estados Unidos, U.S. Department of Commerce http://www.bea.gov/nation[r] ...


Análisis del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio como instrumento útil de cooperación internacional en el marco del Cambio Climático, caso de estudio Colombia periodo 2004-2009

Análisis del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio como instrumento útil de cooperación internacional en el marco del Cambio Climático, caso de estudio Colombia periodo 2004-2009

... United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change –UNFCCC “Registered Projects.. by Investor Partie[r] ...


Nation Branding  The case of Mallorca

Nation Branding The case of Mallorca

... It refers to the perception that the country´s target audience has of its inhabitants, that is to say, its capabilities, attitudes, qualities, etc. The population is one of the most important elements of the country ...


Cybersecurity education in a developing nation: the Ecuadorian environment

Cybersecurity education in a developing nation: the Ecuadorian environment

... While it is clear that the current lack of specialists is a barrier to undertaking such initiatives, over time it should be possible to im- prove the situation. Faculty members teaching areas of security at universities ...


Modelado, control y monitoreo de un exoesqueleto para asistir procesos de rehabilitación en miembro inferior

Modelado, control y monitoreo de un exoesqueleto para asistir procesos de rehabilitación en miembro inferior

... Minimum State Length [°el] Minimum measured state length within a number of turns relative to pulse length. Maximum State Length [°el] Maximum measured state length within a number of [r] ...


Sport and 'Local Knowledge': the Cup Final and Multiple Identity in Northern England, c  1880 1960

Sport and 'Local Knowledge': the Cup Final and Multiple Identity in Northern England, c 1880 1960

... In asserting a northern presence in the nation the Cup Final narrative held back from suggesting conflict; although it challenged conceptions of the nation which gave London a promine[r] ...


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