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Tracing the earliest recorded concepts of international law : the ancient Near East, 2012

Tracing the earliest recorded concepts of international law : the ancient Near East, 2012

... A MNON A LTMAN , Tracing the Earliest Recorded Concepts of International Law: The Ancient Near East (2500–330 BCE). Legal History Library, vol. 8 / Studies in the History of International Law, vol. 4. ...


The cultural reflections of multicultural student structure: the case of the Near East University

The cultural reflections of multicultural student structure: the case of the Near East University

... la Near East University, que se combina con más de 100 países y, por lo tanto, se ha examinado la cultura en el área de vida ...la Near East University, que es de Nigeria, Zim- babwe, Turquía, ...


Covenant and international relations in the ancient Near East : a preliminary exploration

Covenant and international relations in the ancient Near East : a preliminary exploration

... Under different assumptions, however, international relations would indeed be expected to be hierarchical (to a certain extent) for most part of the time and the information on the ancient Near East ...


Reseña de Milevski, Ianir & Levy, Thomas (eds ) (2016) Framing Archaeology in the Near East  The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork

Reseña de Milevski, Ianir & Levy, Thomas (eds ) (2016) Framing Archaeology in the Near East The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork

... Chapter 8 by Juan Manuel Tebes (pp. 113-122) is a critic of the “Edomite state model”. For decades, Iron Age Edom was perceived as a kingdom with typical state aspects (capital at Buseirah, border fortresses, ‘Edomite’ ...


Proyectiles de honda : ¿tensiones y conflictos en la protohistoria del Próximo Oriente?Slingshots : tensions and conflicts in the protohistory of the Near East?

Proyectiles de honda : ¿tensiones y conflictos en la protohistoria del Próximo Oriente?Slingshots : tensions and conflicts in the protohistory of the Near East?

... The Late Ubaid signified the creation of a shared culture within a large part of Near East and the emergence of complex societies. The large area into which it expanded led initially scholars to suggest ...


Jeffrey Szuchman (ed ), Nomads, tribes, and the state in the ancient near east  Cross disciplinary perspectives, 2009

Jeffrey Szuchman (ed ), Nomads, tribes, and the state in the ancient near east Cross disciplinary perspectives, 2009

... Whitcomb, quien analiza los asentamientos urbanos de las sociedades pre- islámicas del Cercano Oriente, en especial, del sur de Arabia y Siria, para dilucidar el “fenómeno conocido como [r] ...


Disembodied souls : the nefesh in Israel and kindred spirits in the ancient Near East, with an appendix on the Katumuwa

Disembodied souls : the nefesh in Israel and kindred spirits in the ancient Near East, with an appendix on the Katumuwa

... The emergence of the Semitic-speaking dynasty of Iron Age Sam < al is attributed by many scholars to the migration of Aramae- ans from the Euphrates River region some 200 km to the south- east. . . . It is true ...


Sounding sensory profiles in the ancient near east

Sounding sensory profiles in the ancient near east

... The Hausa recognize two senses; 1 “the Javanese have five senses seeing, hearing, talking, smelling and feeling, which do not coincide exactly with our five.”2 In short, there Reprinted [r] ...


Perchance to dream : dream divination in the Bible and the Ancient Near East

Perchance to dream : dream divination in the Bible and the Ancient Near East

... This is not only an issue when the dreamer is royal, though such cases par- ticularly raise the question. The power dynamic between dreamer and interpreter varies enormously. In some instances the reliance on an ...


What can genetics tell us about plant domestication?

What can genetics tell us about plant domestication?

... The invention of agriculture must surely be regarded as the most dra- matic technological revolution in human history. This revolution did not happen suddenly, but played out over several millennia. It is likely that ...


“Share Them Out    ” On the Mass Deportation of People according to the Texts of Mari (18th Century BC)

“Share Them Out ” On the Mass Deportation of People according to the Texts of Mari (18th Century BC)

... Untitled The Other Face of the Battle The Impact of War on Civilians in the Ancient Near East Edited by Davide Nadali and Jordi Vidal Alter Orient und Altes Testament Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und[.] ...


El impacto humanitario en los territorios ocupados de Gaza y Cisjordania. Los programas de socorro y servicios sociales de la UNRWA

El impacto humanitario en los territorios ocupados de Gaza y Cisjordania. Los programas de socorro y servicios sociales de la UNRWA

... Así se describe en UNRWA. Annual Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Covering the period 1 July 1954 – 30 June 1955. GAOR. 10 th ...


1. PRESENTACIÓN - Programa 2016 final

1. PRESENTACIÓN - Programa 2016 final

... - LEPROHON, R. (1995). “Royal Ideology and State Administration in Pharaonic Egypt”, en SASSON, J. (Ed. in chief:) Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Macmillan Library Reference USA. New York, pp. ...


Drainage of deep Mediterranean Water, its transition through the Strait of Gibraltar: spatial and temporal variability

Drainage of deep Mediterranean Water, its transition through the Strait of Gibraltar: spatial and temporal variability

... distinguishable east of the main sill of Camarinal in the Strait, most of their differentiating characteristics are eroded after flowing over this restrictive topography due to ...


LAC Competitiveness Third Draft

LAC Competitiveness Third Draft

... by East Asian benchmarks, has been ...with East Asia suggests that they did not always go in the right direction – the neglect of market failures in capability development must be part of the explanation of ...


MIRACLE Retrieval Experiments with East Asian Languages

MIRACLE Retrieval Experiments with East Asian Languages

... approach East Asian languages, is to compare the effectiveness of similar linguistic-based techniques to the ones which are applied to European languages with good results ...


TítuloLoess caves of Austria   a preview

TítuloLoess caves of Austria a preview

... LUKI Č , T. MARKOVI Ć , S. B., STEVENS, T., VASILJEVI Ć , D. A., MACHEL- LETT, B., MILOJKOVI Ć , N., BASA- RIN, B. and OBREHT, I. (2009): The loess “cave” near the village of Surduc – an unusual pseudokarst ...


Half mode microwave filters based on epsilon near zero and mu near zero concepts

Half mode microwave filters based on epsilon near zero and mu near zero concepts

... Epsilon Near Zero tunnel results in creating a frequency dispersive behavior of the equivalent ...Epsilon Near Zero and Mu Near Zero phenomena will occur at different ...


The VoIce oF conserVaTIon In easT aFrIca

The VoIce oF conserVaTIon In easT aFrIca

... the East Africa Wildlife Society (EAWLS) have been working with local communities and other stakeholders including Kilimanyika Consultants to establish CCAs, which seek to improve livelihoods and conserve ...


Deposition and emplacement of Permian reefs in Sierra Plomosa, Chihuahua, Mexico

Deposition and emplacement of Permian reefs in Sierra Plomosa, Chihuahua, Mexico

... Boundstones and bioclastic packstones composed of encrusting organisms dominate the samples analyzed. Encrusting algae predominate in abundance and generic diversity. Tubiphytes is the dominant binder and is present ...


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