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Neurodegenerative diseases

Role of Astroglial Hemichannels and Pannexons in Memory and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Role of Astroglial Hemichannels and Pannexons in Memory and Neurodegenerative Diseases

... FIGURE 2 | The role of astrocytic hemichannels and pannexons during neurodegeneration. During the early stages of various neurodegenerative diseases, increased inflammation opens astrocytic Cx43 ...


Neurofilamentopathy in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurofilamentopathy in Neurodegenerative Diseases

... human neurodegenerative disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Char- cot-Marie-Tooth, dementia with Lewy bodies [1, 2], and toxic neuropathy ...


DIMETER: a haptic master device for tremor diagnosis in neurodegenerative diseases

DIMETER: a haptic master device for tremor diagnosis in neurodegenerative diseases

... Other type of diagnostic systems has been developed for medical imaging. In [22], an automatic diagnostic assistance system is presented to differentiate Alzheimer’s disease from mild dementia with Lewy bodies using ...


Glial hemichannels and their involvement in aging and neurodegenerative diseases

Glial hemichannels and their involvement in aging and neurodegenerative diseases

... During the last two decades, it became increasingly evident that glial cells accomplish a more important role in brain func- tion than previously thought. Glial cells express pannexins and connexins, which are member ...


El desafo de las enfermedades prinicas, una emergencia en humanos y bovinos

El desafo de las enfermedades prinicas, una emergencia en humanos y bovinos

... fatal neurodegenerative diseases, including bovine spongiform enceph- alopathy (BSE) and other diseases of animals such as scrapie, and of humans such as kuru and Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (CJD; ...


Encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles: bases moleculares, diagnóstico y perspectivas terapéuticas

Encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles: bases moleculares, diagnóstico y perspectivas terapéuticas

... of neurodegenerative diseases associated to the presence in nervous tissue of insoluble aggregates originated by an anomalous isoform of a protein called ...


Melatonin therapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease

Melatonin therapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease

... The regular intake of antioxidants by the elderly has been one of the strategies recommended for prevention of age-associated, free radical-mediated, neurodegenerative diseases, but the efficacy of this ...


Emerging Roles of Extracellular Vesicles in the Nervous System

Emerging Roles of Extracellular Vesicles in the Nervous System

... in neurodegenerative diseases and progression of brain tu- ...In neurodegenerative diseases, they aid in the formation of seeds for toxic amyloid proteins and also may have a role in the ...


Burden of disease in Nariño, Colombia, 2010

Burden of disease in Nariño, Colombia, 2010

... non-communicable diseases prevail like cervical malignancy, malignant stomach tumor, malignant breast tumor, ischemic cardiovascular disease, cardio- cerebrovascular disease, other cardiovascular diseases, ...


Spondyloarthropathies in autoimmune diseases and vice versa

Spondyloarthropathies in autoimmune diseases and vice versa

... 2.1. Study Population. A total population of 1,077 patients from our RA, SLE, and SS database was reviewed. This da- tabase consists of 671 patients with confirmed RA, 239 with confirmed SLE, and 167 with confirmed SS. ...


Introducing polyautoimmunity: secondary autoimmune diseases no longer exist

Introducing polyautoimmunity: secondary autoimmune diseases no longer exist

... two diseases coinciding in an individual, if underlying SLE o ff ers a setting for the development of APS, or if APS and SLE represent two elements of the same process ...


The global burden of neglected tropical diseases

The global burden of neglected tropical diseases

... When investments are made in NTD control, results are extraordinary because treatments are inexpensive and effective. Unfortunately, NTDs have traditionally not re- ceived a great deal of donor nation support, but the ...


TítuloLiterature review: Autoimmune diseases induced by viruses

TítuloLiterature review: Autoimmune diseases induced by viruses

... Most microbial studies found that viral infections may be part of the risk factors, but also can have protective functions, whereas bacteria contribute to protection against T1D and other autoimmune diseases ...




... 4.11. Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory bowel dis- ease can be divided into two main forms: Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). These are disabling diseases characterized by a chronic ...


TítuloHydrogen sulfide and inflammatory joint diseases

TítuloHydrogen sulfide and inflammatory joint diseases

... In addition, at least three recent systematic reviews [72- 74], and a Cochrane Collaboration Review [75], have concluded that balneotherapy with sulphurous waters might indeed offer therapeutic value in rheumatic ...


Effect of the β-amyloid peptide on microglia activation: ATP release

Effect of the β-amyloid peptide on microglia activation: ATP release

... and neurodegenerative processes, where the extracellular nucleotide can have a vesicular origin, we evaluated whether the expression of VNUT and the P2X7 receptor, as well as the ATP release, could be modified in ...


Melatonin antioxidative defense : therapeutical implications for aging and neurodegenerative processes

Melatonin antioxidative defense : therapeutical implications for aging and neurodegenerative processes

... Abstract. The pineal product melatonin has remarkable antioxidant properties. It is secreted during darkness and plays a key role in various physiological responses including regulation of circadian rhythms, sleep ...


Melatonin and its neuroimmunological actions

Melatonin and its neuroimmunological actions

... lymphocytes and immunomodulatory cytokines maintaining the homeostasis of the internal environment. In the Central Nervous System inhibits the formation of free radicals, has antioxidant functions and can slow ...


Epigenetics and autoimmune diseases

Epigenetics and autoimmune diseases

... Many studies had been done of the cohort from the Dutch Winter of Famine in World War II. One of them looked for di ff erences in birth weight between o ff spring of mothers who were exposed to famine in either early or ...


Epidemiological data, case-studies and outbreakspdf, 769kb

Epidemiological data, case-studies and outbreakspdf, 769kb

... The incidence and prevalence of waterborne zoonotic risks are subject to geographical, climatic, and socioeconomic factors. Although most pathogens are distributed worldwide, some are not. Outbreaks of some ...


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