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news media

Understanding key factors for creating news media brand

Understanding key factors for creating news media brand

... their media and competing media so that in the minds of the audience they have a different position from ...the media in the minds of the audience and to transform the brand into something more than ...


Art – Adoption of user generated content initiatives by online news media – Thurman – 2008

Art – Adoption of user generated content initiatives by online news media – Thurman – 2008

... online news media, are resource intensive due to editorial intervention rather than any remuneration paid to ...BBC News website suggested, ‘because they just want to write their experiences ...BBC ...


Convergent Mobile News Media: Tranquility Awaiting Eruption?

Convergent Mobile News Media: Tranquility Awaiting Eruption?

... as news media devices were rather limi- ted from 2005 to ...and news medium erupts, that eruption will become an historical event that drastically changes the way we perceive ...


How the news media set the agenda

How the news media set the agenda

... the news media is a powerful influence on what we pay attention to and how we understand the vast world of public affairs that lies beyond our personal experien- ...the news media on the ...


Beatriz Becker and Celeste González de Bustamante The past and the future of Brazilian television news Published by: http:www.sagepublications.com

Beatriz Becker and Celeste González de Bustamante The past and the future of Brazilian television news Published by: http:www.sagepublications.com

... on media and power have advanced studies related to ques- tions about the complex system of exchanges and benefi ts that exist between media and political powerbrokers (Porcello, 2006, 2007; Porto, ...on ...




... traditional news media about the events as they ...online news agency that sells user-submitted photos and video to professional news media and shares in the revenue these sales ...


Influencia de los medios de comunicación en la conversación política en Twitter

Influencia de los medios de comunicación en la conversación política en Twitter

... of media influence in the political conversation on ...all media, regardless of their nature, news media mode, perceived ideological position, or territorial ...the media are ...


Who are those Green Guys?: Understanding Online Activism in Chile from a Communicational Perspective

Who are those Green Guys?: Understanding Online Activism in Chile from a Communicational Perspective

... the media in providing information that enables citizens to make informed decisions about candidates, politicians, and issues (Schultz, ...applications, news media now facilitate content access ...


Social Media Use for News and Individuals' Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Political Participation

Social Media Use for News and Individuals' Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Political Participation

... for news and reporting higher levels of social capital which implies that social media may also facilitate community life beyond the strict measures of civic ...particularities, news media ...


Researching Media Convergence and Crossmedia News Production

Researching Media Convergence and Crossmedia News Production

... changing news technologies, journalist practices and news output, Cottle (1999:26) calls for theoretically grounded, detailed empirical studies of particular news ...(television) news ...


SPEAK - linking state public data for enlightenment about political actors

SPEAK - linking state public data for enlightenment about political actors

... The News Crawler component is an adaption of the Scrapy Framework 19 ...built News Parser which considers the specific features of the data sources and architecture used by ...the news from the ...


Descripcion de la Historia de la Geografia y espacio geografico 2017

Descripcion de la Historia de la Geografia y espacio geografico 2017

... Primeras bases de la Geografía explicativa y la concepcion del espacio geográfico como espacio concreto fue desarollado sistematicamente por:.. - Alexander Von Humboldt: en su libr[r] ...


Unpacking the use of social media for protest behavior: The roles of information, opinion expression, and activism

Unpacking the use of social media for protest behavior: The roles of information, opinion expression, and activism

... Protest behavior. As opposed to more institutionalized forms of political participation, such as voting and electoral campaign activities, protest is more diverse, less regular, and, consequently, harder to measure ...


Chile en The Illustrated London News

Chile en The Illustrated London News

... Para preparar esta muestra se utiliz6 la colecci6n del THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS existente en la Biblioteca Nacional y el libro de Christopher Hibbert The Illustrated London News, Soci[r] ...


Desmontando fake news a través del conocimiento colaborativo

Desmontando fake news a través del conocimiento colaborativo

... fake news? Según un estudio de Ipsos Global Advi- sor (2018), los españoles son los europeos que más se creen las noticias ...fake news también describía que se trata de un problema en toda Europa y en ...


Modeling Perceived Influences on Journalism: Evidence from a Cross-National Survey of Journalists

Modeling Perceived Influences on Journalism: Evidence from a Cross-National Survey of Journalists

... exist in all of the investigated countries. The item “Religious leaders” was also left out, as the varying extent to which the church is separated from the state may lead to unstable component structures. A PCA of the ...


Journalists at the border: An analysis of their work when covering news on immigration

Journalists at the border: An analysis of their work when covering news on immigration

... of news production allows us to begin to understand the opportunity for constructing a frame that is available to the ...the media agenda and what sources or motives intervene in the latter’s ...the ...


Environmental news and stock markets performance: Further evidence for Argentina

Environmental news and stock markets performance: Further evidence for Argentina

... simple media coverage of environmental ...environmental news have no impact, while negative news do have an effect on average rates of return a few days following its ...positive news, we find ...


ÁVACO/News N° 12

ÁVACO/News N° 12

... Carlos Andrés Lugo, nuevo director del programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas, considera que “ha sido muy valiosa la incorporación de TIC al currículo y, así mismo, el acompañamiento del [r] ...


ÁVACO/News N° 11

ÁVACO/News N° 11

... Coordinadora Proyecto Plan estratégico para inclusión de TIC en instituciones de Educación Superior, ejecución de Plan estratégico de incorporación de Tecnologías de la Com[r] ...


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