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Ovarian cancer

Platelets enhance tissue factor protein and metastasis initiating cell markers, and act as chemoattractants increasing the migration of ovarian cancer cells

Platelets enhance tissue factor protein and metastasis initiating cell markers, and act as chemoattractants increasing the migration of ovarian cancer cells

... a cancer cell line or primary tumor population cells are able to form three-dimensional spheres, demonstrate enrichment in stem cell markers and display the capability of anchorage-independent ...from ...


Insulin like growth factor 2 promotes ovarian cancer growth and resistance to traditional chemotherapy

Insulin like growth factor 2 promotes ovarian cancer growth and resistance to traditional chemotherapy

... which ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed is an important attributing factor to this low survival, even though most patients have a high level of remission after completing ...with ovarian ...


Effectiveness and Safety of Cytoreduction Surgery in Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Initial Experience at a University General Hospital

Effectiveness and Safety of Cytoreduction Surgery in Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Initial Experience at a University General Hospital

... IV ovarian carci- noma underwent surgery between January 2013 and June 2014 in the University General Hospital of Castellon ...relapse ovarian cancer were ...


Functional and transcriptomic characterization of carboplatin resistant A2780 ovarian cancer cell line

Functional and transcriptomic characterization of carboplatin resistant A2780 ovarian cancer cell line

... ian cancer is based on the use of platinum drugs—specif- ically carboplatin—in combination with ...serous ovarian cancer ...reliable ovarian cancer model is offered to assess many of ...


A radiologic laparoscopic model to predict suboptimal (or complete and optimal) debulking surgery in advanced ovarian cancer: a pilot study

A radiologic laparoscopic model to predict suboptimal (or complete and optimal) debulking surgery in advanced ovarian cancer: a pilot study

... advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) is removal of the entire tumor burden to achieve either complete removal of the tumor upon visual inspection (complete cytoreductive surgery, CCS) or a residual tumor of <1 ...


The role of promoter DNA methylation of six cancer-associated miRNA genes in ovarian cancer development and progression

The role of promoter DNA methylation of six cancer-associated miRNA genes in ovarian cancer development and progression

... in ovarian cancer, with the exception of a single previous report of hypermethyla- tion of MIR-9-1 and MIR-9-3 as involved in drug re- sistance of EOC patients ...in ovarian tumors and its ...


Multiple miscarriages are associated with the risk of ovarian cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.

Multiple miscarriages are associated with the risk of ovarian cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.

... A major strength of this large cohort study is the prospective design, with detailed exposure and covariate assessment prior to diagnosis. A limitation of our study is the relatively small number of cases in the top ...


Clinical response in patients with ovarian cancer treated with  metronomic chemotherapy

Clinical response in patients with ovarian cancer treated with metronomic chemotherapy

... Patient 3: A 57-year-old woman was diagnosed with a stage IIIC epithelial ovarian cancer. Pre-operative CT showed ascites and abdomi- nal mass. Pre-operative CA125 was 800 U/ml; she underwent optimal ...


Estudio del papel de proteínas Tirosina-Quinasas en cáncer de ovario

Estudio del papel de proteínas Tirosina-Quinasas en cáncer de ovario

... epithelial ovarian cells and ovarian carcinoma cells to identify deregulated ...early-stage ovarian cancer, we used the Kaplan–Meier (KM) Plotter Online Tool ...


Quimioprofilaxis para cncer de ovario

Quimioprofilaxis para cncer de ovario

... developing ovarian cancer, showed that the protective effect of oral contraceptives is present up to 20 years after suspension, after this time a loss occurs in the protection as the years pass until they ...


Immunotherapy for cancer, how and when pdf

Immunotherapy for cancer, how and when pdf

... for cancer involves removing the barrier that many tumours create in order to by-pass T-cell attacks, the "artillery" of the immune ...cell ovarian cancer) are only distinguished from normal ...


Estudi de l'efecte de la curcumina en la reversió de la resistència adquirida a oxaliplatí mitjançant la inhibició de la via de senyalització de NF-kB en models cel·lulars de càncer colorectal

Estudi de l'efecte de la curcumina en la reversió de la resistència adquirida a oxaliplatí mitjançant la inhibició de la via de senyalització de NF-kB en models cel·lulars de càncer colorectal

... Blockade of nuclear factorkappaB signaling inhibits angiogenesis and tumorigenicity of human ovarian cancer cells by suppressing expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and inte[r] ...


El Cáncer de ovario y la efectividad del HE4 como Biomarcador Tumoral

El Cáncer de ovario y la efectividad del HE4 como Biomarcador Tumoral

... Braicu E., van Gorp T., Nassir M., Richter R., Chekerov R., Gasimli K., Timmerman D.,Vergote I. and Sehouli J. (2014). Preoperative HE4 and ROMA values do not improvethe CA125 diagnostic value for borderline tumors of ...


Relevance of minor discrepancies at second pathology review in gynaecological cancer

Relevance of minor discrepancies at second pathology review in gynaecological cancer

... cancers [3]. In addition, disagreement in histology subtype was also noted in other studies in ovarian cancer [10]. A sub-analysis of a pro- spectively randomised phase III study analysed 454 patients with ...




... totalidad del tumor. Neoadjuvant Chemoteraphy is associated with prolonged primary treatment interval in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. The Gynecologic Oncology group[r] ...


Toxicidad asociada a la cirugía citorreductora y quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica en el tratamiento de la carcinomatosis peritoneal

Toxicidad asociada a la cirugía citorreductora y quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica en el tratamiento de la carcinomatosis peritoneal

... Results: We performed 46 interventions on 45 patients diagnosed with peritoneal carcinoma- tosis from different causes, mainly ovarian cancer (83%). Paclitaxel was the most-used drug (35 interventions). ...


Predictores evolucin quirrgica adversa de pacientes con obstruccin intestinal maligna

Predictores evolucin quirrgica adversa de pacientes con obstruccin intestinal maligna

... Introduction. Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) is a common problem in patients with advanced colorectal or ovarian cancer. The management of this group of patients is complex and controversial. Objective. ...




... Carcinoma del bermellón del labio es algo diferente del carcinoma intraoral. Tiene una patofisiologia mas parecido al carcioma de celulas escamosas por la exposición solar. La tasa de incidencia anual para hombres ...


Introduccion al Cancer y tratamientos del Cancer (www.elmundosalud.com)

Introduccion al Cancer y tratamientos del Cancer (www.elmundosalud.com)

... Esta técnica para el tratamiento del cáncer actúa sobre el tumor, destruyendo las células malignas e impidiendo que crezcan y se reproduzcan, pero también destruye los te[r] ...


Cancer (Informe de Sociedad americana del cancer)

Cancer (Informe de Sociedad americana del cancer)

... Para más información, consulte las secciones sobre prevención y factores de riesgo en ciertos tipos individuales de cáncer.. Detección y síntomas.[r] ...


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