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Pattern analysis

Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features

Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features

... Cluster analysis allows to distinguish groups of related visual patterns and a general organization of images and concepts in the collection under the bag-of- features ...


Interaction pattern analysis in cMOOCs based on the connectivist interaction and engagement framework

Interaction pattern analysis in cMOOCs based on the connectivist interaction and engagement framework

... Many researchers and learners who are interested in connectivism have experience as partici- pants in MOOCs learning using this relatively new pedagogy. Other researchers have worked with the introduction of change and ...


Maintaining distances with the engineer: patterns of coexistence in plant communities beyond the patch-bare dichotomy

Maintaining distances with the engineer: patterns of coexistence in plant communities beyond the patch-bare dichotomy

... point pattern analysis can help to infer the ecological mechanisms underlying the spatial structures within the community (Mcintire & Fajardo, 2009; Brown etal, ...point pattern perspective may ...


Gramática y diccionario : las construcciones con se en las entradas verbales del diccionario de español como lengua extranjera

Gramática y diccionario : las construcciones con se en las entradas verbales del diccionario de español como lengua extranjera

... Nosotros elegiremos la descripción que permite el Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) , que es una metodología para analizar el corpus de una manera sistemática, porque en las pri[r] ...


Analysis and simulation of social unrest in Europe  Towards understanding social unrest in Europe

Analysis and simulation of social unrest in Europe Towards understanding social unrest in Europe

... The main object of this study was to discover the relation with variables available in Eurostat and discover the pattern of those protests around Europe. Ordinary Least Squared Method and Spatial point ...


How does precipitation pattern affect annual tree growth? A multi year data analysis a case study of semi arid Yatir Forest, Israel

How does precipitation pattern affect annual tree growth? A multi year data analysis a case study of semi arid Yatir Forest, Israel

... precipitation pattern analysis has been done based on monthly seasonal precipitation and precipitation storm pattern of a ...storm pattern (amount and frequency) in a HY, frequency and ...


Clasificación grupal de estados cognoscitivos en imágenes de resonancia magnética funcional con base en un Modelo de Kernel Gaussiano

Clasificación grupal de estados cognoscitivos en imágenes de resonancia magnética funcional con base en un Modelo de Kernel Gaussiano

... El algoritmo propuesto se incrustará en la fase de clasificación de la metodología de Multi- Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA). La idea es que este nuevo algoritmo, al que denomi[r] ...


La lectura de Fitting the Pattern en el aula

La lectura de Fitting the Pattern en el aula

... La obra de narrativa digital creada en el 2008 y modificada en el 2009 por Chris- tine Wilks es una obra interactiva, animada, producida en Flash (programa que ya no se comercializa pero con el que podemos seguir ...


Pattern formation in clonal plants

Pattern formation in clonal plants

... In this section we show the numerical validation of the analytical results derived in Sec. 2.2 as well as the analogy between the bifurcation diagram of Eq. (19) and the one of the ABD model. In particular, on one side ...


Análisis espacial y patrones de asentamiento en el bajo río San Jorge (Caribe colombiano)

Análisis espacial y patrones de asentamiento en el bajo río San Jorge (Caribe colombiano)

... Abstract. In this paper asks how places were distributed living spaces, ields for agriculture and hydraulic control in the old course of the lower river San Jorge (Colombian Caribbean), The spatial analysis allows ...


Computer simulation of an excess proton in aqueous systems

Computer simulation of an excess proton in aqueous systems

... input pattern of this training set would be applied to the input units and then it would be propagated ...The pattern of the activation arriving at the output layer would be compared with the correct ...


Anàlisi de la naturalesa de les estructures coherents en l'estela llunyana d'un cilindre.

Anàlisi de la naturalesa de les estructures coherents en l'estela llunyana d'un cilindre.

... The pattern recognition analysis of simultaneous temperature and velocity measurements made in the horizontal (homogeneous) plane in the far region of plane turbulent wake generated by a[r] ...


Domestic urban water rate structure and water prices in Mallorca, Mallorca, Balearic Islands

Domestic urban water rate structure and water prices in Mallorca, Mallorca, Balearic Islands

... Hypotheses are formulated as an outcome of this exploratory study of urban water rate structure, water prices for domestic end users and the institutional framework. The first hypothesis is that water prices and water ...


Morphological convergence in the inter holdfast coalescence process among kelp and kelp like seaweeds (Lessonia, Macrocystis, Durvillaea)

Morphological convergence in the inter holdfast coalescence process among kelp and kelp like seaweeds (Lessonia, Macrocystis, Durvillaea)

... Comparative analyses of coalescence among red and brown macroalgae showed some equivalent processes, including the modification of cell walls, and the establish­ ment of secondary connections between cells derived from ...


Dynamic subjectivity: implementation issues and computational reflection

Dynamic subjectivity: implementation issues and computational reflection

... In this work we analyze different approaches to provide support for DS in the context of the Smalltalk environment. The analysis evaluates the flexibility and extendibility that these DS approaches provide. It ...


Chilling dependent release of seed and bud dormancy in peach associates to common changes in gene expression

Chilling dependent release of seed and bud dormancy in peach associates to common changes in gene expression

... A systematic analysis of metabolites was performed in stratified embryos. We found several intermediate metabolites of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway accumulating in embryos stratified for 7 and 9 weeks. ...


Automated Measurement Procedure for the Calibration of Planar Active Arrays

Automated Measurement Procedure for the Calibration of Planar Active Arrays

... For the S coupling parameter test, it was applied a carefully measurement campaign to the radiating element’s ports of the antenna array. The S coupling measured parameters were used in the simulation with the Pozar’s ...


Thorax, pelvis and hip pattern in the frontal plane during walking in unilateral transtibial amputees: biomechanical analysis.

Thorax, pelvis and hip pattern in the frontal plane during walking in unilateral transtibial amputees: biomechanical analysis.

... Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ...Single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni’s adjustment a posteriori tests were used to compare the sound side, prosthetic side, right control ...


Building an Index of Nanomedical Resources: An Automatic Approach based on Text Mining

Building an Index of Nanomedical Resources: An Automatic Approach based on Text Mining

... To address the automated creation of a nanomedical index, we propose a method based on automated text analysis using pattern matching techniques. This method has.. been previously appli[r] ...


Long-term spatial pattern change in a semi-arid plant community: The role of climate and composition

Long-term spatial pattern change in a semi-arid plant community: The role of climate and composition

... Our study system is particularly suited to this analysis. The recorded data (maps of the location and size of individual plants within plots throughout the study period) enable us to examine changes in spatial ...


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