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Philosophy of Science

Ladyman, James (2002) Understanding the Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge.

Ladyman, James (2002) Understanding the Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge.

... role of psychological and sociological factors in disposing scientists to adopt or a reject a particular ...end of his or her career who already holds a professor- ship has more freedom to indulge in ...


Philosophy of science in an age of Neo-Darwinian apologetics

Philosophy of science in an age of Neo-Darwinian apologetics

... view of science from its (unproven) epistemo- logical ...generation of theologically inspired scientists trained mainly not in Darwin’s own field studies and natural history, but chemistry, ...




... ejemplo, Philosophy of Science, British Journal for Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of the Social Sciences–, el espacio dedicado a la discusión de la(s) ...


Toward a philosophy of biotechnology: An essay

Toward a philosophy of biotechnology: An essay

... line of argumentation). According to Quintanilla, knowledge of any kind must fall into one of four categories: tacit practical, explicit practical, tacit des- criptive, or explicit ...


Why Teach History of Economic Thought Today?

Why Teach History of Economic Thought Today?

... part of the time HET has existed as a subdiscipline on its own right, it has been identified as a refuge for heterodox economics (Blaug, 2001: ...misunderstanding of theorizing and of course from ...


The Science of Macroeconomics

The Science of Macroeconomics

... Bureau of Labor Statis- tics computes the unemployment rate and many other statistics that economists and policymakers use to monitor developments in the labor ...survey of about 60,000 ...one of ...


Philosophy of Education: contemporary critical issues

Philosophy of Education: contemporary critical issues

... importance of critical skills, Carr refers to an example used by Peters, that remains pertinent ...development of the whole ...kind of ‘development’?) and that we must be more precise with the ...


A first encounter: French environmental philosophy from an anglo-american perspective

A first encounter: French environmental philosophy from an anglo-american perspective

... point of hindsight, the first French sortie into envi- ronmental philosophy, Serres’ Le contrat naturel was both two decades behind Anglophone environmental philosophy and two decades ahead of ...


Some contributions of philosophy to education

Some contributions of philosophy to education

... sense of information is incapable of expressing all our educational aims with respect to ...piece of information is to be able to mobilize it apart from, its rote-neighbors and out of its ...


Cliometrics : a market account of a scientific community, 1957-2005

Cliometrics : a market account of a scientific community, 1957-2005

... relationships of cliometricians with other communities inside and outside economics, and the role of politics, power an authority is still ...sociology of science. Clearly, this article just ...


A genealogy of post-truth: philosophy, affects, technology

A genealogy of post-truth: philosophy, affects, technology

... One of the arguments that supports this idea is the so-called «silo effect» that describes how Internet users tend to inhabit networked communities where all members belong to the same moral tribe (see Sunstein ...


Event As A Concept Of Philosophy And Narratology

Event As A Concept Of Philosophy And Narratology

... criterion of homogeneity can be better understood through the principle of correlation of quantitative and qualitative changes (Hegel, ...limits of quantitative changes the same quality can be ...


TítuloTowarts a computer science program: adventures of a mathematician in the world of informatics

TítuloTowarts a computer science program: adventures of a mathematician in the world of informatics

... most of our students will be hired by industry, ...start of the or a new curriculum, which should be open to easy modifications; make the program central, not the individual courses (and ...


Bioética y multiculturalismo: políticas públicas en España (1978-2013). El "hecho cultural" ante la revolución biotecnológica

Bioética y multiculturalismo: políticas públicas en España (1978-2013). El "hecho cultural" ante la revolución biotecnológica

... boundaries of the community of the commonly protected were steadily expanded” and the story of America became the story of an ever more inclusive ...rights of all its citizens, and made ...


Abraham Maslow, las nececidades humanas y su relación con los cuidadores profesionales

Abraham Maslow, las nececidades humanas y su relación con los cuidadores profesionales

... Esta teoría tuvo importantes defensores como también destacados detractores. En contraposición, Manfred Max-Neef estableció el problema de la piramidalidad social, llevando la jerarquización de las necesidades a la ...


Philosophy and Its Relation to Religion and Arts

Philosophy and Its Relation to Religion and Arts

... lack of coincidence between philosophy and reli- gion on the basis of criticism of the first and non-criticism of the second? It ismost likely also to be ...guaranteeing of the ...


La naturaleza de la biología una visión de la biología a través de una lente filosófica

La naturaleza de la biología una visión de la biología a través de una lente filosófica

... – “. . . Mendel’s discovery of the laws heredity, . . . could not at that time (or ever?) have been deduced from molecular biology, but which have since been explained in those terms.” (p. vi) – We have learned ...


El cuidado humanizado y la percepción del paciente en el Hospital EsSalud Huacho. Octubre de 2010

El cuidado humanizado y la percepción del paciente en el Hospital EsSalud Huacho. Octubre de 2010

... The Philosophy and Science of Caring, Watson rescata los comportamientos que conforman cada categoría de cuidado así como su significado a la luz de la Teoría del Cuidado Humano (4): Categoría ...


Philosophy of Social Science. The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought.

Philosophy of Social Science. The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought.

... Este Philosophy of Social Science trata de bu- cear, precisamente, en ese conjunto de relacio- nes posibles que se mantienen entre la socio- logía y la ...tions of the Three Sociologies (Ted ...


TítuloContemporary perspectives in philosophy and methodology of science

TítuloContemporary perspectives in philosophy and methodology of science

... understanding of determinism is clearly restricted to isolated systems, that is, determinism is only defined for such ...evolution of a physical system and put bluntly, the very last thing human beings are, ...


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