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political and social thought

Hannah Arendt´s political thought: notes on revolution, promise and political foundation

Hannah Arendt´s political thought: notes on revolution, promise and political foundation

... y durante los primeros años ochenta lleva aparejado cierto desencantamiento con las lecturas en clave marxista, donde nuevas preguntas surgen con fuerza mientras que viejas cuestiones se hacen más difusas. Así, cierta ...


Suárez in Eighteenth Century British political thought. Burke’s political thought and Suárez’s inheritance / Suárez en el pensamiento político inglés del siglo dieciocho. El pensamiento político de Burke y la herencia de Suárez

Suárez in Eighteenth Century British political thought. Burke’s political thought and Suárez’s inheritance / Suárez en el pensamiento político inglés del siglo dieciocho. El pensamiento político de Burke y la herencia de Suárez

... sovereignty and subjection are ideas which cannot ...away and retain the same thing is altogether ...power and right of always dissolving the social union; which power, however, if it exists, ...


The modern scientific revolution and its impact on 17th century German political legal thought: Johannes Althusius (1563 1638) and Samuel Pufendorf (1634 1694)

The modern scientific revolution and its impact on 17th century German political legal thought: Johannes Althusius (1563 1638) and Samuel Pufendorf (1634 1694)

... índices de libros prohibidos de la Sacra Congregación romana para la Defensa de la Fe (Bujanda, 2002: 429) y el tribunal de la Santa Inquisición Española (Pérez Godoy, 2016). En este escenario concluyen Palladini y ...


Concepts and historical contexts in liberalism's intellectual debates: a study of John Stuart Mill's moral and political thought

Concepts and historical contexts in liberalism's intellectual debates: a study of John Stuart Mill's moral and political thought

... argument and the dichotomies of equilibrium/movement, coexistence/succession, stability/progress and social statics/social ...permanence and progression equally belong to that ...of ...


The Ethical Pathways of Political Power in Modern Thought

The Ethical Pathways of Political Power in Modern Thought

... Pero como había dicho, la ciencia política cambió de significado con la Ilustración. A partir de entonces la palabra “ciencia” significa exactitud de medición y posibilidad de dominio sobre el futuro me- diante la ...


Critical anthropological thought and the radical political imaginary today

Critical anthropological thought and the radical political imaginary today

... The social imperative points to new realities that have begun to emerge as the capitalist modern assemblage that has been expanding, governing and colonizing the planet for the last centuries has started to ...


The assumptions of political and legal thought of Jürgen Habermas

The assumptions of political and legal thought of Jürgen Habermas

... poder social y mantener dominados al capitalismo y a los medios de ...poder social: Habermas entiende que puede posibilitar la formación del poder comuni- cativo, pero también puede ...“poder social ...


Euphemism and Political Propaganda

Euphemism and Political Propaganda

... En la lengua, y más en el ámbito político, casi no hay palabras neutras, unas tienen connotaciones favorables (eufemismos) y otras desfavorables (malfemismos) y en ese contexto la elec[r] ...


Social and political role of ulema in Al-AndalusPapel social y politico de los ulemas en Al-Andalus

Social and political role of ulema in Al-AndalusPapel social y politico de los ulemas en Al-Andalus

... Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages: comparative perspectives on social and cultural formation, Princeton 1979, (en línea) ...


Philosophy of Social Science. The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought.

Philosophy of Social Science. The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought.

... cristalizó en una disciplina independiente. Sin embargo, la racionalización de los procesos sociales que pretendía la sociología siempre exigía de un pensamiento «de fondo», de una «teoría» comprehensiva y, además, de ...


The social market economy : relationship with christian social thought and implications for the latin american case

The social market economy : relationship with christian social thought and implications for the latin american case

... Pertanto, recuperare la tradizione degli universali procedurali, le regole minime di funzionamento della democrazia rappresentativa così come codificate dalla scienza politica più avvert[r] ...


Subjetividades, pensamiento e Investigación// Subjectivities, thought and Research.

Subjetividades, pensamiento e Investigación// Subjectivities, thought and Research.

... la sociedad. Editorial GEDISA, biblioteca de educación. 1ª. Edición. Bernal, C. 2006. Metodología de la Investigación. Pearson Educación. 2ª Edición. Duran, E. (2001). Las creencias de los profesores: un campo para ...


Political communication and social movements in Spain: from15M to Podemos

Political communication and social movements in Spain: from15M to Podemos

... red social decrece una vez pasadas las elecciones, aunque no de forma tan acusada como los demás ...red social provoca que la candidata no esté añadida en listas, salvo en el último periodo analizado, que ...


Political Communication and campaigning

Political Communication and campaigning

... A final exam where the student must be able to demonstrate both their knowledge of the subject assigned as competition in this field, and the ability to manage information, analysis and synthesis. To do so, ...


Second Language Production and Its Influence on Thought and Personality

Second Language Production and Its Influence on Thought and Personality

... realised and transformed in communicative ...meaning and affirms that studying culture means to study ideas, feelings and experiences and the way in which these elements are made public, ...


Care and social suffering: nursing within contexts of political violence

Care and social suffering: nursing within contexts of political violence

... sofrimento social, como perspectiva que amplia o horizonte do cuidado neste contexto, depois se revisam os elementos que caracterizam as perspectivas e domínios da enfermagem e as possibilidades que brindam as ...


Social Elites and Political Elites in Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1880-1930

Social Elites and Political Elites in Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1880-1930

... capital social ofre- cido por vínculos familiares que no volverían necesaria la ocupación de cargos para tener contactos con el poder; la recomposición social de la clase política), el hecho de que la ...


Literature, political violence and education

Literature, political violence and education

... literature and political violence, and literature, political violence and ...databases and university repositories, continues with its reading and signing and ends ...


Sex, democracy and political power

Sex, democracy and political power

... En el pensamiento de la diferencia sexual subyace la idea de que las mujeres no son tanto un colectivo oprimido como ‘otro’ colectivo diferente del que forman los varones como género. Por el contrario, el pensamiento de ...


Political contributions, subsidy and mergers

Political contributions, subsidy and mergers

... the political contributions approach. Domestic firms offer political contributions to the government, that are tied to the government’s policy ...contributions and aggregate social ...Bernheim ...


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