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Post Graduate

Quality assurance of Post-Graduate education: the case of CAPES, the Brazilian agency for support and evaluation of Graduate education

Quality assurance of Post-Graduate education: the case of CAPES, the Brazilian agency for support and evaluation of Graduate education

... The Brazilian higher education system is entirely new. By the middle of last century, Brazil had only a few universities. The Federal University of Paraná (UFPr) was created in 1912. The University of São Paulo and ...


Revisiting the biographical perspective in education: a case study of post-graduate course syllabus-based training in Argentina

Revisiting the biographical perspective in education: a case study of post-graduate course syllabus-based training in Argentina

... KEYWORDS Biographical perspective, post-graduate teaching, methodologi- cal training, Argentina. Introducción En las ciencias sociales, la utilización de la perspectiva biográfica constituye un enfoque que ...


App in colaborative work: evaluation in post-graduate students of health services management

App in colaborative work: evaluation in post-graduate students of health services management

... Introduction. Technology offers a different approach regarding learning abilities and the activities that students engage in using communication tools such as WhatsApp. Objective. To describe the assessment of the ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... Como hemos dicho, hay influencias españolas, sobre todo en la música del Pacífico, en ritmos como el currulao donde predomina los tambores, el bambuco, pasillo, gu[r] ...


The integration of project competences within the post-graduate programme: a case study of the International Masters in Rural Development AGRIS MUNDUS

The integration of project competences within the post-graduate programme: a case study of the International Masters in Rural Development AGRIS MUNDUS

... On acceptance of the application, the AM sends a form summarizing the information required in order to continue with the registration procedure and begin the process of verification and[r] ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... Este fraile del siglo XVI realizó una importante aportación a través de su obra y de sus acciones que sirvieron a posteriori para conocer más acerca de la historia de la Nueva Españ[r] ...


Luis Fernando Gómez, MD MPH. Current Position: Post-graduate Researcher. FUNDACION FES SOCIAL

Luis Fernando Gómez, MD MPH. Current Position: Post-graduate Researcher. FUNDACION FES SOCIAL

... Luis Gómez; Olga Lucia Sarmiento; Diana Parra; Thomas Schmid; Enrique Jacoby; Robert Cervero; Michael Pratt; Andrea Neiman; Candance Rutt, Janeth Mosquera; José David Pinzón; Maurici[r] ...


aron A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

aron A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... En tercer y último lugar, repasaremos dos figuras importantes para la historiografía de Indias, tanto por sus acciones como por sus escritos: Cristóbal Colón y Hernán Cortés.[r] ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... Palabras clave: América; Hispanoamérica; Latinoamérica; cultura maya; Imperio Azteca; Imperio Inca; Cristóbal Colón; Hernán Cortés; Moctezuma; México; Francisco Pizarro[r] ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... Así pues, Pachacutec fue el Inca que comenzó el período expansionista, y fue el que mandó construir los más gloriosos edificios de la ciudad de Cuzco, quedando estable[r] ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... La independencia de las trece colonias británicas que se concluyó en el año 1783, y que dio como resultado la nueva nación llamada los Estados Unidos de América, también [r] ...


A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

A Gateway to all Post Graduate Courses

... Pero no sólo hay carne en la cocina argentina, sino que también tiene otro tipo de platos estrella, como vegetales, salsas y empanadas, tanto de carne como de pescado, y mucha comid[r] ...


Las complicaciones pulmonares post-operatorias y post-traumáticas

Las complicaciones pulmonares post-operatorias y post-traumáticas

... Como cirujamos de la era técnica, puramente objetiva y morfológica de la cirugía, no tendríamos voz ni voto para emitir conceptos sobre fatología pulmonar. El médico internista, única autoridad, y nada digamos el ...


Students' perception regarding their B.A. in english language graduate profile

Students' perception regarding their B.A. in english language graduate profile

... These skills are believed to be integrated within the classes taught in this school. Yet providing students with technical and transferable skills may take longer than determining whether or not they have these skills. ...


Capitalismo de chupacabras en una era  post-política y post-migratoria

Capitalismo de chupacabras en una era post-política y post-migratoria

... tiempo que las necesidades básicas de la vida son producidas cada vez más en contextos industriales altamente dependientes de la tecnología con cada vez menos necesidades laborales, y el ideal de ventaja competitiva y ...




... Un procedimiento metodológico para la formación inicial del profesional de la Educación Primaria para la atención educativa a los escolares con retardo en el desarrollo psíquico es un[r] ...


Information science courses and the graduate job context in Spain

Information science courses and the graduate job context in Spain

... LIS graduate work experience are: meat industries, oil (petroleum) firms, building firms, transport organizations, engineering firms, shipping firms, aeronautic firms, photography, and so ...


Estatuts de la Fundació Barcelona Graduate School of Economics [2009 text no oficial]

Estatuts de la Fundació Barcelona Graduate School of Economics [2009 text no oficial]

... e) Un patró, que tindrà la consideració de President d’Honor de la Fundació, i que serà escollit per la resta de patrons d’acord amb el que estableix l’article [r] ...


Aspects that Employers Value when Hiring a Graduate of Higher Education

Aspects that Employers Value when Hiring a Graduate of Higher Education

... ABSTRACT. One of the purposes of universities, together with scientific, technical and cultu- ral development, is to train the professionals that society requires. The aim of this study was to identify the aspects that ...


Students’ Perceptions Regarding their B.A. in English Language Graduate Profile

Students’ Perceptions Regarding their B.A. in English Language Graduate Profile

... This paper examines the perception undergraduate students have, regarding the attributes they have developed in terms of transferable and communicative skills. The goal was to shed light on how undergraduate students, in ...


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