Power quality
Power Quality
... of power electronics that are quite sensitive to power quality (PQ) disturbances in the supply ...the quality of electricity that is provided by a grid operator has to comply with reference ...
Time-Frequency Transforms for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances
... usual power quality disturbances have been considered, sags, interruptions (int), swells, oscillatory transients (OT), harmonics (harm) and signals considered as normal voltage ...
A Decision Tree and S-Transform Based Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Classification
... usual power quality disturbances have been considered such as sags, interruptions (Int), swells, oscillatory transients (OT) and harmonics (Harm) moreover signals considered as normal voltage (Normal), ...
Power quality measurements and operating characteristics of electric arc furnaces
... The results presented in the first part of this paper tend to analyze the behaviour and the operating characteristics of the electrical arc furnace. In the next section, some power quality quantities will ...
Economic assessment of the impact of electricity storage on power quality in distribution systems
... its quality at the same point it is generated and while its being transmitted ...The quality of the electrical service can be divided in two main aspects: the quality of customer service or ...
Power quality measurements in a steel industry with electric arc furnaces
... kV. Power quality measurements were made at 132 kV (point 1) and in the measuring transformers on the primary side of the arc furnace transformer (point ...
Comprehensive control for unified power quality conditioners
... constant DC voltage in the device compensating for all losses. So far, the controllers proposed for UPQCs have always relied on a fixed grid frequency but, nowadays, the interest in using the UPQC for microgrids (even in ...
Modelling and power quality Assessment of an electrolytic cleaning line in the steel making industry
... César Suárez was born in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico in 1992. He received his B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering from the Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in June 2014, ...
Hybrid power filter to enhance power quality in a medium-voltage distribution network
... reactive power and harmonics in a standard medium-voltage (MV) distribution ...enhance power quality when a particular connection to the high-voltage transmission network is ...a power ...
Power quality in the Argentine competitive market . Five years of control experience
... : SAIFI (Frecuenc ia Med ia de in terrupc ión en e l S is tema) [Sys tem Average In terrup t ion Frequency Index] and CAIDI (Durac ión med ia de In terrupc ión por Usuar io) [Cus to[r] ...
Frequency control of hybrid wind-hydro power plants with long conduits in isolated power systems
... electrical power grids around the ...the power grid (especially in locations with ambitious climate-change policies), while at the same time it helps decrease carbon emissions by reducing the transmission ...
Power Point
... • La no emisión de energía por el giro de los electrones (se sabía que al girar partículas cargadas, éstas deberían emitir energía en forma de radiación electromagnética, lo que conduc[r] ...
Green Power
... El éxito del modelo de negocios de GreenPower se fundamenta en la diferenciación por la innovación, que surge de su profundo conocimiento de tecnologías electrónicas avan- zadas. Además [r] ...
Power Point.
... c) Igualmente, si el último orbital es “s” será un metal alcalino o alcalino-térreo y por lo tanto poco electronegativo; sin embargo si el último orbital es “p” podrá ser metal o no[r] ...
Power stretch
... Los criterios para escoger la plataforma fueron la libertad de diseño del sitio Web, la disponibilidad y eficacia del soporte técnico. Por otro lado, fue importante evitar la compra e instalación de algún software, al ...