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Private university

An application of discrete time survival models to analyze student dropouts at a private university in Peru

An application of discrete time survival models to analyze student dropouts at a private university in Peru

... Discrete-time survival models are discussed and applied to the study of which factors are associated with student dropouts at a private university in Lima, Per´ u. We studied the characteristics of 26, 790 ...


The role of English Tutors at San Juan Bautista Private University for Absolute Beginner English Students: A case study.

The role of English Tutors at San Juan Bautista Private University for Absolute Beginner English Students: A case study.

... Bautista Private University offers the same opportunities to all its entrants, it is also true that not all the students have received the same preparation for ...


Excess weight and cardiometabolic risk among faculty members at a private university of Lima: Opportunity to build healthy environments

Excess weight and cardiometabolic risk among faculty members at a private university of Lima: Opportunity to build healthy environments

... Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study developed between July and November of 2016, the participants were faculty members of a private university located in the northern area of Lima. To ...


Autoconcepto y depresión en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad privada-Self-concept and depression in undergraduate students at a private university

Autoconcepto y depresión en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad privada-Self-concept and depression in undergraduate students at a private university

... The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between self-concept and depression in undergraduate students of a private university of Tarap- oto. The sample consisted of 465 students, both sexes ...


A Public University or a Private University: What Effect does this Choice  have on the Professional Success of Graduates in Spain?

A Public University or a Private University: What Effect does this Choice have on the Professional Success of Graduates in Spain?

... a private university is far from being a random process, since the individual’s intel- lectual abilities and their ability to finance their education constitute the basic determi- nants in this decision ...


Exploring faculty reading and research behaviors in a public and a private university: case study Cuenca, Ecuador

Exploring faculty reading and research behaviors in a public and a private university: case study Cuenca, Ecuador

... a private and a public university in one town in Ecuador, yet since these universities represented the “middle of the pack” in research productivity nationally according to SCImago, some of the trends ...


The influence of extensive reading on EFL students’ motivation and vocabulary learning: A case study at a private University in Ecuador

The influence of extensive reading on EFL students’ motivation and vocabulary learning: A case study at a private University in Ecuador

... (Oxford University Press), Penguin Readers (Pearson Education Limited), and Sanyusha Rainbow Series (Sanyusha) as well as three books written for native speakers of English, Harry Potter IV, Harry Potter V, and ...


Why choose an english career path?:  type of motivation of three freshmen students of an english teaching program at a chilean private university

Why choose an english career path?: type of motivation of three freshmen students of an english teaching program at a chilean private university

... the university (see appendix 6), we asked the people working at the Educational Faculty of the university to give us the personal information, email accounts and numbers of freshmen students from the ...


TítuloEthnic identity construction in Chiapas: examining the role of higher intercultural education model

TítuloEthnic identity construction in Chiapas: examining the role of higher intercultural education model

... intercultural university could explain their high scores on ethnic identity, ethnic identity commitment and ethnic identity ...public university lacking a multicultural mission we have obtained higher ...


Teachers and Students’ Stereotypes about the Teaching and Learning of English

Teachers and Students’ Stereotypes about the Teaching and Learning of English

... The private university where the research took place offers a variety of academic programs such as Electronic, System and Mechanical Engineering, Law, Business and ...this university have obstacles ...


New Ability Invigorated by ICT and Changing Hegemony in Bringing Up Educated Humans: A Historical Reflection

New Ability Invigorated by ICT and Changing Hegemony in Bringing Up Educated Humans: A Historical Reflection

... Against these the new concept of ability’s characteristics, there have been various counter reactions. However, the most repeated is that the new concept of abilities strongly reflects the intention to build some of a ...


Student Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty in a Private Middle Eastern University

Student Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty in a Private Middle Eastern University

... a private university in one of the GCC ...the university) are of Middle Eastern descent and are categorized as English as a second language (ESL) and or English as a foreign language (EFL) ...This ...


The Archive of the University of Alcalá in relation to archives of other universities

The Archive of the University of Alcalá in relation to archives of other universities

... most university archives are not part of the library services anymore, because libraries have very different goals (study-research support versus record ...




... ● SUB SCRIP TIONS: The price of subscriptions for FOUR issues of the Revista Alican tina de Estudios Ingleses is as follows: (1) in Spain, 60€ for libraries and institutions, and 40€ for private subscribers; (2) ...


Conducting action research projects in a teacher preparation program

Conducting action research projects in a teacher preparation program

... the university mission: teaching, research, and extramural ...the University of Caldas is understood as an integral re ß ective action to be coordinated by the Unidad Formadora de Educadores (Educational ...


Lo público, lo privado y el espacio universitario  Reflexión bioética

Lo público, lo privado y el espacio universitario Reflexión bioética

... in private places, by ...The University, as an institution, without contradicting the law, regulates and requires a behavior that is consistent with its purpose, beyond the private sphere, especially ...


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