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Public higher education

Gaps in persistence under open access and tuition free public higher education policies

Gaps in persistence under open access and tuition free public higher education policies

... leaving higher education studies is ...a higher per capita income have less probability of dropping out, as well as those who have a ...times higher for the students in their first year than ...


The oppressive nature of admission tests to public higher education

The oppressive nature of admission tests to public higher education

... democratic education (Bowles & Gintis, 2011) contradict one another and reveal the anti-dialogical nature of the process of admission to public higher ...of education have no relationship ...


A Public University or a Private University: What Effect does this Choice  have on the Professional Success of Graduates in Spain?

A Public University or a Private University: What Effect does this Choice have on the Professional Success of Graduates in Spain?

... the public sector. Since the cost of education at a private uni- versity is higher than that at a public univer- sity, it could be said that private universities provide an educational ...


Integración en el contexto de la educación superior pública de Nicaragua: el nuevo modelo educativo de la UNAN Managua

Integración en el contexto de la educación superior pública de Nicaragua: el nuevo modelo educativo de la UNAN Managua

... Integración en el contexto de la educación superior pública de Nicaragua: El nuevo modelo educativo de la UNAN-Managua Integration in the context of Nicaraguan public higher education: t[r] ...


Framing the Digital Divide in Higher Education

Framing the Digital Divide in Higher Education

... in higher educa- tion, these new educational patterns, methodologies and theories have emerged both to provide education with a context in the digital era and with a new type of content and ...


Online learning and teaching in higher education

Online learning and teaching in higher education

... in higher education" provides a very interesting overview of theory and practice in online learning and teaching for higher ...in higher education policy and ...


Multiliteracy and Social Networks in Higher Education

Multiliteracy and Social Networks in Higher Education

... Web, higher education needs to reconsider its role and status in these new ways of creating and disseminating knowledge beyond its traditional boundaries, since the dialogical and distributed nature of the ...


La educación superior desde la teoría de los bienes públicos: ¿con o sin ánimo de lucro?

La educación superior desde la teoría de los bienes públicos: ¿con o sin ánimo de lucro?

... the public assets theory, where the marginal cost of supplying a good to more people is high, and where the exclusion is possible, it is so called “private assets” supplied by the ...in education as assets ...


Digital Scientific Technological Training in Higher Education

Digital Scientific Technological Training in Higher Education

... university education to review its role and the function it has fulfilled and ought to fulfil in the network society, where the production, dis- tribution and application of knowledge – ever more virtual – has ...


Planning, Designing and Managing Higher Education Institutions

Planning, Designing and Managing Higher Education Institutions

... us analyse and measure the major forces that shape the future. These megatrends are important to understand since they fundamentally influence returns on investment. If in fact the space in a university is configured at ...


Do Colombian students underestimate higher education returns?

Do Colombian students underestimate higher education returns?

... on. Education is not an ...that education also generates many experiences and affects various dimensions of skill that, in turn, affect central aspects of individuals’ lives both inside and outside the ...


Wikis supporting research workshops in higher education

Wikis supporting research workshops in higher education

... There are almost three thousand personal computers connected at the local Intranet at UCLV, with a similar speed to the other CESs in the country (100 Mbps). It means an improvement of the services, sustained on the fast ...


Origen social y sobreeducacin en los universitarios espaoles: es meritocrtico el acceso a la clase de servicio?

Origen social y sobreeducacin en los universitarios espaoles: es meritocrtico el acceso a la clase de servicio?

... over- education in the scientific-technical-health- care branches and in the social sciences- humanities ...with higher mean grades (outstanding/ho- nors) are seven times more likely to access qualified ...


Higher education policy, graduate taxes and wealth distribution

Higher education policy, graduate taxes and wealth distribution

... free higher education financed by a graduate tax in ...the higher end, with only a minor decrease in aggregate ...a higher proportion of population gradu- ated from higher ...in ...


An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Perú

An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Perú

... Educación Superior en America Latina: elementos para un enfoque comparativo (Higher Education in Latin America: elements for a comparative approach).. The systems are facing common inte[r] ...


Social Origins and Over-Education of Spanish University Graduates: Is Access to the Service Class Merit-Based?

Social Origins and Over-Education of Spanish University Graduates: Is Access to the Service Class Merit-Based?

... As for the measure selected for over-edu- cation, it may be calculated in a variety of ways: objectively, statistically and subjecti- vely. All of these measures have their streng- ths and weaknesses. The subjective ...


Rethinking Higher Education in a Time of Tyranny?

Rethinking Higher Education in a Time of Tyranny?

... Sixth, another serious challenge facing educators is the need to develop both a discourse of critique and possibility. Critical analysis is necessary to break through the fog of ignorance, be able to hold power ...


Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

... in higher education is by no means only a European ...of higher education and its cost to the public and the private ...European higher education will need to demonstrate ...


e Learning as an Object of Study

e Learning as an Object of Study

... in education are not as uniform as they are in other sectors of society (Carnoy, 2004), and despite being equally as powerful, the differ- ence will remain because each reality involves a series of educational ...


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