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Price Formation and Real Estate Characteristics Residential Real Estate, Lisbon - Portugal

Price Formation and Real Estate Characteristics Residential Real Estate, Lisbon - Portugal

... on real estate multifamily residential (flats) price formation and, consequently, which should be the observations made by the real estate valuers when visiting the real properties, we ...


Alternative investiment in times of thigh volatility ad low profitability: Real Estate

Alternative investiment in times of thigh volatility ad low profitability: Real Estate

... as Real Estate, which solve properly and in its majority both problems: it is a predictable investment, so it hedges against the volatility, for example, of the stocks, and it provides high return in a ...


Implicit prices in urban real estate valuation = Precios implícitos en valoración inmobiliaria urbana

Implicit prices in urban real estate valuation = Precios implícitos en valoración inmobiliaria urbana

... the real estate market it is not straightforward to define a set of patters, to define a training strategy, but it is possible to have quite large sample size of data, so there are no practical problems in ...


La introducción del real estate en el asset allocation estratégico y táctico de banca privada : evidencia del caso español

La introducción del real estate en el asset allocation estratégico y táctico de banca privada : evidencia del caso español

... el Real Estate muestra respecto al resto de valores, se intenta demostrar la “relación” que este tiene con el resto de variedades que puede haber dentro de una ...el Real Estate en una ...


Análise da possível expansão internacional de empresas brasileiras de real estate residencial para o mercado costarriquenho, uma abordagem SWOT

Análise da possível expansão internacional de empresas brasileiras de real estate residencial para o mercado costarriquenho, uma abordagem SWOT

... As atuais economias globalizadas, os modernos sistemas de informação e as características intrínsecas do setor residencial propiciam um ambiente favorável para que empresas de real estate saiam de suas ...


The impact of commercial sidewalk use on real estate prices in México City

The impact of commercial sidewalk use on real estate prices in México City

... of real estate prices for all uses (commercial, residential, office, ...online real estate listings, the cadastral value, and appraisals from the Sociedad Hipotecaria ...


Transdisciplinariedad valuatoria. Hacia una construcción sistémica para la valuación inmobiliaria / Valuable transdisciplinarity. Towards a systemic construction for real estate valuation

Transdisciplinariedad valuatoria. Hacia una construcción sistémica para la valuación inmobiliaria / Valuable transdisciplinarity. Towards a systemic construction for real estate valuation

... The real estate market and the valuation of goods is no stranger to this phenomenon, because the possession of these goods is focused on that aspect, therefore, their acquisition becomes a pleasure, in ...


Energy efficient real estate or how it is perceived by potential homebuyers in four latin american countries

Energy efficient real estate or how it is perceived by potential homebuyers in four latin american countries

... the real estate market indicate their willingness to undertake actions to incorporate sustainable construction, but they claim that they rely on other actors to make a prior action, generating a spiral of ...


Modern system of taxation of real estate objects

Modern system of taxation of real estate objects

... Taxation as a means of generating the main income of the state is an integral part of the functioning of any country, and, speaking of a particular tax structure, the term “taxation system” is used, which is understood ...


Valoración de real estate a través de opciones reales

Valoración de real estate a través de opciones reales

... (Real Estate Development, Highest and Best Use and Real Options), La construcción de Opciones Reales dentro de una oportunidad de inversión es preferible si el valor presente es mayor que realizar ...


Analysis of the investment activities of Spanish financial institutions in the real estate market 2004   2015

Analysis of the investment activities of Spanish financial institutions in the real estate market 2004 2015

... the real-estate / construction sector, excessive consumption, financing by credits and low productivity are some of the main contributing factors that have caused the Spanish financial crisis and when ...


Estado del arte sobre el modelo de inversión inmobiliaria Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

Estado del arte sobre el modelo de inversión inmobiliaria Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

... (Real Estate Investment Trust), empresas que normalmente cotizan en bolsa con el fin de captar inversión y destinar estos recursos a la compra y alquiler de viviendas o ...


Análisis y situación actual del Real Estate de centros comerciales en México

Análisis y situación actual del Real Estate de centros comerciales en México

... Por lo anterior a lo largo de nuestra investigación abordaremos varios temas importantes relacionados con los riesgos que presenta esta industria, los métodos de valuación de este tipo d[r] ...


View of Tourism, valuation of cultural capital and real estate speculation of world heritage cities, the case of san Luis Potosí

View of Tourism, valuation of cultural capital and real estate speculation of world heritage cities, the case of san Luis Potosí

... Sin embargo, el turismo cultural se apoya en una gran diversidad de bienes y expresiones que atraen visitantes a las ciudades patrimonio mundial, pero ya no sol[r] ...


The Scandal Of Bankruptcies In The Real Estate: The Royal Boxes of Oruro and Carangas, 1784-1804

The Scandal Of Bankruptcies In The Real Estate: The Royal Boxes of Oruro and Carangas, 1784-1804

... A fines del siglo el descontrol de estas dos Cajas era público y notorio, de manera que no se trataba de percepciones distintas sobre el concepto corrupción o sobre el conocido en la actualidad por tráfico de ...


Modelo para la gestión de la innovación tecnológica en el sector inmobiliario Management model for technological innovation in real estate

Modelo para la gestión de la innovación tecnológica en el sector inmobiliario Management model for technological innovation in real estate

... There has not been implemented, in Mexico, a model for the management of technological innovation, which refers to the creation or modification of a product or process in a practical way that is useful to generate ...


COVID-19 estrategias de regreso al lugar de trabajo

COVID-19 estrategias de regreso al lugar de trabajo

... A mid-April Deloitte survey of 100 senior FSI executives with responsibility for crisis management and business continuity planning revealed that at least half of respondent firms are developing COVID-19 operational ...


Analysis of the results of cadastral valuation of buildings, premises, construction in progress and parking spaces for 2018 in the Krasnodar territory

Analysis of the results of cadastral valuation of buildings, premises, construction in progress and parking spaces for 2018 in the Krasnodar territory

... of real estate object, whether it is a land plot or an object of incomplete construction, and each approach is designed for the maximum approximation between the cadastral and market value, since it is ...


Housing plans and urban rehabilitation in Spain, 1992-2012

Housing plans and urban rehabilitation in Spain, 1992-2012

... the real estate production, both free-market or state-subsidised housing, allows to estimate their level of implementation and the type of policy that these supposed with respect to the moments of the ...


Crisis financiera 2007-2009. Cómo la burbuja inmobiliaria, las cuestiones de transparencia y rendición de cuentas generaron y agravaron la crisis

Crisis financiera 2007-2009. Cómo la burbuja inmobiliaria, las cuestiones de transparencia y rendición de cuentas generaron y agravaron la crisis

... This paper seeks to explain some main factors behind the Financial Crisis 2007- 2009 with a special focus on the Real Estate Bubble and Transparency and Accountabil- ity Issues in US Financial System and ...


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