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sexual behavior in adolescent

Sexual behavior in Spanish adolescents of divorced parents

Sexual behavior in Spanish adolescents of divorced parents

... children’s sexual behavior makes an investigation of these issues quite ...divorce in the sexual activity of their adolescent ...have sexual relations, more frequent ...


Gender differences on sexual behavior and school inputs: evidence from Bogota

Gender differences on sexual behavior and school inputs: evidence from Bogota

... initiate sexual life differs between boys and girls being higher for the girls since they face the risk of getting ...first sexual intercourse are less risk averse than the boys in the same situation ...


School management and sexual behavior of teenagers

School management and sexual behavior of teenagers

... survey in- terviewed adolescents between 14 to 19 years old enrolled in the last three years of high school in private and public schools in Bogota ...distributed in 205 public schools ...




... 26 In the 2016 national budget the Ministry of Health & Child Care was allocated US$ ...respectively. In present circumstances, therefore, the health-care system is heavily dependent on external ...


Adolescent pregnancy: an overview in developed and developing nations

Adolescent pregnancy: an overview in developed and developing nations

... retained in the ...increases in skinfolds and increased postpartum weight ...Gravidas in the highest quartile of the surge had infants weighing approximately 250 grams less than gravi- das in ...


Cluster a maladaptive personality patterns in a non-clinical adolescent population

Cluster a maladaptive personality patterns in a non-clinical adolescent population

... level in a population of approximately thirty-six thousand students from the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias (a region situated in northern ...


1994 Bernal et al Cognitive impairments in adolescent drug abusers

1994 Bernal et al Cognitive impairments in adolescent drug abusers

... Neuropsychological test scores were correlated with lifetime amount of cocaine used, suggesting a direct relationship be- tween abuse and cognitive impairment.. Its addictive[r] ...


Adolescent fathers and mothers in the parenting exercise

Adolescent fathers and mothers in the parenting exercise

... exclusively in education (72). Furthermore, Colombia allocates $9,45 billion COP in expenditure for adolescence and ...While in other territories 71,1% of the resources go to health affiliation, ...


Bilingual Beyond School: Students’ Language Ideologies in Bilingual Programs in South-Central Spain

Bilingual Beyond School: Students’ Language Ideologies in Bilingual Programs in South-Central Spain

... diversity in participants’ discourses seems to converge more explicitly with the dynamics of a neoliberal regime in how students construe their future mobile ...is in relation to this aspect where ...


Improving Fraud Detection Modeling

Improving Fraud Detection Modeling

... • If we choose to cancel the transaction, and finally there is fraud, we do not suffer any extra cost (we have completed satisfactorily our anti-fraud work), but if our prediction is wrong and there is actually no fraud, ...


Relación entre Ansiedad Rasgo, Sensibilidad a la Ansiedad y Síntomas de Ansiedad en Niños y Adolescentes

Relación entre Ansiedad Rasgo, Sensibilidad a la Ansiedad y Síntomas de Ansiedad en Niños y Adolescentes

... sensitivity index for children: factor structure and relatin to panic symptoms in an. adolescent sample[r] ...


Efecto de la correspondencia entre descripciones de contingencias y contingencias sobre la conducta de elección bajo paradigma de autocontrol

Efecto de la correspondencia entre descripciones de contingencias y contingencias sobre la conducta de elección bajo paradigma de autocontrol

... illustrated in the study by Binder, Dixon and Ghezzi (2000) conducted with chil- dren between the ages of 3 and 5 who had been diagnosed with attention disorder and ...self-control. In this same line, Ruiz ...


The Status Quo and Countermeasures of Chinese Residents' Outbound Tourism Behavior

The Status Quo and Countermeasures of Chinese Residents' Outbound Tourism Behavior

... collectivism. In addition, the cost-effectiveness and distance of tourist destinations are also factors that are considered by Chinese outbound ...process in China, and their fathers have their own distinct ...


Capturing user behavior in e learning environments

Capturing user behavior in e learning environments

... performs in a critic ...application in the business logics layer is performed, and this generates one or more lines in the web server log ...interfere in the correct functioning of the ...


Self-injurious behavior in portuguese adolescents

Self-injurious behavior in portuguese adolescents

... self-injurious behavior (SIB), 569 Portuguese adolescents aged 12 to 20 years completed questionnaires assessing SIB and psychopathological ...it in the previous ...functions in adolescence and this ...


Salud sexual y desarrollo de la sexualidad  de mujeres lesbianas, en edad adulta

Salud sexual y desarrollo de la sexualidad de mujeres lesbianas, en edad adulta

... marriage in the existing laws and social discrimination, manifested in a wide and varying range of practices, which go from silencing any mentioning of the marked person all the way to insulting them ...


Estudios sobre sexualidad y género: su visualización  en la revista Sexología y Sociedad

Estudios sobre sexualidad y género: su visualización en la revista Sexología y Sociedad

... transmisión sexual, educación de la sexualidad, violencia de género en particular en las relaciones de parejas, sexualidad en la tercera edad, climaterio y menopausia, y disfunción sexual de mujeres y ...


A biopsychosocial perspective of sexual behavior in older adults living with HIV: A systematic literature review

A biopsychosocial perspective of sexual behavior in older adults living with HIV: A systematic literature review

... (81.9%). In studies where participants’ sexual orientation was included– ‘‘being gay” was most prevalent among men (68,3%), while most women identified as heterosexual ...with sexual behavior ...


Consumo de alcohol e inicio de la actividad sexual en adolecentes de la institución educativa túpac amaru del Distrito del Chilca, Provincia de Huancayo, Región Junín

Consumo de alcohol e inicio de la actividad sexual en adolecentes de la institución educativa túpac amaru del Distrito del Chilca, Provincia de Huancayo, Región Junín

... DISCUSIÓN: La presente investigación realizada tuvo como objetivo general determinar la asociación que existe entre el consumo de alcohol y el inicio de la actividad sexual en adolescent[r] ...


Espacios de acción e intervención en el escenario de la explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes; Fundación Renacer, Cartagena de Indias 2011 2012: Un análisis crítico al quehacer profesional en trabajo social

Espacios de acción e intervención en el escenario de la explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes; Fundación Renacer, Cartagena de Indias 2011 2012: Un análisis crítico al quehacer profesional en trabajo social

... abuso sexual, lo cual se aclaraba despejando las dudas y haciendo hincapié en el trabajo que la fundación realiza; haciendo saber que la problemática en la que interviene es la ESCNNA; y que desde la atención ...


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