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Signal/Image Processing

An efficient and low resource static neural network architecture for signal and image processing applications

An efficient and low resource static neural network architecture for signal and image processing applications

... simple processing units called neurons that are characterized by having a natural inclination to acquire knowledge through experience, have a very high plasticity and great ...


FPGA and SoC devices applied to new trends in image/video an signal processing fiels

FPGA and SoC devices applied to new trends in image/video an signal processing fiels

... to image or speech ...for image processing applications providing acceptable application performance ...within image processing applications and details the improvement for color edge ...


Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing

Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing

... To solve these problems, Frery et al., 1997 deduced a new statistical model, the GA model, based on the product model assuming a Gamma distribution for the speckle component of multi-look SAR images and a generalized ...


Real-time speckle image processing

Real-time speckle image processing

... Lucia Isabel Passoni received a degree in electrical engineering with electronic orientation and the PhD degree, both from the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP) in 1981 and 2005, respec- tively. She has also ...


Improvement of a Parallel System for Image Processing

Improvement of a Parallel System for Image Processing

... original signal, this varia- tions are called ...digital image involves extensive mathematical ...the processing time is still the critical ...


Complex Modulation Code for Low  Resolution Modulation Devices

Complex Modulation Code for Low Resolution Modulation Devices

... (3D) image processing is also supported by electronic devices to record and display ...maximum signal bandwidth, and high signal to noise ratio ...


Images compression process in the radiological service unit as an infrastructure component in the colombian health model.

Images compression process in the radiological service unit as an infrastructure component in the colombian health model.

... The progressive scheme presents the image in multiple steps. When the image is immediately decoded, an approximation of the complete picture is obtained. Quality is progressively improving until its ...


Automatic stereoscopic video object-based watermarking using qualified significant wavelet trees

Automatic stereoscopic video object-based watermarking using qualified significant wavelet trees

... image watermarking (MIW) technique is proposed for gray- scale medical images. Aim of this work is to maintain Elec- tronic Patient Report (EPR)/DICOM data privacy and medical image integrity. Another ...


Analysis of urban land use and land cover changes: a case study in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Analysis of urban land use and land cover changes: a case study in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

... Moreover, image enhancement and composition were applied for better determination of land cover ...the image classification using the Maximum Likelihood Classifier through ...


Flood analysis in Peru using satellite image: The Summer 2017 case

Flood analysis in Peru using satellite image: The Summer 2017 case

... Abstract—At the beginning of the year 2017, different regions of Peru suffered from heavy rains mainly due to the 'El Niño' and 'La Niña' phenomena. As a result of these massive storms, several cities were affected by ...


Generalized consistent estimation in arbitrarily high dimensional signal processing

Generalized consistent estimation in arbitrarily high dimensional signal processing

... Under perfect knowledge of the source spatial signature and assuming an inÞnite number of snapshots is available in order to estimate the theoretical covariance matrix of the received observations, the Capon beamformer ...


Image and Signal Processing for Networked E-Health Applications – Ilias G. Maglogiannis

Image and Signal Processing for Networked E-Health Applications – Ilias G. Maglogiannis

... (ECG) signal represents the electrical activity produced by the heart and acquired at skin surface level and has been available from nearly the beginning of the 20th century ...the signal (usually at the ...


Stream processing to solve image search by similarity

Stream processing to solve image search by similarity

... Stream Processing platforms enables working with data in real time, which allows you to generate data analysis quickly attending to a decision- making ...similar image quickly without making costly ...


On cup anemometers signal processing for better measurements and maintenance

On cup anemometers signal processing for better measurements and maintenance

... the processing method used to extract the rotation/output frequency if the sensor and, on the other hand, turbulence of the flow and measurement errors present in the slotted wheel of the opto-electronic output ...


Retinal Image Analysis: Image Processing and Feature Extraction Oriented to the Clinical Task

Retinal Image Analysis: Image Processing and Feature Extraction Oriented to the Clinical Task

... The evaluation of the subset shown in Table and the whole set of images is shown in Table 1. From the considered metrics, Q1 is the most reliable in terms of agreement with expert assessment, evidenced by average ...


Tag detection for preventing unauthorized face image processing

Tag detection for preventing unauthorized face image processing

... In this paper we present a technology which allows the individuals that are being subject to a face processing method to express their privacy preferences through a visual code in which the information is ...


Structure analysis through multispectral image processing from a UAV

Structure analysis through multispectral image processing from a UAV

... Once the images were aligned, the multispectral image processing began. For this pro- cess, it was necessary to start by deciding the mock failures to be used and get their corre- sponding spectral ...


Signal processing algorithms for digital hearing aids

Signal processing algorithms for digital hearing aids

... sound signal is “separated” into a number of frequency bands aiming at some frequency bands, such as, for instance, the high-frequency bands or the bands that contain the speech information being more amplified ...




... (or signal) as a function of ...the signal becomes more complex (in terms of frequency content), the power spectrum resembles a more continuous function, hence, spectral density ...of signal ...


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