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Social Change

On Power and Open-ended Process of Social Change

On Power and Open-ended Process of Social Change

... economic change, rational choice institutionalist authors claim that it is possible to assess economic ...of change, as this acknowledges the fact that social processes entail social ...of ...


On power and open ended process of social change

On power and open ended process of social change

... of change, as sometimes they have brought specific concerns into the governmental agenda at different ...of change (Cuadra-Montiel, 2007a). Social change needs to be processed endogenously ...


Social change, technology and science-fiction

Social change, technology and science-fiction

... o social del que se hable en la ciencia-ficción antes de que ocurra en la realidad, normalmente acarreará con él tanto oportunidades positivas como riesgos ...


Alfabetización. Una alternativa para el cambio social/ Literacy. An alternative for social change.

Alfabetización. Una alternativa para el cambio social/ Literacy. An alternative for social change.

... marginación social, esta posición ante la vida dificultaba emprender gestiones para mejorarla y además impedía el acceso a una formación y educación básica que posibilitara una mayor comprensión de la ...


Political Communication and Social Change. Political Communication and Challenges in the Digital Age

Political Communication and Social Change. Political Communication and Challenges in the Digital Age

... A different perspective is offered by the sharing paradigm, aimed at defining a new communicative environment with overlapping and newly emerged relation- ships among social actors. Within this approach, not only ...


Evolution, Autism and Social Change: A New Feminine Theory of Evolution That Explains Autism

Evolution, Autism and Social Change: A New Feminine Theory of Evolution That Explains Autism

... this is a work of conjectures that asks you to consider the follow- ing points. a) the sudden drop in the age of puberty onset over the last 100 years (saugstad, 1989; Badcock, 1991) shows evidence of an evolutionary ...


Psychosocial construction of time and social change

Psychosocial construction of time and social change

... the social events that mark ...the social relationships in which events of individual and social importance point out moments, highlighting them according to the transformations introduced in daily ...


Social change and solidarity between women's generations

Social change and solidarity between women's generations

... Así, la última generación de mujeres mayoritariamente amas de casa, la generación de las abuelas duplica su rol de madre, primero cuidando a sus propios hijos, después a sus nietos. En cambio la primera generación de ...


Consideraciones sobre el cambio social en MéxicoReflections on social change in Mexico

Consideraciones sobre el cambio social en MéxicoReflections on social change in Mexico

... El argumento presentado en este artículo se divide en las siguientes secciones haciendo hincapié en las características de estructura y acción social, y las dimensiones materiales e ideales en tiempo y espacio ...


Parallel Paths—A comparison of CSR firms and social enterprises

Parallel Paths—A comparison of CSR firms and social enterprises

... Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the incorporation of environmental and social responsibilities into the business activity, in line with the economic responsibility that firms have traditionally ...


Summary of Diffusion Theory

Summary of Diffusion Theory

... Early adopters are vital for another reason. They become an independent test bed, ironing out the chinks and reinventing the innovation to suit mainstream needs. Fortunately early adopters are an easy audience. They ...




... climate change is unequivocal, unprecedented and anthropogenic in ...Climate change is a three-pronged global externality with environmental, socio-economic and political ...


Facilitating transitions towards adaptive governance and management in estuarine socio ecosystems: institutional analysis and action research in the Doñana region

Facilitating transitions towards adaptive governance and management in estuarine socio ecosystems: institutional analysis and action research in the Doñana region

... on social research methods must consider the following questions: Can the research be scientific? What does this mean? Do I, as a researcher, want to be scientific? These questions were critical for this research, ...


Agents of Change : diseño social, posverdad y archivo

Agents of Change : diseño social, posverdad y archivo

... AC : Otra de las características básicas de las prácticas de archivo es que tienen un carácter discriminatorio, en el sentido de que no todo puede entrar en un archivo. Los archivos son temáticos y para seleccionar los ...


Institutionalizing Delay   Climatic Change

Institutionalizing Delay Climatic Change

... climate change counter-movement? Here I argue that an efficacious approach to defining this movement is to view it as a cultural contestation between a social movement advocating restrictions on carbon ...


Change-Impact driven Agile Architecting.

Change-Impact driven Agile Architecting.

... the change by analyzing the dashboard of sonar p l a t f o r m » « B y using PLAK models and the CIA algorithm we were able to proactively determine all the impacts and to avoid this software degradation»«we took ...


Drivers, impacts, and policy options to address land use changes at multiple scales : implications of food production, rural livelihoods, and ecosystem conservation

Drivers, impacts, and policy options to address land use changes at multiple scales : implications of food production, rural livelihoods, and ecosystem conservation

... A further product of deforestation in LAC countries is its impacts on biodiversity (Achard et al., 2002; Rosa et al., 2016). Deforestation driven biodiversity losses are acute in highly biodiverse LAC forest systems ...


Cambio social: actores intencionales y procesosSocial change: intentional actors and processes

Cambio social: actores intencionales y procesosSocial change: intentional actors and processes

... cambio social reside en las acciones y omisiones de los propios ...y social en su propio derecho, en condiciones de ejercer el poder social en sus ...


Effects of Social Attitude Change on Smoking Heritability

Effects of Social Attitude Change on Smoking Heritability

... when social pressure to not smoke is relaxed over time, the pro-smoking attitude serves as a trigger for genetic influences (Kendler et ...the change that took place in Spain dur- ing the studied ...a ...




... person’s social living as well as on its social ...the social relationships but also affect the ...High social status or one can say higher social class exhibits more unethical behavior ...


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