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Spanish as a Foreign Language

Intercultural communicative competence in teaching sociocultural contents of Spanish as a foreign language  Analysis of history teachers' lesson plans

Intercultural communicative competence in teaching sociocultural contents of Spanish as a foreign language Analysis of history teachers' lesson plans

... in Spanish speaking teachers teaching sociocultural contents of Spanish as a foreign language ...course as an intercultural device in a quasi-experimental design comprising ...


The Teaching of english and spanish as a foreign language in both national and foreign Primary Schools

The Teaching of english and spanish as a foreign language in both national and foreign Primary Schools

... and Spanish as a foreign language in the first cycle of primary education in both national and foreign primary ...a foreign language are similar or different to the ones ...


Error analysis in written narratives by thai university students of elementary Spanish as foreign language

Error analysis in written narratives by thai university students of elementary Spanish as foreign language

... years Spanish as foreign language (SFL) has been the target of a steadily increasing demand in Thailand, especially in the tourism ...(some) Spanish has become much sought after in, ...


Effects of Google translate on lexical diversity: vocabulary development among learners of Spanish as a foreign language

Effects of Google translate on lexical diversity: vocabulary development among learners of Spanish as a foreign language

... in Spanish texts written with FOMT, but also finds a possible effect on lexical diversity, with slightly higher diversity among FOMT-using pupils, however without investigating whether this effect lasts over ...


How to teach spanish as a second language based on a textual progression method

How to teach spanish as a second language based on a textual progression method

... text, as well as different themes, related to the learning needs of the students in ...himself, as an autonomous being, who determines his own grammatical advance. As a practical example, the ...


Acquisition of the non generic definite article by Spanish learners of English as a foreign language

Acquisition of the non generic definite article by Spanish learners of English as a foreign language

... and, as control items, forty zero articles where the definite article was not ...coded as “0” for a correct insertion and “1” for no insertion and therefore ...labeled as missed article use in the ...


Native Language Interference in the spoken target language: A case study of there speakers of english as a foreign language

Native Language Interference in the spoken target language: A case study of there speakers of english as a foreign language

... It is important to mention that there is not big cultural background differences between the teachers A and C, because they learned English in Ecuador, the age is similar, they lived in the same city and they work in ...


The Intercultural Training of Foreign Language Teachers. The Spanish Case

The Intercultural Training of Foreign Language Teachers. The Spanish Case

... teachers as researchers (Stenhouse 1987) in action who require previous training so they can apply the relevant techniques in their analysis and conclusions about the teaching and learning processes that take ...


Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Cognitive Perspective

Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Cognitive Perspective

... río. As predicted by the degree of difficulty which led to the rearran- gement of the sentences, for this sentence every student provides a ...such as La canoa chocó contra una roca en el río are not ...


Mother tongue as an enhancer of foreign language learning

Mother tongue as an enhancer of foreign language learning

... of Spanish are present in the written productions of two groups of ...the foreign language. As stated before, if students can be more aware of the differences and similarities between both ...


Native Language Interference in the Spoken Target Language: A Case Study of three (3) Speakers of English as a Foreing Language

Native Language Interference in the Spoken Target Language: A Case Study of three (3) Speakers of English as a Foreing Language

... The language, Do you know any word in Japanese? Japanese people they have 3 different ...in Spanish? They have 3 different alphabets: Katakana, hirakana and kanyi, so each different alphabet they have a ...


Teaching the Vowels of English to Spanish Students : some suggestions

Teaching the Vowels of English to Spanish Students : some suggestions

... English as a Foreign Language within the Spanish Educational ...considered as more useful for communication purposes or easier to ...of language performance, one in which, the ...


Native language interference in learning English as a foreign language: an analysis of written material produced by spanish speaking students in Senior High school classes.

Native language interference in learning English as a foreign language: an analysis of written material produced by spanish speaking students in Senior High school classes.

... known as Language Acquisition Device ...a language is ...native language. This means that formal teaching of a language is not necessary and it can be easily seen when children start ...


El potencial de la realidad aumentada en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

El potencial de la realidad aumentada en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera

... to foreign language teaching are limited, among other things, because use of this emerging technology is still in its initial stages of development in the field of ...learning Spanish as a ...


Teaching english pronunciation to spanish native learners of english as a foreign language: acquisition, attitudes and perception

Teaching english pronunciation to spanish native learners of english as a foreign language: acquisition, attitudes and perception

... Second Language Acquisition: Past, Present Future” (1995: 79) “perceptual difficulties are not due to a loss of sensory capabilities, but rather reflect perceptual attunement to phonetic information that is ...


Young learners learning english as a foreign language through storytelling

Young learners learning english as a foreign language through storytelling

... All children worked excited, although there were some problems, because a child didn’t want to cut and he wanted to pasted the image, he became angry and said " I do nothing", in Spanish. A girl didn't ...


Open Journal Systems

Open Journal Systems

... translation, language switch), appeal for assistance and ...the language or the meaning is altered. As for the former, two types of CSs are distinguished: analytic (circumlocution, description, ...


Teaching idioms in the Russian lessons as a foreign language

Teaching idioms in the Russian lessons as a foreign language

... the number of components of the description, provide lexical synonyms of phraseological units, describe the meaning and shades of meaning, emotions and features of their use, provide gestures that accompany the ...


Training elementary school young learners on the use of communication strategies: an action research project

Training elementary school young learners on the use of communication strategies: an action research project

... interpreted as the CSs for self-correction and self- repetition were the ones used more frequently by ...found as the ones YLs already ...them as well as the ones they already have. The other ...


Think aloud to promote oral fluency

Think aloud to promote oral fluency

... Because the institution had been under a consultancy program since 2008, students were given the SLEP test in that year and they were classified into levels 1 and 2 of a total of 10 levels. As years passed, in ...


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