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Squamous cell carcinoma

Verrucous tumor mimicking squamous cell carcinoma in immunocompetent patient.

Verrucous tumor mimicking squamous cell carcinoma in immunocompetent patient.

... Mycobacteria cause a range of diseases in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed individuals. An increase in non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections targeting skin has been described. Many hypotheses have been ...


Highly invasive and poorly differentiated corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog

Highly invasive and poorly differentiated corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog

... Background: Primary corneal tumors are unusual in dogs although there has been a rise in the prevalence of canine corneal squamous cell carcinoma in the past decades due to different factors. ...


Red meat, micronutrients and oral squamous cell carcinoma of Argentine adult patients.

Red meat, micronutrients and oral squamous cell carcinoma of Argentine adult patients.

... Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) presented lesions in tongue (11; 42.0 %), palate (2; 6.3%), lip (3; 9.6%), buccal mucosa (4; 16.2%), gum (4; 16.2%) and floor of the mouth (3; 9.6%). ...


Prevalence of squamous cell carcinoma in oropharynx and its relationship with HPV genotypes

Prevalence of squamous cell carcinoma in oropharynx and its relationship with HPV genotypes

... oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in association with genotypes VM/9/7=OPNOYPZRO\THUWHWPSSVTH]PY\ZLZWLJPHSS`NLUV[`WL MATERIAL AND METHOD: An ambispective, observational, trans ]LYZL HUK ...


Update on the Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Update on the Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

... esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the prevailing histology sub- type of esophageal cancer and is distinguished by its high mortality and its geo- graphic differences in regards to its ...


Difference in EGFR expression and mean vascular density in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma

Difference in EGFR expression and mean vascular density in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma

... To evaluate the expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and mean vascular density (MVD) in normal oral mucosa (NOM), oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and oral squamous cell ...


MUCI expression and anti-MUCI serum immune response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC): A multivariate analysis

MUCI expression and anti-MUCI serum immune response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC): A multivariate analysis

... HNSCC mainly progress to adjacent tissue and nodes while distant metastasis is a late event. The ability of tumor cells to invade is an acquired and progressive phe- nomenon mediated, in many cases, by the alteration of ...


α-Tocopheryl Succinate-Based Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

α-Tocopheryl Succinate-Based Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

... ECs. Cell viability of proliferating HAEC was selectively reduced by NP-0 ...1A,B). Cell viability was reduced due to the selective induction of oxidative stress and the accumulation of ROS (Figure 2C) that ...


Expression of MMP 1 and MMP 11 in squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Expression of MMP 1 and MMP 11 in squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

... by biopsy of primary SCC of NCPS were identified be- tween 1998 and 2003. Of these, 17 fulfilled the following inclusion criteria: complete clinical record, no treatment before the initial diagnostic biopsy, and adequate ...


Nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) expression in histologically normal margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma

Nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) expression in histologically normal margins of oral squamous cell carcinoma

... The activity of Nitric Oxide Synthase 2 (NOS2) was found in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) but not in normal mucosa. Molecular changes associated to early carcinogenesis have been found in mucosa near ...


Nasal and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in a simmental bull

Nasal and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in a simmental bull

... Se expone el caso de un toro de la raza Simmental puro, de 9 años de edad, con presencia de lesiones cutáneas compatibles con Carcinoma de Células Escamosas a nivel de ojo y nariz. Se le realizó evaluación clínica ...


Infecciones por papilomavirus humanos (VPH) 16/18 en pacientes con cáncer pulmonar en México

Infecciones por papilomavirus humanos (VPH) 16/18 en pacientes con cáncer pulmonar en México

... in squamous cell carcinoma (SQC) and adenocarcinoma of the lung [6, 7] , those of zoonotic viruses such as Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus in sheep bree- ders who develop lung cancer [8] , and recently ...


Histology as Prognostic Factor in Early Stage Cervical Carcinoma  Experience in a Third Level Institution

Histology as Prognostic Factor in Early Stage Cervical Carcinoma Experience in a Third Level Institution

... Cervical carcinoma (CC) is one of the most frequent neoplasms, especially in developing ...is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), followed by adenocarcinoma (AC) and adenosquamous carcinoma ...


Caracterizacin de diagnstico tardo de cncer oral en una ciudad brasilea

Caracterizacin de diagnstico tardo de cncer oral en una ciudad brasilea

... oral squamous cell carcinoma and the possible etiological factors ...oral squamous cell carcinoma identified during clinical examination and confirmed by ...oral squamous ...


Frequency of Human papillomavirus in women attending cervical cancer screening program in Chile

Frequency of Human papillomavirus in women attending cervical cancer screening program in Chile

... control were invited to participate and they signed an in- formed consent, previously approved by Araucanía Sur Health Service Ethics Committee. A total of 985 samples from cervical scrapes (cytobrush) were collected and ...


Expresion de telomerasa, KI-67 y el Virus del  Papiloma Humano oncogénico en neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales

Expresion de telomerasa, KI-67 y el Virus del Papiloma Humano oncogénico en neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales

... Four to five serial sections (3 microns) were obtained. To detect Ki-67 expression the monoclonal antibody MIB1 (Dako, Carpinteria, CA) was used and for hTERT the 2C4 monoclonal antibody (Novus Bio, Littleton, CO). The ...


HDAC 1 and 6 modulate cell invasion and migration in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

HDAC 1 and 6 modulate cell invasion and migration in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

... regulating the motility of these cells. Thus, the HDAC 6/ER-α interaction represents a potential therapeutic target, for reducing the metastatic potential of ccRCC. Pharmacological inhibition of HDAC 6 and ERα in renal ...


Virus del papiloma humano  Actualizacin y presentacin de un caso de carcinoma esofgico asociado a VPH

Virus del papiloma humano Actualizacin y presentacin de un caso de carcinoma esofgico asociado a VPH

... rentes localizaciones del cuerpo humano; son ca- paces de infectar las células de la capa basal del epitelio, se replican y expresan en estrecha coor- dinación con el programa de diferenciación del mis- mo. El desarrollo ...


Utilidad de la determinación inmunohistoquímica de la proteína p16 en el carcinoma de lengua. Correlación con la infección por el virus del papiloma

Utilidad de la determinación inmunohistoquímica de la proteína p16 en el carcinoma de lengua. Correlación con la infección por el virus del papiloma

... En cuanto a la relación de la expresión de p16 con otras variables, en nuestro estudio, si se han observado diferencias significativas entre la inmunoexpresión de p16, el sexo (p=0.04) y la edad de los pacientes ...


Reconstrucción de defecto palatino por carcinoma epidermoide con bola adiposa de Bichat

Reconstrucción de defecto palatino por carcinoma epidermoide con bola adiposa de Bichat

... El carcinoma escamoso, epidermoide o espinocelular es la forma hística más frecuente de cáncer bucal, pues este suele originarse en un epitelio escamoso. En este caso se presentó de esa misma forma, lo cual ...


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