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temporal lobe

MEMORIA AUTOBIOGRÁFICA EN EPILEPSIA DEL LÓBULO TEMPORAL (Autobiographical memory in temporal lobe epilepsy)

MEMORIA AUTOBIOGRÁFICA EN EPILEPSIA DEL LÓBULO TEMPORAL (Autobiographical memory in temporal lobe epilepsy)

... Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a type of focal epilepsy that is mainly characterized by complex secondarily generated seizures. It is a difficult illness to control because it doesn’t respond to ...


Detection of temporal lobe epilepsy with the physiological responses to fear and anxiety

Detection of temporal lobe epilepsy with the physiological responses to fear and anxiety

... We have chosen to use the technique MEG instead of EEG because the former has more possibilities of being successful when it comes to analysing the temporal lobe, and especially the amygdala. The study made ...


Accelerated long term forgetting in resected and seizure free temporal lobe epilepsy patients

Accelerated long term forgetting in resected and seizure free temporal lobe epilepsy patients

... anterior temporal lobe and orbitofrontal cortex), whereas medial damage is ...medial temporal regions dominates the clinical profiles associated with ALF (Zeman, Butler, Muhlert, & Milton, ...


Dissociating the semantic function of two neighbouring subregions in the left lateral anterior temporal lobe

Dissociating the semantic function of two neighbouring subregions in the left lateral anterior temporal lobe

... inferior temporal activation where the peak effect is more posterior to our areas of interest although it extended into our regions of interest ...inferior temporal lobe during data acquisition; or ...


Episodic and semantic autobiographical memory in temporal lobe epilepsy

Episodic and semantic autobiographical memory in temporal lobe epilepsy

... Medial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients provide a unique opportunity to systematically explore different aspects of AM processing considering the involvement of hippocam- pal structures on seizure ...


Dentate gyrus expression of nestin-immunoreactivity in patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis

Dentate gyrus expression of nestin-immunoreactivity in patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis

... Fig. 1. Microscopy Images of nestin immunoreactivity in dentate gyrus. Optical microscopy images of nestin immunoreactivity (IR) in dentate gyrus (DG) of patients with resistant TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy) ...


Memory for emotional material in temporal lobe epilepsy

Memory for emotional material in temporal lobe epilepsy

... pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and who were candidates for surgical treatment (between 18 and 53 years) were examined at the Epilepsy Center of the Ramos Mejia Hospital in Buenos Aires and ...


Hippocampal-Dependent Spatial Memory in the Water Maze is Preserved in an Experimental Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Rats

Hippocampal-Dependent Spatial Memory in the Water Maze is Preserved in an Experimental Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Rats

... One possibility to explain disparities between models and strains is related with differences in the severity of epilepsy. It is well known that seizures and interictal activity directly affect cognitive performance ...


1988 Ardila & Rosselli Temporal lobe involvement in Capgras syndrome

1988 Ardila & Rosselli Temporal lobe involvement in Capgras syndrome

... focus; c) the structural damage was definite and clear from the CT scan: a left- temporal cystericercum was present; d) there was no prosopagnosia or spatial defect; mi[r] ...


2019 Bernal et al  Arcuate Fasciculus Lateralization is Not A Marker of Language Lateralization in Children with Intractable Epilepsy

2019 Bernal et al Arcuate Fasciculus Lateralization is Not A Marker of Language Lateralization in Children with Intractable Epilepsy

... Given this framework and the well-established anatomical asymmetry characterized by left hemisphere language dominance, it is striking to find negative results. It is possible that the AF has a transitory function in ...


Factores pronsticos en la ciruga de la epilepsia refractaria del lbulo temporal

Factores pronsticos en la ciruga de la epilepsia refractaria del lbulo temporal

... 8. Duncan JS, Shorvon SD, Fish DR. Clinical Epilepsy. London: Churchill Livingstone; 1995. 9.Sander JW. The problem of the drug resistant epilepsies. Novartis Found Symp. 2002;(243):4-12. 10. Schoenberg MR, Clifton WE, ...


2016 Ardila et al The role of Wernicke’s area in language comprehension

The Role of Wernicke’s Area in Language Comprehension

... the temporal lobe of the cere- brum identified as the center for understanding speech heard” ...the temporal lobe of the cerebrum which is identi- fied as the center for understanding oral ...


1993 Ardila Toward a model of phoneme perception

1993 Ardila Toward a model of phoneme perception

... Left temporal lobe would be specialized in: (1) ultrashort auditory (echoic) memory; (2) higher resolution power for some language frequencies; and (3) recognition of[r] ...


Caracterización neurorradiológica y citoarquitectual de los componentes de la formación hipocampal en individuos control y con enfermedad de alzheimer. Estudio cuantitativo morfométrico y estereológico

Caracterización neurorradiológica y citoarquitectual de los componentes de la formación hipocampal en individuos control y con enfermedad de alzheimer. Estudio cuantitativo morfométrico y estereológico

... The MTL in general shows atrophy from the eight decade on [6], and in particular, the HF is affected. For instance, while the entorhinal cortex (EC) decreases 5% in volume, in subjects under 70 years, it reaches 20% over ...


Retrograde amnesia and memory consolidat

Retrograde amnesia and memory consolidat

... The sparing o f remote memory (but not recent memory) after medial temporal lobe damage shows that, as time passes after learning, the importance of medial temporal l[r] ...


Clinical guideline: pre operative evaluation of epilepsy surgery

Clinical guideline: pre operative evaluation of epilepsy surgery

... the temporal lobe, with or without evolution to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, who develop resistance to first-line pharmacological treat- ment must be examined as surgical candidates (consi- dering the ...


Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación, CRAI-Biblioteca Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga

Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación, CRAI-Biblioteca Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga

... unión temporal o un consorcio se logra aunar esfuerzos financieros y tecnológicos entre otros, para la celebración de contratos ya sea con instituciones públicas o privadas, la Ley 80 de 1993, por medio de la cual ...




... El complejo articular cráneo mandibular se caracteriza por conjugar un grupo variado de estructuras anatómicas, las mismas que permiten los diversos y complejos movimientos que el ser humano realiza durante su vida ...


La contratación temporal

La contratación temporal

... contratación temporal de cualquiera trabajador, estuviera o no apuntado en la Oficina de Empleo, ya que, como no se exigía un período mínimo de desempleo, era suficiente la inscripción en el momento previo a la ...


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