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Theory of the setting

The agenda setting theory = La teoría agenda setting

The agenda setting theory = La teoría agenda setting

... 2002, the Chilean investigative television newsma- gazine “Contacto” aired a story on a major internatio- nal network of child pornography called ...Paidós. The program found that one of ...


The venture capital contract and the institutional theory in a Spanish setting

The venture capital contract and the institutional theory in a Spanish setting

... dimension of the Institutional Theory is the most formal institution, and refers to exogenous pressures exerted on one organization by another in which the first one is dependent ...


An experimental comparison of two perspectives on the concept of need for orientation in agenda setting theory

An experimental comparison of two perspectives on the concept of need for orientation in agenda setting theory

... Matthes found that these three components are highly correlated the correlations range from -I-.70 to -H.88 and asserted that to measure the strength of NFO for an individual, the scores[r] ...


Estudio de la estructura de la parte bosónica de la supergravedad en D=11

Estudio de la estructura de la parte bosónica de la supergravedad en D=11

... worlds of particles, created from the vacuum by the elds, and the interactions between these ...in the particle spectrum and in stringent relationships between dierent interaction ...


Language and cultural identity in immigrant narratives: bridging the gap between arab tradition and american culture

Language and cultural identity in immigrant narratives: bridging the gap between arab tradition and american culture

... out of place. Said’s life of travel, immigration and exile shaped his identity: “to me, nothing more painful and paradoxically sought after characterizes my life than the many displacements, from ...


The effect of self-goal setting on the acquisition of a motor skill

The effect of self-goal setting on the acquisition of a motor skill

... ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the self-goal setting on the motor skill ...in the Bachman ladder task were recruited for this research. The phases ...


Applications of the Conceptual Density Functional Theory Indices to Organic Chemistry Reactivity

Applications of the Conceptual Density Functional Theory Indices to Organic Chemistry Reactivity

... One of the most relevant traits of the density functional language is its suitability for defining and elucidating important chemical concepts of molecular structure and ...to ...


A proof of the interpretability of P/PML in a relational setting

A proof of the interpretability of P/PML in a relational setting

... formalize the previous concepts is that of characterizing the `abstract machine' over which our processes will be ...use the underlying capabilities of the or- ganization, as ...


The possible place of relevance theory in a cognitive explanation of literature

The possible place of relevance theory in a cognitive explanation of literature

... Sperber (1984) suggests that there are representations which belong to individual minds, and are therefore prívate representations, whereas those representations that are shared by two[r] ...


A relevance theory approach to the Scandinavian influence upon the development of the English language

A relevance theory approach to the Scandinavian influence upon the development of the English language

... It seems that the natural delay for the appearance of the loanwords responds to a series of reasons: the lack of written records of this period; the fact that, as we tried to show abo v[r] ...


On the q-polynomials on the exponential lattice x(s)= c 1 qs + c 3 .

On the q-polynomials on the exponential lattice x(s)= c 1 qs + c 3 .

... Suslov, The theory of dierene analogues of speial funtions of hypergeometri. type[r] ...


A Prescriptive Model for Supply Chain Integration: an Evolutionary Approach -Edición Única

A Prescriptive Model for Supply Chain Integration: an Evolutionary Approach -Edición Única

... On that line of thought, this study is based upon the notion that the foundations of supply chain integration theory were initially based on the theory of vertical integration and the [r] ...


Ariadna’s thread in the labyrinth of nerve action or Santiago Ramón Y Cajal’s Law of Dynamic Polarization

Ariadna’s thread in the labyrinth of nerve action or Santiago Ramón Y Cajal’s Law of Dynamic Polarization

... 2. The work carried out by Cajal, up to when he provided neurophy- siology with the nucleus of a research program that would prove enor- mously fertile, amounted to a process of trial and ...


Unconventional English in a conventional setting: the genesis and joy of the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

Unconventional English in a conventional setting: the genesis and joy of the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

... serving the same function, has the potential to capture and set down areas of slang and unconventional English that have previously been restricted to the status of notes or squeezed ...


TítuloTechnology behavior of Millennials: an approach through the uses and gratifications theory

TítuloTechnology behavior of Millennials: an approach through the uses and gratifications theory

... concept of Flow Experience (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), and the notion of cognitive engagement (Agarwal and Karahanna, 2000) provide a way of conceptualizing the optimal user experience ...




... This desire for dignity forms the link between Smith's theory of moral improvement and his theory of actual social, economic, and political motiva- tions of ordinary men.45.. The [r] ...


Barcelovers : the magazine inspired by a captivating city. No. 02 (2014)

Barcelovers : the magazine inspired by a captivating city. No. 02 (2014)

... advantage of running is that you can do it pretty much wherever you ...in the busiest of schedules to get their pulses racing and generate endorphins by covering ...natural setting, multiplies ...


Towards a Sociocritical Theory of the Text

Towards a Sociocritical Theory of the Text

... is the process of the history? What is the text? How does the text work? Regarding to the first point, I am referring to the Marxism, which links the discursive ...


Ethics and materials. Some Spanish Case Studies

Ethics and materials. Some Spanish Case Studies

... However, any structural theory is par- ticular to the material and structural type: we cannot use elastic frame theory to understand masonry structures.. THE MODERN THEORY OF[r] ...




... with the elementary theory. Note that all the modes have a maximum of amplitude in the edges and that the symmetrical ones have another maximum in the ...in the ...


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