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Thomas Aquinas (Philosophy)

Consideraciones metafísicas de la naturaleza en Santo Tomás de AquinoMetaphysical considerations about nature in Thomas Aquinas

Consideraciones metafísicas de la naturaleza en Santo Tomás de AquinoMetaphysical considerations about nature in Thomas Aquinas

... Thomas Aquinas. Taking advantage of the philosophical legacy of St. Thomas and with the rigor and metaphysical precision which characterizes it, we intend to deepen the essential metaphysical notes ...


Advances in Our Historical Knowledge of Thomas Aquinas

Advances in Our Historical Knowledge of Thomas Aquinas

... of Thomas Aquinas was his contact with the Dominicans of ...of Thomas, who was head of the family at that ...the Aquinas family in the imperial court would not have any ...


"In dulcedine societatis quaerere veritatem": The Thomas Aquinas International Society (SITA)

"In dulcedine societatis quaerere veritatem": The Thomas Aquinas International Society (SITA)

... The S.I.T.A also wished to extend to the Americas. Chile initiated a branch in 1989 under the direction of Fernando Moreno, who soon would be welcomed in the new Universidad de Santo Tomás, founded by the entrepreneur ...


The Pontifical Academy of St  Thomas Aquinas: History and Mision

The Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas: History and Mision

... St. Thomas was created by Pope Pecci, Leo XIII, on August 4 th , ...to Thomas, while at the same time the ontologism of Rosmini was spreading in ...Thomistic philosophy as the best basis for this ...


The Ethics of St  Thomas Aquinas

The Ethics of St Thomas Aquinas

... Thomas compares “good” and “bad” as said of actions with good and bad as said of things. We call “good” that which has what it should have, or which has that which things of its class normally have. A thing is bad ...


Intencionalidad e inmaterialidad en Santo Tomás de AquinoIntentionality and Immateriality in Thomas Aquinas

Intencionalidad e inmaterialidad en Santo Tomás de AquinoIntentionality and Immateriality in Thomas Aquinas

... palabras árabes «ma’nā» y «ma’qul» que Avicena utilizó para designar lo significa- do o mentado. Cfr. B LACK , D. L., «Intentionality in Medieval Arabic Philosophy», Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality, ...


TítuloArthur's Bentley obstinate philosophy

TítuloArthur's Bentley obstinate philosophy

... with philosophy or science at all, until his business became successful enough that it guaranteed him a steady and sufficient income that could support his future philosophical ...


The Matrix and Philosophy

The Matrix and Philosophy

... moral philosophy, such as the question whether our will is free or whether in fact we are deterministically controlled by forces outside ...First Philosophy, notably the Dream ...


The end of philosophy

The end of philosophy

... God comes to be known from knowledge of the things around us and the names of these things are applied to their fi rst cause. We name things as we know them; what is fi rst and commensurately knowable by the human mind is ...


Calderas y turbinas de vapor para la generación de energía eléctrica.

Calderas y turbinas de vapor para la generación de energía eléctrica.

... Thomas Newcomen, un herrero muy hábil, invento una máquina térmica de un cilindro abierto por arriba, en el interior se deslizaba un émbolo, el que iba unido por una cadena en sus extremos de un balancín fijo en ...


Dylan Thomas y el modernismo

Dylan Thomas y el modernismo

... a Thomas, al que acuden turistas de todo el ...de Thomas, la propia figura del poeta; al mismo tiempo, el trabajo de Watkins nos permite apreciar la ambigüedad que desde siempre unió a Thomas con su ...


Droga, legitimación, literatura  Borges y el opio de Thomas de Quincey

Droga, legitimación, literatura Borges y el opio de Thomas de Quincey

... En descripción sintética: los tres textos ensamblan la experiencia de duelo de un escritor scholar (“De Quincey”, “Borges”) ante la pérdida de una mujer amada (Ann y la “hermana muerta” en De Quincey; Beatriz Viterbo y ...


Thomas Hobbes: sobre el miedo

Thomas Hobbes: sobre el miedo

... La idea del contrato social no debe ser interpretada en términos históricos. No es cronológica sino lógicamente anterior a la sociedad. No pretende postular, pues, un hecho pretérito, sino que configura un mero artificio ...


Thomas Stephen Szasz

Thomas Stephen Szasz

... Thomas Szasz, gran defensor de la libertad personal, falleció el pasado 8 de septiembre a la edad de 92 años. Este psiquiatra de origen húngaro, cuestionó los fundamentos básicos de la psiquiatría y fue pionero en ...


Entrevista a Thomas Pogge

Entrevista a Thomas Pogge

... It does not seem likely that we will ever overcome domination based on violence and the threat thereof. There is a better chance that massive and severe poverty will once be a thing of the past. But how many human beings ...


thomas doc

thomas doc

... He insistido con mucho detalle en la vida de Thomas De Quincey, por varias razones que deseo aclarar antes de decir una sola cosa más. Es tan desconocido entre nosotros, que pereciera necesario, aunque esto, desde ...


Aristotle's De Anima as source of Aquinas' anthropological doctrine

Aristotle's De Anima as source of Aquinas' anthropological doctrine

... by Aquinas in the Summa Theologiae I, ...29 Aquinas closes this lectio V from Book II of De Anima commenting upon an analogy put forth by Aristotle between the definition of soul and the definition of ...


Althusser – Philosophy and the spontaneous philosophy of the scientists

Althusser – Philosophy and the spontaneous philosophy of the scientists

... of philosophy (as in Greece, when geometry induces Platonic ...as philosophy cannot arise without the guaranteed existence of the rational discourse of a pure science (the case of geometry vis-à-vis Plato, ...


Aquinas' Roman Commentary on Peter Lombard

Aquinas' Roman Commentary on Peter Lombard

... that Thomas has yet to consider divine perfection, and so he begins the argument saying, “For God is most perfect and no perfection is lacking to him, as will be shown ...But Thomas must get to his ...




... ejemplo, Philosophy of Science, British Journal for Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of the Social Sciences–, el espacio dedicado a la discusión de la(s) relacion(es) entre ciencias sociales y ...


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