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ILS Metaheuristic to solve the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem

ILS Metaheuristic to solve the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem

... The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a widely studied problem of Combinatorial ...this problem were made around 1959 [15], where routes were generated at a minimum cost for a set of ...


Análisis comparativo del problema de conformación de lotes con ruteo en la preparación de pedidos respecto al HVRP (Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem)

Análisis comparativo del problema de conformación de lotes con ruteo en la preparación de pedidos respecto al HVRP (Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem)

... and routing problem(OBRP) regarding heterogeneous vehicle routing problem (HVRP), in order to identify whether there are any differences and similarities between these ...the ...


A metaheuristic based on granular tabu search for the distance constrained vehicle routing problem

A metaheuristic based on granular tabu search for the distance constrained vehicle routing problem

... The vehicle routing problem (VRP) was proposed by Dantzig and Ramser (1959); it is considerate like a combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem seeking to service a number of ...


A comparison of recombination operators for capacitate vehicle routing problem

A comparison of recombination operators for capacitate vehicle routing problem

... The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) deals with the assignment of a set of transportation orders to a fleet of vehicles, and the sequencing of stops for each vehicle to minimize transportation ...


A hybrid algorithm between the ant system and the harmonic search for solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRP-TW)

A hybrid algorithm between the ant system and the harmonic search for solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRP-TW)

... The vehicle routing problem (VRP) belongs to the NP-hard class [5] and it is described as a central depot that has a fleet of vehicles and a set of geographically distributed customers that must be ...


A Parallel Memetic Algorithm to Solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

A Parallel Memetic Algorithm to Solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

... Abstract. Nowadays, smart cities management has become an important topic where algorithms are crucial to solving their problems. Some topics related to smart cities can be modeled as combinatorial optimization problems. ...


A logistic case, the capacited vehicle routing problem

A logistic case, the capacited vehicle routing problem

... Éste documento presenta la solución a un caso logístico, un problema de programación de vehículos con restriccines de capacidad CVRP (The capacitated vehicle routing problem). Éste caso es modelado ...


A Novel Constructive Routing Algorithm for Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem

A Novel Constructive Routing Algorithm for Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem

... In fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem (HFVRP) each customer is visited by exactly one route. HFVRP consists of designing a number of feasible paths having minimum total cost / total distance. ...


An iterative biased randomized heuristic for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with backhauls

An iterative biased randomized heuristic for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with backhauls

... mixed vehicle-routing problem with backhauls, a rich and realistic variant of the popular vehicle-routing problem in which both delivery and pick-up customers are served from a ...


TítuloNuevas técnicas de construcción de rutas para el caso del Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

TítuloNuevas técnicas de construcción de rutas para el caso del Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

... well-known problem of vehicle routing has derived into a number of different ...the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time ...


Considerations on Applying Cross Entropy Methods to the Vehicle Routing Problem

Considerations on Applying Cross Entropy Methods to the Vehicle Routing Problem

... Abstract: The cross entropy method was initially developed to estimate rare event probabilities through simulation, and has been adapted successfully to solve combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper we aim to ...


Combining probabilistic algorithms, Constraint Programming and Lagrangian Relaxation to solve the vehicle routing problem

Combining probabilistic algorithms, Constraint Programming and Lagrangian Relaxation to solve the vehicle routing problem

... unique vehicle serves the nodes of the merged ...same vehicle instead of using a dedicated vehicle to serve each node —as proposed in the initial dummy ...the vehicle capacity is not exceeded ...


Evaluating route reliability for the stochastic vehicle routing problem (SVRP) with correlated parameters

Evaluating route reliability for the stochastic vehicle routing problem (SVRP) with correlated parameters

... Defining a distribution family for the travel time duration plays a key role in Reliable Vehicle Routing Problems. On the one hand, for the sake of simplicity several works have mainly used normal and ...


Implementing a Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Implementing a Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

... In order to reach such level of competitiveness, companies invest even more effort than before to solve their distribution issues. Companies want to minimize their transportation cost, increasing or maintaining their ...


Inventory location routing problem - a column generation approach

Inventory location routing problem - a column generation approach

... location routing and inventory problem, as mentioned before, is to choose depots from multiple possible ORFDWLRQV WR VFKHGXOH YHKLFOHV¶ URXWHV WR PHHW FXVWRPHU¶V demands and to determine the inventory ...


Vehicle routing problems with product mixing and extensions

Vehicle routing problems with product mixing and extensions

... An important variant of VRP is the Multi-Product VRP (MPVRP). The MPVRP addresses transportation of a set of supplies or products of different types (size, class, quality, grade, classification, risk, among other ...




... homogeneous vehicle fleet of size m with known capacity that have to serve the customers that are located in a certain geographical ...single vehicle, and (iii) the total demand of a route does not exceed ...


Modelo de programación matemática para el VRPPDTW multiobjetivo con flota heterogénea y propuesta de algoritmo evolutivo para su resolución

Modelo de programación matemática para el VRPPDTW multiobjetivo con flota heterogénea y propuesta de algoritmo evolutivo para su resolución

... El problema de ruteo de vehículos (Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP) proviene del TSP, y se trata de la distribución de bienes entre depósitos y usuarios finales (clientes). La primera publicación acerca ...


Heuristic of the Nearest Neighbor in the delivery of supports within the State of Veracruz.

Heuristic of the Nearest Neighbor in the delivery of supports within the State of Veracruz.

... the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with restrictions is proposed, which provides a feasible solution through heuristic inserts, where the stochastic characteristic is preserved of the AG and solutions ...


A vehicle routing application for retail delivery with open source tools

A vehicle routing application for retail delivery with open source tools

... The family of VRP models and his study is extensive. The most study model in their taxonomy is the capacitated vehicle routing problem CVRP; the time windows restrictions form a generalisation of ...


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