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[PDF] Top 20 Collective remittances and the state: the 3×1 program in Mexican municipalities

Has 10000 "Collective remittances and the state: the 3×1 program in Mexican municipalities" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "Collective remittances and the state: the 3×1 program in Mexican municipalities".

Collective remittances and the state: the 3×1 program in Mexican municipalities

Collective remittances and the state: the 3×1 program in Mexican municipalities

... distributed in Mexican municipalities, it may be the case that our previous OLS results have a sample selection problem: if some municipal or state features influence both Program ... See full document


Collective Remittances and the State: The 3x1 Program in Mexican Municipalities

Collective Remittances and the State: The 3x1 Program in Mexican Municipalities

... government in addition to migrant organizations in the allocation of projects raises concerns about partisan or political biases in the actual implementation of the ...poverty ... See full document


The political economy of collective remittances: The 3×1 program in Mexico

The political economy of collective remittances: The 3×1 program in Mexico

... Abstract: The 3x1 Program for Migrants is a matching grant scheme that seeks to direct the money sent by migrant organizations abroad to the provision of public and social infrastruc- ... See full document


Collective Remittances and the 3x1 Program as a Transnational Social Learning Process

Collective Remittances and the 3x1 Program as a Transnational Social Learning Process

... of the 2x1 Program in Zacatecas in 1993 is explained by the long history of Zacatecan migration to the United States, the emergence of major transnational social networks, ... See full document


Corruption in the Mexican state bureaucracy

Corruption in the Mexican state bureaucracy

... que mide la corrupción en los estados de la República y se basa en información de casos de corrupción reportados por los hogares y no en percepciones 3 . Una ventaja de este indicador es que no mide cuántas veces ... See full document


Sobre Steven E. Sanderson, Agrarian populism and the Mexican State. The struggle for land in Sonora

Sobre Steven E. Sanderson, Agrarian populism and the Mexican State. The struggle for land in Sonora

... muchas in- terrogantes por despejar: el funcionamiento del control social, la estabilidad, la oposición y el desorden en el México del siglo xix mexicano, en especial el período ... See full document


The transformation of the Mexican presidential system at the State reform in Mexico

The transformation of the Mexican presidential system at the State reform in Mexico

... Identity and perception of the political environment in ...of the 2006 election José Moral de la Rubia Manuel González Navarro María Estela Ortega Rubí This paper studies from a psychosocial ... See full document


The time pattern of remittances: evidence from mexican migrants

The time pattern of remittances: evidence from mexican migrants

... settled in the U.S. and never return to Mexico as their attachment to their communities of origin is likely to weaken over ...instance, remittances are likely to decline over time for migrants ... See full document


State Capabilities In Colombian Municipalities Measurement and Determinants

State Capabilities In Colombian Municipalities Measurement and Determinants

... observed, in Section 2, that there appear to be wide differences in the distribution of municipal state capabilities among the main Colombian regions, which may have to do with both ... See full document


The hidden curriculum in the Mexican history books in the Mexican Baccalaureate

The hidden curriculum in the Mexican history books in the Mexican Baccalaureate

... analyzes the didactic content of the textbooks of History of Mexico at the baccalaureate ...used. The use of Discourse Analysis made it possible to identify the political, economic ... See full document


Estudio de la pobreza en los municipios del estado de Campeche / Study of poverty in the municipalities of the state of Campeche

Estudio de la pobreza en los municipios del estado de Campeche / Study of poverty in the municipalities of the state of Campeche

... dimensiones: 1) la proximidad física entre los espacios residenciales de los diferentes grupos sociales; 2) la homogeneidad social de las distintas subdivisiones territoriales en que se puede estructurar una ... See full document


Sobre Donald J. Mabry, The Mexican University and the State: student conflict, 1910-1971

Sobre Donald J. Mabry, The Mexican University and the State: student conflict, 1910-1971

... Esta relación ambigua y aparentemente contradic- toria nos remite a un conflicto permanente y profundo de gran significación para comprender la naturaleza del Estado mexicano v su capa[r] ... See full document


The mexican feminist movement and gender studies in the academia

The mexican feminist movement and gender studies in the academia

... tener acceso al conocimiento 1 . En el contexto mexicano, destaca la figura de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; en el siglo XVII, desde el claustro, escribió numerosos textos entre los que destacan la “Respuesta a Sor ... See full document


Remittances in Colombia and their impact on the family economy

Remittances in Colombia and their impact on the family economy

... Para el desarrollo del presente ensayo, se realizó una extensa búsqueda de documentos e informes, seleccionando luego aquellos que podrían contener la información requerida para finalmente enfocarse en los que realmente ... See full document


Stalled administrative reforms of the Mexican state

Stalled administrative reforms of the Mexican state

... Toe "second step", an administrative reform that truly transforms the government apparatus into a responsive, professional, and accountable organization might jeopardize the political co[r] ... See full document


El libro Revolution and the State in Modern

El libro Revolution and the State in Modern

... Revolution and the State in Modern Mexico fue acreedor, en el año 2012, del premio al mejor libro otorgado por la British International Studies ... See full document


The deferral option in the collective dismissal procedure

The deferral option in the collective dismissal procedure

... is in the first decade of this century that research studies can be found in the literature that are aimed at going beyond the traditional way of evaluating in- vestment ... See full document


The Mexican literary vampire in the 21st century: between the homage and the parody

The Mexican literary vampire in the 21st century: between the homage and the parody

... of the corrupted legends of Prince Vlad the Impaler woven together with the literary Dracula within a Harlequin Romance ...(2005:172). 3 Esta mezcolanza entre la historia de Vlad, príncipe de ... See full document


The elites and feminist religious leadership in the Moroccan State

The elites and feminist religious leadership in the Moroccan State

... Para responder a nuestra pregunta de investigación y confirmar o refu- tar nuestra hipótesis de partida, articularemos nuestro estudio en torno a los siguientes objetivos: el primer obj[r] ... See full document


Irony and humor in the debate around the State of the Nation

Irony and humor in the debate around the State of the Nation

... En cuanto al término ironía, resulta coherente presentarlo en el comienzo de este trabajo tal y como la define la Real Academia Española: 1. Burla fina y disimulada 2.Tono burlón con que se dice 3.Figura ... See full document


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