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[PDF] Top 20 The Evolution of Civil Responsibility in Argentine and Spanish Law

Has 10000 "The Evolution of Civil Responsibility in Argentine and Spanish Law" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "The Evolution of Civil Responsibility in Argentine and Spanish Law".

The Evolution of Civil Responsibility in Argentine and Spanish Law

The Evolution of Civil Responsibility in Argentine and Spanish Law

... En el régimen argentino fueron los juristas De Gásperi, Borda, entre otros, quienes adoptaron esta tesitura de la existencia de una dualidad de culpas. Usan como fundamentos de esta nítida separación no sólo su elemento ... See full document


Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017)

Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017)

... El análisis de algunos de los más significativos aportes doctrinarios argentinos a partir del Primer Congreso vienen a corroborar cómo las necesidades momen- táneas del notariado, a partir de su nacimiento como ciencia, ... See full document


Digital resources for the study of Spanish Law during the 19th Century: the formation of a database of judicial jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court until the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1889

Digital resources for the study of Spanish Law during the 19th Century: the formation of a database of judicial jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court until the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1889

... One of the contents of Gaceta de Madrid whose consultation is truly complex is that relating to the judicial jurisprudence established in the judgments of the ... See full document


Women and Advertising: Evolution of Stereotypes in Spanish Mass Media

Women and Advertising: Evolution of Stereotypes in Spanish Mass Media

... to the functions of women in the society. In fact, women have not any charge of responsibility at ...was in the law of 20th of August ... See full document


Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017)

Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017)

... El análisis de algunos de los más significativos aportes doctrinarios argentinos a partir del Primer Congreso vienen a corroborar cómo las necesidades momen­ táneas del notariado, a partir de su nacimiento como ciencia, ... See full document


Nullity of contracts in the Spanish and the Philippines Civil Code

Nullity of contracts in the Spanish and the Philippines Civil Code

... a Civil Code exists in the Philippines and in other Latin American ...that the “encoder phenomenon” involves the use of methodology with a systematic and ... See full document


Analysis  and  evolution  of  the  content  on  cinema  in  the  Spanish   cinematographic press (1910-2010)

Analysis and evolution of the content on cinema in the Spanish cinematographic press (1910-2010)

... De igual manera, y como hemos intentado mostrar, los contenidos sobre el cine están claramente condicionados por los diferentes acontecimientos de la historia ge- neral y de la historia del cine. El tratamiento de la ... See full document


Forced shares in Spanish and Philippine succession law

Forced shares in Spanish and Philippine succession law

... indicates in case of accepting the forced share of the ascendants, it should be limited to the ...Others in the contrary refuse any legitime in favor ... See full document


La gestación por sustitución ante el Registro Civil español. Evolución de la doctrina de la DGRN y de la jurisprudencia española y europea / Gestational surrogacy and the Spanish Civil Registry. Evolution of the Doctrine Applied by Registration Authoritie

La gestación por sustitución ante el Registro Civil español. Evolución de la doctrina de la DGRN y de la jurisprudencia española y europea / Gestational surrogacy and the Spanish Civil Registry. Evolution of the Doctrine Applied by Registration Authorities and Spanish and European Case Law

... Código civil de la Asociación de Profesores de Derecho Civil se propone un cambio en esta materia, si bien limitado a un caso muy excepcional, el del error médico en la implantación del embrión, para cuyo ... See full document


Sexuality, nudity and morality in the Spanish anarchism of the thirties: from the debates in the press to the application of the abortion law during the Spanish Civil War

Sexuality, nudity and morality in the Spanish anarchism of the thirties: from the debates in the press to the application of the abortion law during the Spanish Civil War

... Hispania, 2018, vol. LXXVIII, nº. 260, septiembre-diciembre, págs. 817-846, ISSN: 0018-2141, e-ISSN: 1988-8368 Más que posturas determinadas sobre temas concretos, existen interpreta- ciones individuales que alcanzan ... See full document


Brexit and the future of european criminal Law: a spanish perspective

Brexit and the future of european criminal Law: a spanish perspective

... at the University of Burgos (Spain) and non-practicing member of the Burgos Bar ...Mjimeno@ubu.es. The financial support of the Spanish Ministry of ... See full document


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Exploratory and descriptive analysis of the webpages of the main Spanish banks and saving banks

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Exploratory and descriptive analysis of the webpages of the main Spanish banks and saving banks

... Social Responsibility (CSR) has an increasing impact and importance in our ...Part of such importance translates in the publication of a higher number of ... See full document


Breach of information duties in the B2C e-commerce: a comparative analysis of English and Spanish law

Breach of information duties in the B2C e-commerce: a comparative analysis of English and Spanish law

... treat: in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists [1953] 1 QB 401 Somervell LJ stated that a display of goods in a self-service shop is ‘a convenient method of ... See full document


The publication of opinion polls in the Argentine press of reference. The case of the 2019 Argentine presidential election in Clarín and La Nación

The publication of opinion polls in the Argentine press of reference. The case of the 2019 Argentine presidential election in Clarín and La Nación

... Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal analizar las características de la publicación de encuestas preelectorales en dos medios gráficos argentinos de referencia (Clarín y La Nación) en el período de campaña electoral ... See full document


La gestación por sustitución en el derecho y la jurisprudencia argentina /  The gestational surrogacy in argentine law and jurisprudence

La gestación por sustitución en el derecho y la jurisprudencia argentina / The gestational surrogacy in argentine law and jurisprudence

... concebido in vitro por los gametos de la pareja requirente, o bien por aquéllos de un padre y de un tercer donante, en el Senado de la Nación se optó por suprimir el articulo proyectado, modificando también la ... See full document


La responsabilidad de los servidores públicos en un estado de derecho (The responsibility of the civil employees in a lawful state)

La responsabilidad de los servidores públicos en un estado de derecho (The responsibility of the civil employees in a lawful state)

... El artículo 108 literalmente señala: “Para los efectos de las responsabilidades a que alude este Título se reputarán como servidores públicos a los representantes de elección popular, [r] ... See full document


The evolution of the national question and Spanish identity through the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, 1974-1996: the Spanish socialist project of the democratic transition and beyond

The evolution of the national question and Spanish identity through the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, 1974-1996: the Spanish socialist project of the democratic transition and beyond

... guardia civil Antonio Tejero Molina, quien irrumpió en el Congreso de los Diputados durante la votación de investidura de Calvo-Sotelo, al mando de un grupo de doscientos guardias civiles al grito de “¡Quieto todo ... See full document


Budget stability, financing and social responsibility in Spanish municipalities

Budget stability, financing and social responsibility in Spanish municipalities

... analyze the most relevant relationships between budgetary stability, the Municipal Financing System (SFM) and social expenditure policies, as fundamental pieces to define the level of ... See full document




... total of 105 clinical psychologists from Buenos Aires were surveyed to understand their knowledge and utilization of ICT, and their beliefs about the impact that ICT can have on ... See full document


La preeminencia del Derecho Internacional a la luz de la jurisprudencia argentinaSupremacy of the international law over the argentine case law

La preeminencia del Derecho Internacional a la luz de la jurisprudencia argentinaSupremacy of the international law over the argentine case law

... : The issue as regards the nature of the universal legal system and the presentation of different theories about the supremacy of the international ... See full document


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