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[PDF] Top 20 Mortgage and characters in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation

Has 10000 "Mortgage and characters in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "Mortgage and characters in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation".

Mortgage and characters in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation

Mortgage and characters in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation

... casos in- sumirán una parte importante del crédito acordado y finalmente la supuesta protección a terceros interesados no será tal, ya que el monto del gravamen alejará a otro posible acreedor de la posibilidad de ... See full document


Methodological analysis of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation

Methodological analysis of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation

... códigos civil, comercial, penal y de ...Código Civil al doctor Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield, quien aceptó el encargo según el análisis histórico de Moisset de Espanés ... See full document


La doctrina de las cargas probatorias dinámicas recepcionada en el codigo civil y comercial de la nación argentina: su influencia en la responsabilidad civil médica / Doctrine of Dynamic Evidentiary Burdens Accepted in the Civil and Commercial Code of...

La doctrina de las cargas probatorias dinámicas recepcionada en el codigo civil y comercial de la nación argentina: su influencia en la responsabilidad civil médica / Doctrine of Dynamic Evidentiary Burdens Accepted in the Civil and Commercial Code of...

... Abstract: The New Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation ( CCyCN ) has new paradigms that imply a necessary elasticity of the legal norms, for- cing ... See full document


Discretionary judge and guarantee: Faculties of disposition of the litigation in the General Code of the Process

Discretionary judge and guarantee: Faculties of disposition of the litigation in the General Code of the Process

... to the oral figure, seen from the development of the activity of adminis- tering justice, headed by the figure of the judge, the principles of ... See full document




... text of the “appointments clause” in the United States constitution ...to the presidential power to appoint fed- eral officers. The clause refers first to principal officers ... See full document


Homeland and nation: Leguia during the centenary of the Battle of Ayacucho

Homeland and nation: Leguia during the centenary of the Battle of Ayacucho

... cucho, 1925: 372). Prueba de ello será el decreto del 19 de diciembre de 1924 por el cual los restos del maestro del liber- tador Simón Rodríguez fueron llevados de la Iglesia de Amotape al Panteón de los Próceres para ... See full document


Hipolito Unanue and the hero’s construction. Analysis of the state-nation and Peruvian society relation in the cultural sphere

Hipolito Unanue and the hero’s construction. Analysis of the state-nation and Peruvian society relation in the cultural sphere

... consolidates and formalizes. So, from a spontaneous attitude of his closer family on building a mausoleum, we observe the following incorporation of the Faculty of Medicine, ... See full document


Free trade and commercial integration in the Pacific Alliance and the Andean Community

Free trade and commercial integration in the Pacific Alliance and the Andean Community

... Objective: The research established the effect of the in- ternational trade freedom index on the level of trade inte- gration in some countries that currently make ... See full document


Landscape and Nation in the Formation of the Spanish Liberal State 1850-1890

Landscape and Nation in the Formation of the Spanish Liberal State 1850-1890

... Este apartado analiza la manera en que escritores como Fernán Caballero (1796- 77), Estébanez Calderón y Pedro Antonio de Alarcón (1833-91) compatibilizaron esta vertiente "orientalista" de Andalucía con su otra ... See full document


The Need To Compromise Existence. Nation And Decolonization In The Bolivian Cinema Of The Neoliberal Era

The Need To Compromise Existence. Nation And Decolonization In The Bolivian Cinema Of The Neoliberal Era

... Justamente éste es uno de los temas más importantes abordados por Juan Carlos Valdivia en American Visa: el individuo urbano de clase media frente a la decisión de alienarse o no. 1 A grandes rasgos, American Visa cuenta ... See full document


View of Relationship Between the Guarantee and Punitivity in the Criminal Code

View of Relationship Between the Guarantee and Punitivity in the Criminal Code

... basis and aim the protection of the freedoms of the individual, against the various forms of the arbitrary exercise of punitive power of ... See full document


The statute of limitations established in article 274º the Civil Code

The statute of limitations established in article 274º the Civil Code

... de in- mediato la hubiera observado, cuestionado, impugnado y pedido que de inmediato se deje sin efecto (se las declare nulas en aplicación de la Ley Nº 27444) tales Resoluciones Recto- rales amen de llamar la ... See full document


Enlightenment, Nation and Empire in the Spanish Monarchy

Enlightenment, Nation and Empire in the Spanish Monarchy

... Al hacerlo, aquellos escritores comenzaron también a labrar una idea de “nación española” con la que identificarse. Como antes se dijo, debemos siempre tener presente que en todo momento estamos ante una identidad ... See full document


Las obligaciones en moneda extranjera, su incidencia en las garantías reales en el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación / The Debts in Foreign Currency and its Impact on Security Rights under the Provisions of the National Civil and Commercial Code

Las obligaciones en moneda extranjera, su incidencia en las garantías reales en el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación / The Debts in Foreign Currency and its Impact on Security Rights under the Provisions of the National Civil and Commercial Code

... Además, puede considerarse que las monedas extranjeras son una clase de dinero, pero sin curso legal. Estas interpretaciones posibilitan que se admita que las garantían reales se puedan constituir por una suma en moneda ... See full document


Communication sciences and their links and interactions with translation and interpreting. The denominations of bailout in the state of the nation debate in Spain

Communication sciences and their links and interactions with translation and interpreting. The denominations of bailout in the state of the nation debate in Spain

... for the Study of Journalism sobre la percepción de la crisis del euro en la prensa europea, de los informes alemán y español se desprende que los periódicos alemanes y españoles difieren en su forma de ... See full document


The body of the nation: political allegories and symbols in liberal Spain (1808-1874)

The body of the nation: political allegories and symbols in liberal Spain (1808-1874)

... G uardiola , Lorenzo. «Un discípulo de la Academia de San Carlos: José Aparicio In- glada (1770-1838), pintor neoclásico español». Archivo de Arte Valenciano, 88 (2007), p. 328. Otra versión de esta estampa ... See full document


The new mortgage credits UVA and access to housing in the real estate market in the city of La Plata

The new mortgage credits UVA and access to housing in the real estate market in the city of La Plata

... growth of the construction industry in the Neodesarrollista period (2003-2015) did not translate into better conditions of access to housing through the formal ...to the ... See full document


Una mirada al derecho de crédito–obligación y  la responsabilidad patrimonial en el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación / An Overview on Obligations and the Pecuniary Liability on the National Civil and Commercial Code

Una mirada al derecho de crédito–obligación y la responsabilidad patrimonial en el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación / An Overview on Obligations and the Pecuniary Liability on the National Civil and Commercial Code

... Destacamos anteriormente que el acreedor puede valerse del título en que consta el reconocimiento abstracto o la promesa de pago o de deuda sin necesidad de la prueba de la causa en que se ha originado, ya que el ... See full document


Saving the nation through exclusion: the alien and sedition acts and Mexico's expulsion of spaniards

Saving the nation through exclusion: the alien and sedition acts and Mexico's expulsion of spaniards

... In the aftermath of the “Atlantic revolutions,” those who sought to govern faced a series of unavoidable ...daunting in the new American nations: as the governing ... See full document


El título preliminar del Código Civil y Comercial como núcleo de significacionesThe preliminary title on the Civil and Commercial Code as core meanings

El título preliminar del Código Civil y Comercial como núcleo de significacionesThe preliminary title on the Civil and Commercial Code as core meanings

... Asimismo, es interesante destacar que el Título Preliminar se corresponde con los artículos 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 y 22 del Código derogado. Los artículos 6º, 7º, 8º, 9º, 10, 11, 12, 13 y 14 derogados ... See full document


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