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[PDF] Top 20 Socio-environmental and institutional issues of the reforestation at the Region de la Montaña, Guerrero, Mexico

Has 10000 "Socio-environmental and institutional issues of the reforestation at the Region de la Montaña, Guerrero, Mexico" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "Socio-environmental and institutional issues of the reforestation at the Region de la Montaña, Guerrero, Mexico".

Socio-environmental and institutional issues of the reforestation at the Region de la Montaña, Guerrero, Mexico

Socio-environmental and institutional issues of the reforestation at the Region de la Montaña, Guerrero, Mexico

... Por otra parte, los campesinos que l aboraron en este programa, tanto en las plantaciones como en los viveros, mencionan gran variedad de problemas en- tre los que se i[r] ... See full document


Effect of fire on the population structure and regeneration of two species of oaks (Quercus liebmanii Oerst. and Quercus magnoliifolia Nee) in the region of The Mountain (Guerrero), Mexico

Effect of fire on the population structure and regeneration of two species of oaks (Quercus liebmanii Oerst. and Quercus magnoliifolia Nee) in the region of The Mountain (Guerrero), Mexico

... En el contexto de comunidades indígenas pobres, como San José Lagunas, que dependen de la leña de encino como principal fuente de combustible para consumo doméstico, la falta de reclutamiento de individuos adultos a la ... See full document


The war in the body. Experience of girls and adolescents of the Mountain of Guerrero in a religious boarding school in Mexico

The war in the body. Experience of girls and adolescents of the Mountain of Guerrero in a religious boarding school in Mexico

... de Montaña, ya que, aunque sabían que ahí las niñas y adolescentes po- dían estudiar en forma gratuita, también estaban claros que ahí enfermaron y hubo opacidad en las razones de dicha ...la Montaña la ... See full document


Investigation and assessment of the state-of-the-art techniques for the resolution of seams issues

Investigation and assessment of the state-of-the-art techniques for the resolution of seams issues

... With the current system, market participants submit a request to “buy” at the exporting side of the interface, and a separate request to “sell” at the importing ... See full document


Environmental flow calculation for the maintenance of the water reserve of the Piaxtla River, Sinaloa, Mexico

Environmental flow calculation for the maintenance of the water reserve of the Piaxtla River, Sinaloa, Mexico

... in the state of Sinaloa. The river runoff data bases for 36 and nine years were compared, showed differences mainly between the frequency of maximum runoff and its origin, ... See full document


The transformation of the Mexican presidential system at the State reform in Mexico

The transformation of the Mexican presidential system at the State reform in Mexico

... approaches the transformation of the Mexican presiden- tial system during the 1993-2006 period within the context of Sta- te ...analyzes the amendments to constitutional ... See full document


The “alternative” coffee spaces in Mexico at the beginning of the 21st century

The “alternative” coffee spaces in Mexico at the beginning of the 21st century

... Sin duda esta diferencia muestra la importancia que da el sector público a este tipo de agricultura, coincidente con el apoyo que se le ha ofrecido para su crecimiento (González y Ni[r] ... See full document


Reforestation with <em>Cupressus lusitanica</em> and its influence on the diversity of pine-oak forest in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico

Reforestation with <em>Cupressus lusitanica</em> and its influence on the diversity of pine-oak forest in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico

... Riqueza total de especies, densidad y área basal (media ± 1 d.e.) para las distintas categorías de tamaño de árboles registrados en el bosque reforestado con Cupressus (RC), bosque d[r] ... See full document


The weather during the Pliocene in the region of Santa Maria Amajac, Hidalgo, Mexico

The weather during the Pliocene in the region of Santa Maria Amajac, Hidalgo, Mexico

... Aguilar FJ, Velasco-de León MP. El clima durante el Plioceno en la región de Santa María Amajac, Hidalgo, México. Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica.. 1998); para este último caso, se han d[r] ... See full document


El marco institucional en el funcionamiento del mercado eléctrico. Los casos de España y México (The institutional framework in the operation of the electricity market. The cases of Spain and Mexico.)

El marco institucional en el funcionamiento del mercado eléctrico. Los casos de España y México (The institutional framework in the operation of the electricity market. The cases of Spain and Mexico.)

... though the institutional reforms of the electricity markets of Mexico and Spain have had a short time of implementation, we can obtain interesting reflections based ... See full document


Variability in the exploitation and processing of ungulates in the eastern central region of the Pampean Region

Variability in the exploitation and processing of ungulates in the eastern central region of the Pampean Region

... Esta observación también es válida para otros sitios de la PO, como en el caso de Meguay (Loponte et al. 2010, Loponte 2012), y es un hecho recurrente en casi todas las ocupaciones de [r] ... See full document


Acuatic Insects at Southeast of Wetlands in the Tres Palos Lagoon, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

Acuatic Insects at Southeast of Wetlands in the Tres Palos Lagoon, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

... frequency and abundance of Hemiptera, Odonata, Diptera and Coleoptera was obvious, as opposed to Trichoptera and ...Out of 22 identified species Notonecta undulata and Hetaerina ... See full document


Spatial Analysis of the Urban Environmental Sustainability Index in the Megalopolis of Mexico City

Spatial Analysis of the Urban Environmental Sustainability Index in the Megalopolis of Mexico City

... El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) establece tres desafíos a tener en cuenta en la cuantifi- cación de la sustentabilidad urbana: Riesgo de desastres y cambio climático (gestión del medio ambiente y consumo de ... See full document


Location model of the timber industry and its environmental impact. Pucallpa-Ucayali Region

Location model of the timber industry and its environmental impact. Pucallpa-Ucayali Region

... study of “Model location of the timber industry and its environmental ...Ucayali region”. The purpose was the formulation of a model medereras location ... See full document


Chronostratigraphy and paleomagnetism of the Balsas Group in the Tuzantlán-Copalillo basin, northern Guerrero state, Mexico

Chronostratigraphy and paleomagnetism of the Balsas Group in the Tuzantlán-Copalillo basin, northern Guerrero state, Mexico

... but of larger magnitude, have been reported in southern Mexico for Cretaceous (Molina-Garza et ...2003) and Tertiary rocks (Urrutia-Fucugauchi, 1983; Molina-Garza et ...along the Pacifi c ... See full document


By usos y costumbres: The Communitarian Systems of Government in the Costa Chica Region of Guerrero

By usos y costumbres: The Communitarian Systems of Government in the Costa Chica Region of Guerrero

... De los usos y costumbres a los sistemas comunitarios de gobierno En segundo lugar, hablar de “usos y costumbres” confronta la socio- logía con las categorías de la terminología oficial. ¿Cuál es su perti- nencia? ... See full document


The use of testimony in the inquiry on institutional violence and gender

The use of testimony in the inquiry on institutional violence and gender

... De esta manera, el testimonio como categoría de análisis histórica y como prueba testimonial, permite hoy visibilizar las violencias contemporáneas y en este análi[r] ... See full document


Environmental problem generated in the area of paramo de guerrero located in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Pacho Cundinamarca

Environmental problem generated in the area of paramo de guerrero located in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Pacho Cundinamarca

... Los ecosistemas de páramo son especiales debido a las condiciones ecológicas, como lo son, su ubicación que va desde los 3000 msnm hasta los 3800 msnm, su clima que fluctúa mucho del día a la noche (Hofstede et al. ... See full document


The production of Greek and Greco-Italian anphoras in Gadir and the Area of the Straits. Issues of typology and content

The production of Greek and Greco-Italian anphoras in Gadir and the Area of the Straits. Issues of typology and content

... de Las Cumbres por sendos lagares activos probablemente durante la segunda mitad de la III centuria ANE (Ruiz y Pérez, 1995; Niveau y Ruiz, 2000), mostrando la cerámi- ca presente en lo[r] ... See full document


The Sacrament and the Rite of Baptism at School

The Sacrament and the Rite of Baptism at School

... linguistic and economic frontiers, knowledge of religious contents is an important factor, not only of identification but also of the approximation of ...cultures. The ... See full document


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