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[PDF] Top 20 Virginia Woolf and her literary alter ego in Mrs. Dalloway

Has 10000 "Virginia Woolf and her literary alter ego in Mrs. Dalloway" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "Virginia Woolf and her literary alter ego in Mrs. Dalloway".

Virginia Woolf and her literary alter ego in Mrs. Dalloway

Virginia Woolf and her literary alter ego in Mrs. Dalloway

... of her family, which, along with the sexual abuses she suffered during her youth, provoked in her person a mental disease that, despite of the efforts carried out by her husband to ... See full document


Dolores and Peter´s memories: in The Hiding place (2000) by Trezza Azzopardi and Mrs Dalloway (1925) by Virginia Woolf

Dolores and Peter´s memories: in The Hiding place (2000) by Trezza Azzopardi and Mrs Dalloway (1925) by Virginia Woolf

... foreshadowed in the present story with the expression “something being ...towards her childhood house, not only referring to Salvatore, the friend who is left to die by Frank, who has been buried all this ... See full document


Art that inspires Art: From Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (1925) to Michael Cunningham’s The Hours (1998) and Stephen Daldry’s The Hours (2002), a Comparative Analysis

Art that inspires Art: From Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (1925) to Michael Cunningham’s The Hours (1998) and Stephen Daldry’s The Hours (2002), a Comparative Analysis

... Clarissa and Richard at his apartment: “‘Food matters a great deal, Richard’” (The Hours ...of Virginia, while it is Richard Brown the one mirroring Virginia’s ...makes Virginia and Richard ... See full document


Feminist approach to Mrs  Dalloway: social spheres, marriage and sexism

Feminist approach to Mrs Dalloway: social spheres, marriage and sexism

... education. In fact, in some cases they even had the opportunity to attend college whereas women could not receive any kind of ...family and provided their daughters with either a private teacher or a ... See full document


The footprints of Sigmund Freud in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway

The footprints of Sigmund Freud in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway

... Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf had a very similar ideology in regards to this topic, it is not surprising to find that Leonard dedicated the novel to her: “I’ve given you all ... See full document


The mind against the hours : Bergsonian conception of time in Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

The mind against the hours : Bergsonian conception of time in Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

... schematizing her ideas during the course of writing Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf wrote in her diary on Monday, October 15, 1923, that she had discovered what she called ... See full document


Virginia Woolf: la idea en busca de su abrigo

Virginia Woolf: la idea en busca de su abrigo

... ginia Woolf– reconoce un mérito muy especial. Entonces Virginia Woolf, que se formó intelectualmen- te y se formó como artista entre otros artistas, entre filósofos, entre estudio- sos, encuentra ... See full document


La recepció de Virginia Woolf fins a la guerra

La recepció de Virginia Woolf fins a la guerra

... Baring, Woolf, Lawrence», als quals afegia Huxley (Soldevila ...només Woolf i Baring van ser escollits per Proa a fi d’engruixir el catàleg de traduccions de diverses obres literàries angleses que tenia ... See full document


TítuloModa y androginia: El "Orlando" de Virginia Woolf

TítuloModa y androginia: El "Orlando" de Virginia Woolf

... Los estudios sobre la moda y la vestimenta en general se han centrado fundamentalmente en tres aspectos concretos: en su valor sociológico, en su carácter comunicativo y en su dimensión económica. Mi objetivo principal ... See full document


Miranda, el alter ego de Katherine Anne Porter

Miranda, el alter ego de Katherine Anne Porter

... en In d i a n Creek donde ella había nacido el 15 de mayo de 1890 bajo el signo de Tauro; la terrible noche en que acom- pañada por otros colegas esperó a las puertas de la cár- cel la ejecución de Sacco y ... See full document


El sentimiento de la realidad en la visión de Virginia Woolf

El sentimiento de la realidad en la visión de Virginia Woolf

... Lo que cuenta es el resultado, es decir, la Obra: "En una palabra, todos los secretos de un escritor, todas las experiencias de su vida, todos los rasgos de su espíritu, están patent[r] ... See full document


Felipe Ángeles, alter ego de Elena Garro

Felipe Ángeles, alter ego de Elena Garro

... Ahora el juicio de Felipe Ángeles está ya publicado, pero antes era bastante desconocido, así que Garro en- contró en éste una veta atractivísima para manifestar sus inquietudes proyectadas en el alter ego ... See full document


Luchando contra marea: Virginia Woolf y la censura española

Luchando contra marea: Virginia Woolf y la censura española

... de Virginia Woolf en la década de los setenta: “Su literatura debió parecer muy moderna en los decenios de los 30 y los 40; pero hoy, treinta años después de la muerte de la novelista, sus obras no tienen ... See full document


Gender and translation: spanish translation of Virginia Woolf's Orlando, by Jorge Luis Borges

Gender and translation: spanish translation of Virginia Woolf's Orlando, by Jorge Luis Borges

... work in which Francisco de Quevedo speaks of women, but calls them ‘hembrilatinas’, surprised by their ability to speak ...(1583) and his idea that a woman should read but always remain silent: "mas, ... See full document


Casa propia. El mundo narrativo de la cuentista cubana Anna Lidia Vega Serova

Casa propia. El mundo narrativo de la cuentista cubana Anna Lidia Vega Serova

... Efectivamente, es a partir de este libro cuando se aprecia esa comunión entre la voz de la autora y la de la narradora. El eco de Virginia Woolf, una de las principales fundadoras [r] ... See full document


Claiming and disclaiming the body in the early diaries of Virginia Woolf, Anaïs Nin and Aino Kallas

Claiming and disclaiming the body in the early diaries of Virginia Woolf, Anaïs Nin and Aino Kallas

... trip in 1888 when Aino was 10 years old. Virginia Woolf lost her mother in 1895 at the age of 13, her half-sister Stella two years later and her father in ... See full document


The Queerness of Orlando: Judith Butler’s Performance and Constructiveness of Gender in Virginia Woolf’s novel

The Queerness of Orlando: Judith Butler’s Performance and Constructiveness of Gender in Virginia Woolf’s novel

... mind and at certain points in the novel she achieves to depict an androgynous mind, where the protagonist is delicate and fragile as a woman but with a masculine ...emotional and melancholic ... See full document


Voces femeninas en To the Lighthouse de Virginia Woolf

Voces femeninas en To the Lighthouse de Virginia Woolf

... Es como si tanto Lily como la propia W oolf hubieran compartido a lo largo de la novela una experiencia equivalente: la de armar el rompecabezas del mundo interior de la propia[r] ... See full document


El cómic de “superhéroes”  ¿Alter ego de la sociedad norteamericana?

El cómic de “superhéroes” ¿Alter ego de la sociedad norteamericana?

... La historia que contiene la viñeta de arriba fue la que consolidó el rol de ambos personajes en la trama de crimen, justicia, romance y drama en la que, como una telenovela latinoamericana, se ven envueltos y ... See full document


Eloy Alfaro Cadavid Macías: el alter ego de Helbert Castro

Eloy Alfaro Cadavid Macías: el alter ego de Helbert Castro

... Medina - Eloy Alfaro Cadavid Macías: el alter ego de Hebert Castro (pp. Este escrito fue producto, inicialmente, de una conversación con un exponente de la radio colombian[r] ... See full document


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