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Programs of skills professionals in the work orientation of university students

In document 5th-7th September. Zaragoza (Spain) (página 109-112)


The educational system is undergoing a transformation of some relevance in today's society.

The changes are motivated by the dynamics of modern society which is immersed in a constant technological advancement, without precedent in our history. The emerging studies on the skills needed in the different educational and occupational levels to deal with the new reality. Teaching innovation aims at training students for the assumption of responsibilities in a world in rapid and constant change.


In a context of rapid technological and social developments acquires special relevance implemen-tation of programs of professional skills at the University level. Therefore, the employment orienimplemen-tation of college students of past courses or graduate students is required.


Most curricula reflected the application of active methodologies of participation of students in the learning process. These methodologies include based learning in projects and in solving problems. On the other hand, note that skills socio-personal is related to the professional competence in numerous studies. Socio-personal skills involve the ability and the capacity to interpret phenomena or social problems in a complex society. The acquisition of these skills requires a complementary methodology based on demonstrative learning and observation of the skills developed in the world of work. This learning requires the establishment of workshops for the development of professional skills, as well as seminars on economic sectors in which these skills should be applied.


The implementation of programs based on a demonstrative learning and observation enables the integration of University students in the world of work. In addition, this methodology allows the acquisition and development of skills socio-personal by students who have followed this learning throughout his academic life.


The required combination of active and passive methods in the work orientation of University students.


Employment orientation, professional skills, methodologies.

Institucionalización de la auto-orientación profesional a través del portafolio Maharazar en los grados

Carolina Falcón Linares1;Ana Arraiz Pérez2

Universidad de Zaragoza

1 cfalcon@unizar.es; 2 aarraiz@unizar.es


Se considera pertinente avanzar hacia un modelo de orientación tecnológico semipresencial que institucionalice la auto-orientación como metacompetencia en los estudios de Grado. En esta comunicación se propone una estructura organizativa para implementar ese modelo, desde el referente de una línea de investigación que comenzó hace más de diez años con metodología cualitativa multicaso. El soporte para la auto-orientación es el portafolio profesional digital, utilizando Mahara para la presentación y el acompañamiento online. Es necesario, además, un programa de sesiones presenciales grupales en momentos clave de cada titulación, una guía básica con el mapa competencial de salida del Grado y una coordinación desde el Plan de Orientación Universitaria. El reto está en no perder el sentido de autodeterminación desde el principio, así como la apertura y libertad en los procesos, manteniéndose un equilibrio con la pertinencia descriptiva de las funciones y competencias que le son propias a cada profesión.

La integración de la práctica orientadora mediante el portafolio profesional dentro del sistema académico ya existente se puede lograr teniendo en cuenta las actividades de evaluación y acreditación en curso. En este sentido, no se trata de añadir un portafolio más, o un programa de actividades, al amplio abanico de tareas que ya tienen los estudiantes. Tampoco se piensa en un servicio paralelo al plan de estudios. Muchos alumnos y alumnas ya realizan portafolios para ser evaluados en las asignaturas, reflexionar sobre contenidos o comunicarse con sus profesores.

Pero todos esos portafolios están desconectados unos de otros y son realizados según los criterios demandados en cada ocasión. El portafolio de auto-orientación profesional debería ser una integración de todo lo anterior, transdisciplinar, y dirigido a construir el puzle de cada titulación con sentido personalizado y profesional. Debería situar a cada estudiante en su proyecto profesional, de modo que cada asignatura, a través de sus productos, adquiera un sentido competencial y funcional para ese proyecto.

Tanto los tutores como los profesores pueden ofrecer pautas, formación y acompañamiento como metodología de intervención. Por ejemplo, se puede utilizar una determinada vista del portafolio para evaluar una asignatura, o utilizar varias de ellas para acreditar un paquete de prácticas o un Trabajo Fin de Grado. Sin embargo, el valor del portafolio estará por encima de todo ello, contemplando el itinerario formativo desde un plano jerárquico superior. Aquellos estudiantes que, en respuesta a sus profesores, solo utilicen el portafolio de manera discontinua estarán desaprovechando la potencia del recurso, tal como se ha contrastado en los estudios realizados.

Palabras clave

Auto-orientación profesional; portafolio; proyecto profesional.

Institutionalization of professional self-orientation through Maharazar portfolio in the degrees


It is timely considered to move towards a model of blended technological orientation that institutionalizes self-orientation as a meta-competence in Degrees. This communication puts forward an organizational structure to implement this model, based on a research plan with qualitative multi-case methodology which began more than ten years ago. The tool for self-orientation is the digital professional portfolio, which uses Mahara for presentation and online support. It is necessary, in addition, a program of group face-to-face sessions at key moments of each degree, a basic guide with the competency map of the degree and the coordination by University Guidance Plan. The challenge is not to lose the sense of self-determination from the beginning, as well as openness and freedom in the processes, maintaining a balance with the descriptive relevance of the functions and competences that are specific to each profession.

The integration of the guidance practice through the professional portfolio within the present academic system can be achieved by considering the evaluation and accreditation activities in process. On this matter, it is not about adding a new portfolio, or an activity program, to the wide range of tasks that students already have. Nor is it thought of a parallel service to the curriculum.

Many students already make portfolios to be evaluated in the subjects, to reflect on contents or to communicate with their teachers. But all those portfolios are disconnected from each other and are made according to the criteria demanded on each situation. The professional self-orientation portfolio should be a transdisciplinar integration of all the tasks; and should be focused on building the puzzle of each degree in a personalized and professional way. Each student must be placed on their professional project, so that each subject acquire functional and skill sense for that project through its evidences.

Both tutors and teachers can offer guidelines, training and accompaniment, as training methodology.

For example, a section of the portfolio can be used to evaluate a subject, or we may use a collection of evidences to accredit a pack of practices or a Final Degree Project. However, the portfolio value will be above all this, as the learning path may be analyzed from a higher hierarchical level. Those students who just make use of the portfolio discontinuously, in response to their teachers, will be wasting the power of the tool, as contrasted in the researches carried out.


Professional self-orientation; portfolio; professional project.

In document 5th-7th September. Zaragoza (Spain) (página 109-112)

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