We studied the possibility that a future galaxy survey with the characteristics of the Dark Energy Task Force stage IV might be able to constrain the shape of the primordial non-Gaussianity through observations of the halo bias. A non-vanishing primordial three-point function induces a modification of the halo bias that is sensitive mainly to the squeezed
Figure 7.3: Forecasts for the parametrization ∆b = fNLp A/kβ. Green regions correspond to points in the fNLp , β parameter space satisfying ∆χ2 ≤ 2.3, corresponding to the 68.3%
confidence level. Note that fNLp is defined such that the non-Gaussian modification to the halo bias, eq. (7.15), is the same as in the presence of a local non-Gaussianity at a scale k = 0.03 h Mpc−1, thus fNL(ν = 1.5)∼ 8fNLp (β = 2).
limit in which one of the three momenta is smaller than the other two. Single field models produce a bispectrum with a squeezed limit going like hζ3i ∼ 1/q, where q is the small momentum, while models of inflation with multiple light fields can produce a large non-Gaussianity of the local type, i.e., going likehζ3i ∼ 1/q3 in the squeezed limit. Thus, the observation of a squeezed limit with a behavior which is different to these two possibilities might signal the presence of some non-trivial dynamics during inflation. Such can happen for example in the “quasi-single field” inflation model, which consists of a light inflaton and a massive isocurvaton coupled through a turning trajectory. It can produce a shape going as
hζ(~k1)ζ(~k2)ζ(~q)iq→0∼ 1/q3/2+ν, (7.26) where ν ≡p9/4 − m2/H2.
We estimate the ability of a survey such as that described in section 7.4 to constrain the squeezed limit of the primordial three-point function. For this purpose we perform
forcasts on the uncertainties on a measurement of the amplitude and shape of the non-Gaussianity generated by the quasi-single field inflation model (see figure 7.2) and of a phenomenological model-independent parametrization of the non-Gaussian halo bias at large scales ∆b = fNLp A/kβ (see figure 7.3).
Since the variation of the halo power spectrum with the power ν or β is large for small values of the amplitue fNL or fNLp , the Likelihood function in terms of these parameters is not expected to be a Gaussian. We cannot then use the Fisher information matrix approach, and instead compute ∆χ2 at each point in parameter space. We report our findings in figures 7.2 and 7.3. We find that the forecasted uncertainties depend quite strongly on the fiducial model. If the fiducial model is taken to be similar to a local non-Gaussianity (¯ν = 1.5 or ¯β = 2), the survey will be able to put tight constraints on the parameters of the model, even for ¯fNL = O(10). As ¯ν or ¯β decreases the forecasted uncertainties become larger, requiring larger values of ¯fNL or ¯fNLp for non-Gaussianity to be observable. This is to be expected since a milder divergence in the squeezed limit translates into a milder scale dependence in the non-Gaussian modification to the halo bias.
Though the most stringent limits on the primordial non-Gaussianity to date come from CMB observations, the CMB has a limited capacity in constraining the shape of the three-point function. Indeed, it is not sensitive to the physically interesting squeezed limit, and would not distinguish between two shapes which have a large cosine but with different squeezed limits. In this sense halo bias observations are complementary to CMB observations and might open a new window to the physics of inflation. It would still be of interest however to find the constraints on the amplitude of the quasi-single field inflation template coming from CMB data.
Another potentially interesting probe of the squeezed limit is the possibility of observ-ing the µ distortion of the CMB spectrum recently proposed in Ref. [37]. A primordial three-point function induces a correlation between the µ distortion and the temperature which is sensitive to the very squeezed limit. It would be interesting to study the power of such a probe to constrain fNL and ν.
Finally, let us comment on ways in which one can increase the signal to noise ratio in our analysis. If the analysis is repeated for a photometric survey like LSST, which can observe galaxies with fainter magnitudes and thus higher redshift, one expects the gain in volume to reduce the errors by a factor∼ 2. Refs. [38, 39, 40] argue that with the use of several differently biased tracers and an optimal weighting it is possible to reduce the errors on a local fNL by at least an order of magnitude. We expect a similar reduction to take place in our case, greatly improving the sensitivity of the survey. Another way to reduce the uncertainties is that proposed by Ref. [41] who argue in favor of cross-correlating pixels in order to extract more information from the survey; they find that for a local non-Gaussianity the reduction of the uncertainties is again of an order of magnitude. If the uncertainty on fNL can be brought to be of O(1), general relativistic effects on the halo bias become relevant and might then be observable (e.g., [42] and refs therein).
While this paper was being completed, we became aware of a similar analysis being carried out by another group, see Ref. [43]. We have carried out a rough comparison of our results and find them to be consistent. We are grateful to the authors for coordinating with us the publication on the ArXiv website.
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Composite states of two right-handed neutrinos
Gabriela Barenboim, Cristian Bosch
Physical Review D 94, 116019 (2016)
In this work, we develop a model for Higgs-like composites based on two generations of right-handed neutrinos that condense. We analyze the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the theory with two explicit breakings, setting the different scales of the model and obtaining massive bosons as a result. Finally, we calculate the gravitational wave imprint left by the phase transition associated with the symmetry breaking of a generic potential dictated by the symmetries of the composites.
8.1 Introduction
The observation of neutrino oscillations suggests that there must be physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics due to the inclusion of right-handed neutrinos that are sterile with respect to the Standard Model gauge interactions. These additional states mix with the usual neutrinos of the Standard Model through Yukawa interactions with the left-handed leptons. If these new sterile neutrinos become massive, then masses for the Standard Model (SM) neutrinos are also generated by the mixing between the sterile and active neutrinos. It is important to notice that the right-handed mass scale is not protected by any symmetry and therefore can take any value. On general grounds, one can assume it will take the highest possible value.
Despite not being active players of the SM dynamics, as mentioned before, right-handed (RH) neutrino existence is well motivated by the evidence of nonzero neutrino masses provided by the oscillation experiments and by the yet unconfirmed but still intriguing evidence of reactor and accelerator experiments for additional light sterile neutrino states.
Without any direct experimental evidence, there could be a wide range (from sub-eV to 1015 GeV) for the scale of masses for the right-handed neutrinos.
While Majorana mass terms for the sterile neutrinos could be directly added to the theory, we wish to explore a dynamical origin of these masses through sterile neutrino condensates. Inspired by the Bardeen-Hill-Lindner (BHL) [1][2] model of composite Higgs fields, first described by [3], the role of the top quark condensates will be played by a condensate of the sterile neutrinos. The sterile neutrinos have no SM gauge interactions except for the gravitational interactions which are flavor neutral. We will assume that gravity or some other flavor neutral dynamics is responsible for driving the formation of the sterile neutrino condensates. The minimal model of sterile neutrino condensates will require at least two flavors of sterile neutrinos to explain the observed neutrinos oscillations.
With two flavors of sterile neutrinos and flavor neutral dynamics, the neutrino conden-sates will transform as a symmetric tensor representation of the U(2) sterile neutrino flavor symmetry. The dynamical breaking of this flavor symmetry is triggered by the formation of the sterile neutrino condensates and a number of composite scalars that will have their own low-scale interactions. A possible realization of the dynamics involved in the con-densation can be reviewed in [4] where the gravitational interactions of the RH sterile neutrinos is the mechanism inducing the condensation. This gravitational attraction (see [5], where the condensation source is a topological formulation of gravitational anomaly), or different and undetermined short-range interactions (e.g., as a torsion in the reheating era, right after inflation, as presented in [6]), is independent of the sterile neutrino flavor thus forming composite scalars that are not constrained by the need for neutralizing their flavor charge implying a larger number of scalar bound states. While there could be a larger number of sterile neutrinos, we will focus on the minimal set needed to explain the observed neutrino oscillations that consists of the two flavors mentioned above. The two-flavor model will generate masses for only two of the three SM neutrinos so one of the neutrino mass eigenstates will have zero mass. One may wonder if this condensation mechanism applies to other particles. As explained in [4], sterile neutrinos are the only neutral fermions in a SM scenario (plus the sterile neutrino extension). Thus, any other fermion of the theory would have desintegration channels that would ensure the short survival of their condensates.
In the BHL model, the Higgs field is formed as a top quark bound state at a high scale, Λ. At a much lower scale, the electroweak symmetry is dynamically broken generating particle masses and a physical Higgs boson. We will explore the nature of flavor symmetry breaking in the corresponding version of the sterile neutrino condensate model.
The reader may wonder what is the interest, if there is any, of an effective theory that will have to deal with the appearance of new Nambu-Goldstone bosons and pseudo-Goldstone bosons once its symmetries are broken, and where to fit their masses in a particle catalogue that is not growing experimentally. However, this is not as troublesome as it may seem, and we can explore the convenience of these condensates for the treatment of some theoretical puzzles still unsolved.
One of them would be cosmological inflation. Keeping in mind models based on the same idea we are dealing with here [7], we will propose a series of bosons after symmetry breaking that could be interesting for this purpose.
Another possibility would be to explore the prospect of solving the electroweak vacuum instability present in the running of the Higgs quartic coupling [8]. Unfortunately, as we will see, our particular realization of RH neutrino condensation will prove not enough to fix this situation. RH neutrino composite scalars are a promising line of work for solving this problem nonetheless.
Additionally, we will address the experimental signature of the phase transition we are
proposing, its imprint in the gravitational wave spectrum. In February 2016, Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory (LIGO) [9] confirmed experimentally the existence of gravitational waves. As the scientifical outbreak of the year, it would be quite interesting to determine the signature that our phase transition would leave in the grav-itational spectrum. LIGO’s discovery has already motivated the searches of new physics, as shown in [10]. A neutrino condensate would, thus, be recognizable if a gravitational wave signal matches the theoretical prediction of the phase transition corresponding to a spontaneous symmetry breaking.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 8.2 is dedicated to introduce the scalar fields, the change into vectorial notation, and the calculation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of the scalar theory. Section 8.3 introduces an explicit breaking in a lower energy scale, and in Sec. 8.4 we persent the last breaking, due to the Yukawa interaction of the scalar, being the lowest energy scale of the theory. In Sec. 8.5, the print left as gravitational waves by a potential featuring the same symmetries as the one presented in this analysis is studied. After that, the conclusions are presented in Sec. 8.6.