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In document LA CARGA MENTAL DE TRABAJO (página 194-198)

Television is a very important phenomenon in our society day to day, so the influence that this can exert on us is considerable, therefore, its evolution has effects on us.

Trash TV is a new form of television at very low cost that generates important profits and it has evolved considerably today. Not everyone see and influence of the thrash TV in the same way, to consider thrash TV each one has different opinions, it is something very personal of each person, but that certainly exists every day more and more in our television.

In this work I have tried to publish from a more theoretical point of view trash TV consists of, what are their main programs, as well as, what they consist and what are their meaningful themes and characters to the audience.

Trash TV, as I said, concerns society in a very important way because of the influence it exerts on us, but in this work I have tried to focus on the opinion of young people between twenty and thirty years old, since it is the generation that can mark the future of a country, as well as I tried to know their tastes when it comes to watching television and especially trash TV.

Trash TV is a difficult element to identify because it doesn’t have very defined parameters and even on numerous occasions it is very difficult to know about its existence. With this work I seek to contribute more knowledge on this subject of rigorous actuality.

Autor: Martín Jimena, Manuel José Tutor: Vallejo Peña, Francisco Alberto Cotutor: NO Área de conocimiento: SOCIOLOGÍA


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Política actual del mercado laboral en España, frente a la de los países de la U.E. con un PIB por encima de la media.

España se sitúa en el puesto número 13, de los países de la UE con respecto al PIB (indicador del nivel de actividad económica), representado el 92% de la media, con la riqueza per cápita influenciada entre otros aspectos del mercado laboral, por las elevadas tasas de desempleo, según los datos publicados por Eurostat. Tiene que crecer el PIB, a través de inversiones, consumo y exportaciones, para que se cree empleo. España necesita un Plan Estratégico para la Industria, que promueva un nuevo modelo productivo para crear más riqueza y mayor número de puestos de trabajo, de calidad y de duración en el tiempo, como el que tienen los países de la Unión Europea con un PIB por encima de la media. España tiene un mercado de trabajo desestructurado en cuanto a oferta y demanda, con un excedente de oferta de trabajo dispuesta a emigrar a la UE. Con una escasa capacidad de incrementar puestos de trabajo, discriminando en épocas de crisis a mujeres, jóvenes e inmigrantes del mercado laboral.

Current labor market policy in Spain, compared to the countries of the European Union with above-average GDP.

Spain is ranked 13th among EU countries with respect to GDP (indicator of economic activity level), representing 92% of the average, with per capita wealth influenced by other aspects of the labor market, due to high unemployment rates, according to data published by Eurostat. GDP has to grow, through investment, consumption and exports, to create employment. Spain needs a Strategic Plan for Industry, which promotes a new productive model to create more wealth and more jobs, quality and duration in time, such as the countries of the European Union with a GDP per above average. Spain has a labor market that is unstructured in terms of supply and demand, with a surplus labor supply ready to emigrate to the EU. With a low capacity to increase jobs, discriminating women, young people and immigrants in the labor market in times of crisis.

Autor: Pérez Martínez Oliverio Tutor: Pérez Yáñez, Rosa María


Página 1 de 261

extinción del contrato por causas objetivas.

Autor: Zúñiga Bonilla Almudena Tutor:

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extinción del contrato por causas objetivas.

Este trabajo aborda el despido objetivo, regulado en el artículo 52 del estatuto de los trabajadores. Desde mi punto de vista después de poco tiempo que he estado en la práctica, es uno de los despidos más usados por el empleador, especialmente en los últimos años a la reforma laboral introducida en el año 2012.En este artículo 52 del estatuto de los trabajadores, son cinco causas reguladas, siendo uno de ellos, económica, técnica, organización y producción, (arte. 52.c) ET), que también regula el despido colectivo, donde la diferencia de uso entre un despido u otra está en el umbral de trabajadores afectados, y esta causa en particular presenta un uso fraudulento del artículo 52.c) ET, ya que la intención es evitar lo establecido para el despido colectivo.

Tenemos que seguir diciendo que esto causa en el artículo 52.c) ET es una causa que en el momento de la prueba por el trabajador en el acto del juicio, presenta ciertas dificultades, puesto que la documentación que prueba que esta causa es no real para que el despido se declare inadmisible, es difícil obtener o conseguir la documentación pertinente que demuestre que tal situación es no lo que realmente está sucediendo en el lugar de trabajo , ya que proviene de dentro de la documentación de la empresa, más específicamente para la persona encargada de las cuentas de la empresa, y que documentación contable se basa en gastos e ingresos que el empresario presenta a la persona responsable de la documentación contable. Otra dificultad que puede ocurrir es si hay un juicio final en que se condenó al empresario al abono, es una compensación o está procesando el salario y el empleador no cumpla con la obligación impuesta en la sentencia.

Dismissal for objetive reason

This work deals with the objective dismissal, regulated in article 52 of the Statute of workers. From my point of view after the short time that I've been in practice, is one of the most used dismissal by the employer, especially in recent years to the labor reform introduced in the year 2012. In this article 52 of the Statute of workers, are regulated five causes, being one of them, economic, technical, organizational and production, (art. 52.c) ET), being also regulated for the collective dismissal, where the difference in application between a dismissal or other is on the threshold of workers affected, and is this cause in particular presenting a fraudulent use of the article 52.c) ET , since the intention is to avoid the established for the collective dismissal.

We must continue saying that this causes in the article 52.c) ET is a cause that at the time of testing by the worker in the Act of judgment, presents certain difficulties, since documentation which proves that such cause is not real so that the dismissal has declare inadmissible, it is difficult to get or get relevant documentation which proves that such a situation is not what really is happening in the workplace , since it is coming from inside the company documentation, more specifically for the person carrying the accounts of the company, and that accounting documentation is based on expenses and income that the employer presents to the person responsible for the accounting documentation. Another difficulty that can occur is if there is a final judgment in which be condemned to the entrepreneur to the fertilizer either is a compensation or is processing salary and the employer does not comply with the obligation to imposed in the judgment. I said difficult, since it will be solved the beg that the worker in demand in a fairly long time and the safer than less than calling on demand asks


Tutor: Fernaández Ramírez Marina


Página 1 de 261


In document LA CARGA MENTAL DE TRABAJO (página 194-198)