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Cultural Development Of The Participants Of Tatar Business Language Courses


Academic year: 2020

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Rashat N. Yakupov, Kazan Federal University. Russia. Kadriya S. Fatkhullova, Kazan Federal University. Russia. Zoya N. Kirillova, Kazan Federal University. Russia. Firuza R. Sibgaeva, Kazan Federal University. Russia. E-mail: esfehani.mohamad3@gmail.com

Fecha de recibido: 15 de noviembre de 2019

Fecha de aceptado para publicación: 30 de noviembre de 2019 Fecha de publicación: 10 de diciembre de 2019


This paper deals with the problem of the Tatar business speech development in state and municipal employees in the short-term courses under the program of "Business Tatar language". For the implementation of this project, programs have been developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of level-grade education in the Tatar language. In the process of studying the Tatar language, students of the courses practically master both oral and written speech, language features of business communication in the Tatar language, and deepen their linguistic competence. This is the relevance of the materials presented in the article. According to the program of these courses, students are divided into groups depending on the level of practical knowledge of the Tatar language. The specifics of each level are the topics for business communication, speech and language materials, which together serve to develop the communicative competence of students. The study of such topics as “Business communication, establishing business contacts, business etiquette”, “State and municipal authorities: types, structure, activity”, “Telephone negotiations”, “Holding meetings and negotiations within the organization”, “Official business style of speech”, “Organizational and administrative documentation”, “Business letter in Tatar language”, “Official duties”, “Business trips”, aimed at digesting aspects of the Tatar speech culture in oral and written business communication. The approbation of the developed system of teaching business Tatar language is carried out on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of the Kazan Federal University. It allows students to form a culture of Tatar business speech, taking into account their fields of activity. This is due to the fact that the application of the Tatar language in the sphere of official business activity of the highest state and other structures in the Republic of Tatarstan is given special attention.

Keywords:Speech Culture; Business Communication; Level Learning; Speech Competence; Oral Speech; Written Speech; Final Control.

Este documento aborda el problema del desarrollo del discurso comercial tártaro en los empleados estatales y municipales en los cursos a corto plazo bajo el programa de "Lenguaje tártaro empresarial". Para la implementación de este proyecto, se han desarrollado y aprobado programas de acuerdo con los requisitos de educación de nivel de grado en el idioma tártaro. En el proceso de estudiar el idioma tártaro, los estudiantes de los cursos prácticamente dominan el habla oral y escrita, las características del lenguaje de la comunicación empresarial en el idioma tártaro y profundizan su competencia lingüística. Esta es la relevancia de los materiales presentados en el artículo. Según el programa de estos cursos, los estudiantes se dividen en grupos según el nivel de conocimiento práctico del idioma tártaro. Los detalles de cada nivel son los temas de comunicación empresarial, materiales de habla y lenguaje, que en conjunto sirven para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes. El estudio de temas como "Comunicación empresarial, establecimiento de contactos comerciales, etiqueta comercial", "Autoridades estatales y municipales: tipos, estructura, actividad", "Negociaciones telefónicas", "Celebración de reuniones y negociaciones dentro de la organización", "Estilo comercial oficial de discurso "," Documentación organizativa y administrativa "," Carta comercial en idioma tártaro "," Deberes oficiales "," Viajes de negocios ", destinados a digerir aspectos de la cultura del discurso tártaro en la comunicación comercial oral y escrita. La aprobación del sistema desarrollado de enseñanza del idioma tártaro empresarial se lleva a cabo sobre la base del Instituto de Filología y Comunicación Intercultural de la Universidad Federal de Kazan. Permite a los estudiantes formar una cultura de discurso comercial tártaro, teniendo en cuenta sus campos de actividad. Esto se debe al hecho de que se presta especial atención a la aplicación del idioma tártaro en el ámbito de la actividad comercial oficial del Estado más alto y otras estructuras en la República de Tatarstán.



Language policy, as one of the constituent parts of state policy, is aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of languages in all spheres of society, their interaction and further development. In the Republic of Tatarstan, the ethnocultural needs of all peoples living on its territory are taken into account. The following state structures deal with the issues of national and language policy in the Republic of Tatarstan: Council under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on interethnic and interfaith relations; Department of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on domestic policy issues, and Office of National Policy Implementation. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan has a Department of Culture and Development of the Languages of the Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan; the Sector of development of peoples’ languages in the Republic of Tatarstan. A committee on education, culture, science and national issues has been established in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. In order to implement the Law “On the Languages of the Peoples in the Republic of Tatarstan”, the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan assumed responsibility for the preservation, study and development of the peoples’ languages in the Republic of Tatarstan, which was reflected in the State Program “Preservation, Study and Development of the State Languages in the Republic of Tatarstan and Other Languages in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014–2020” [1]. It provides for the organization of various events, including conducting courses according to the program "Business Tatar language" for state and municipal employees of the Republic of Tatarstan. They are held annually since 2014 on the basis of the KFU Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication and are very popular with the audience.


The study was carried out on the basis of a descriptive method which allows presenting the current state of teaching the Tatar language in short-term courses. To implement the linguodidactic aspects of the study, it is proposed to use the method of synchronous analysis, which, when described, is supplemented by diachronic analysis. Comprehensive analysis of language and speech material which is subject to practical assimilation when studying the Tatar language as non-mother requires the use of comparative, quantitative, as well as lexical-semantic and comparative methods.

Results And Discussion

As you know, one of the most important areas of language functioning, which determines and confirms its high status, is the sphere of official business relations. In this regard, the use of the Tatar language in the sphere of official business of higher state and other structures is of particular importance. All these circumstances suggest the purposeful study of individual functional styles because it is relevant not only for the correct systemic presentation of the development stages of the Tatar literary language but also for solving the problems of the Tatar language on the way of its implementation as a state [2: 3].


I.A. Sadykova [3], F.Kh. Gabdrakhmanova [4], A.Kh. Ashrapova [5], G.N. Galimova [6], A.M. Ismagilova [7], and others.

In recent years, in the functioning of the Tatar business speech, one has to face certain difficulties associated with the lack of preparation of the Tatar language for use in the sphere of official business relations and meeting the growing need for office work using modern technical means of information processing. Specialists from various fields are actively involved in solving this problem, and everyone is trying to make his own contribution.

Taking into account this social order, teachers of the Department of General Linguistics and Turkic Studies of the Kazan Federal University developed a program of teaching business Tatar language based on a system-activity approach and taking into account the requirements of level-based learning languages (levels A, B, C). This approach provides a communicative orientation of the educational process, creates conditions for business communication and the improvement of speech skills of students. As a result, students of courses at different levels acquire the ability for business communication in both dialogical and monologue, both in oral and in written form. Applications for registration of employees for these courses are sent by various ministries and departments, as well as budget institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan.

For the effective organization of courses, firstly, entrance testing is carried out, according to the results of which students are distributed into groups. As many years of experience show, the majority of those who were enrolled in courses are those who practically speak the Tatar language, but they need to improve their communication skills for business communication, taking into account the scope of their activities. At the same time, there are many course participants among those who had not previously studied the Tatar language due to different circumstances, but under the present conditions, in accordance with their position, they believe that they need the Tatar language in their work, so they start learning from an elementary level. Work in such a group provides for the development of communicative competence of students in the main types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), taking into account areas of business communication. In the process of studying the Tatar language, special attention is paid to the development of oral speech of students mastering the Tatar language as a means of real interpersonal communication. Each lesson is aimed at ensuring that students have learnt to objectively evaluate their own level of language competence, practically use the learned lexical and grammatical material and solve the set communicative problem. In the classroom, teachers seek to create situations related to business communication in various fields, so that students learn how to solve communicative tasks related to their professional activities.


would be learned, the course participants tell small monologues, briefly providing information about themselves, others, and business news. The implementation of a variety of situational tasks contributes to the assimilation of new vocabulary and grammatical forms necessary for the construction of a dialogic or monologue utterance [9: 5]. Gradually, they develop communication skills to participate in a conversation with a teacher and with other students.

The final control at the end of classes at this level provides for the protection of self-presentation in which students must reflect basic information about themselves, their work, about getting a higher education, about spending free time and hobbies. Course participants are with great desire to prepare such presentations and speak to the audience, demonstrating their communication skills. This format of the final control makes it possible to see how students have practically mastered the Tatar language and are able to communicate within the limits of the topics studied.

The textbook for advanced level "Rules of spelling and punctuation in Tatar business writing" (Manual for employees working in the field of state and municipal service) [10] contains exercises of the following nature:

1. Read the words, correctly placing the stress.

Kajdadyr, yaramyj, tashtaj, bügengedej, eshlemeske, ejtegez, behetlemen, kilgensen, kürermen, beznenche, duslarcha, berkem, ruscha, chagyshtyr, kajdan, kajttygyzmy, teliler,

һerkem, elle nindi, bernerse, һichkajda, berdenber, tatarcha, kemneke, eshlegenbez, üzidare, minemche.

2. Find speech errors associated with the unjustified use of colloquial, dialectal, rusticated, and slangy vocabulary in Tatar literary speech.

1) Arhivta tabylgan tabyldyklarnyn chyn buluyn raslyj torgan deliller de bar. 2) Kichege charanyn künelle һem möһim buluyn bilgelep üterge kirekter. 3) Berenche debyutynnan son any chygyshlar belen bashka ölkelerge de chakyra bashladylar. 4) Ofislarynyn echke inter'ery chitten kilgen keshelerne gaJepke kaldyrdy. 5) Һer bülekke gyjnvar aenda ellyk kollegiya öchen hisap birü meJbüri. 6) Kyzganychka karshy, bez mondyj künelsezlekler bulachagyn küz aldyna da kitere almadyk. 7) YAzgy sheһer ömesende idare hezmetkerlerennen 25 keshe katnashty. 8) Zur unyshlarga ireshünen nigezende avyl huJalygy kul'turalaryn eshkertü öchen chygarylgan agrotekhnikanyn zamancha taleplerge tury kilüe yata. 9) Jitekchege yalgan yala yagu oeshma kesheleren gaJepke kaldyrdy. 10) Bügenge kichenen sebepchese bulgan yash' hanymga bik matur һem izge telekler telisem kile.

3. What is the attitude towards an interlocutor and what emotions of the speaker convey these questions? What expressions are possible in the official speech?

1). Nerse eshlep yatasyn? Nishlisez? Niler kylyp beterden? Nerseler eshletep beterdegez? 2). Kaya kitten? Kaya barasyz? Sez hezer kajda kitten? 3). Neste buldy? Nerse buldy? Nerse kilep chykty?

4. Replace Russian-European borrowings with Tatar words.


specialist, uchrezhdenie, isk, kreslo, strahovanie, postanovlenie, dogovor, promyshlennost', harakter, organizaciya, soglashenie.

5. Translate these phrases into Tatar language: birth certificate, employment record book, secondary education certificate, certificate of employment, certificate of income, driver's license, insurance certificate, foreign travel passport, marriage certificate, place of birth, place of residence, information about job, dismissed at his own request, transferred to another job, incentives and awards, refresher courses, to certify the document at the place of presentation.

6. Make sentences with the following words: management, petition, charter, employee, position, employee, accountant, chairman, officially, reprimand, specialist, institution.

7. Tell in Tatar: Please, allow me to engage in self-employment in trade for a period of one year. I pledge to respect the rights and legal interests of customers, consumers and other persons with whom I will enter into legal relations in the field of individual labour activity. The contract is signed by the parties in my presence. The identity of the parties is established, their capacity has been verified.

8. Translate the questions into the Tatar language and answer them: Look, please, do I have a registered letter? Can I send a congratulatory telegram on a colourful form from here? When can I get the goods? When will the goods be shipped? Can I use a credit card to pay?

9. Tell in Tatar and write questions with these words:

Department of National Education and Interregional Cooperation at the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Tatarstan, Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, housing and communal services, state housing inspection, Republican Agency for Press and Mass Communications “Tatmedia”, etc.


The use of such tasks makes it possible to deepen the linguistic knowledge of state and municipal servants and to develop the skills of their practical use in a speech in an inseparable unity. Advanced study of such topics as “Business communication, establishing business contacts, business etiquette”, “State and municipal authorities: types, structure, activity”, “Telephone negotiations”, “Organization of meetings and negotiations within the organization”, “Official-business style of speech", "Organizational and administrative documentation "," Business letter in the Tatar language "," Official duties "," Business travel " is aimed at assimilating aspects of the culture of Tatar speech in oral and written business communication, as well as the development of business discourse among course participants. At the end of the course, an output testing is organized, according to the results of which each student is awarded a certificate of the prescribed type by KFU.


the Tatar language in the broad administrative, managerial and record-keeping activities of state structures, enterprises and institutions.


In conclusion, we consider it necessary to note that in the process of studying the Tatar language, state and municipal servants became convinced that the native language and native culture of any people is only part of the whole human world, therefore in the modern interethnic world a person cannot confine himself to the framework of their native language and native culture. Every person lives in the society of speakers of other languages and cultures and is associated with them by socio-cultural and other relations. The government of the Tatarstan Republic pays enough attention to the spread of parity bilingualism in the republic and creates all possibilities so that all segments of the population, as well as employees of state institutions, can study it. This is evidenced by our experience, the experience of other higher educational institutions, which make every effort to intensify language education in our country. In general, the official and business style of the modern Tatar language is undergoing a new stage of revival and functioning, therefore special attention is paid to the organization of the Business Tatar courses for state and municipal servants of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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