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The influence of the natural approach to improve the oral proficiency on 7th grade students at la tia Rosa school during the school year 2017 2018


Academic year: 2020

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MSc. Mélida Rocío Campoverde Méndez


Kevin Christopher Buestan Pita

Cristina María Narváez Regalado







PALABRAS CLAVE: Oral Proficiency, Communication, Natural Approach,


Teachers nowadays need to be as didactic as possible in order for education to be adequate to students that are learning a language. The influence of the Natural Approach is to improve proficiency and communication in language learners. It gives students the opportunity to deal with vocabulary and plain communication. The Natural Approach gives students the opportunity to expand themselves in communicating their thoughts and ideas in the new language as much as possible. This improves gradually depending on the amount of time spent practicing the language using dialogues to set the pace of the language as realistic in any situation, allowing the students to elaborate and improve language learning gradually with utter understanding and significance using ludic strategies in the classroom. The natural approach can become the expectation of all the classes which will help learners have a part of their everyday life including the language. Using the Natural Approach method for students to improve proficiency is done with the constant practice that is implied by the teacher in vocabulary learning tasks that adapt to the students’ needs. Language proficiency is the soul of language learning which keeps evolving and improving students’ performance when speaking. These activities will be manifested with similar activities that are found in book, on the internet and in the average classroom and its corresponding text or manual. This method assures the priority needed for improving speaking abilities in the English language through vocabulary; therefore, it is important to design the appropriate vocabulary material in which 7th grade class at La Tia Rosa can improve oral proficiency performance as highly required.

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Kevin Christopher Buestan Pita Cristina María Narváez Regalado

Teléfono: 0985045562 0991056385



CONTACTO EN LA INSTITUCIÓN: Nombre: Ab. José Maldonado Mora

Teléfono: 596 – 500 ext.221





MARÍA NARVÁEZ REGALADO declaramos bajo juramento, que la autoría del presente trabajo de investigación, corresponde totalmente a los/las suscritos(as) y

nos responsabilizamos con los criterios y opiniones científicas que en el mismo se

declaran, como producto de la investigación realizada.

De la misma forma, cedemos nuestros derechos patrimoniales y de titularidad a la

Universidad Laica VICENTE ROCAFUERTE de Guayaquil, según lo establece la

Ley de Propiedad Intelectual del Ecuador.

Este proyecto se ha ejecutado con el propósito de estudiar (THE INFLUENCE OF









En mi calidad de Tutor(a) del Proyecto de Investigación MSc. Mélida Rocío Campoverde Méndez nombrada por el Consejo Directivo de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad Laica VICENTE ROCAFUERTE de Guayaquil.


Haber dirigido, revisado y analizado en todas sus partes el Proyecto de Investigación titulado: “THE INFLUENCE OF THE NATURAL APPROACH TO IMPROVE THE ORAL PROFICIENCY ON 7TH GRADE STUDENTS AT LA TIA ROSA SCHOOL DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR 2017-2018”, presentado por los

estudiantes Kevin Christopher Buestan Pita, Cristina María Narváez Regalado ,como requisito previo a la aprobación de la investigación para optar al Título de LICENCIADO EN LENGUAS INGLESA MENCIÓN ENSEÑANZA Y ADMINISTRACIÓN DE SISTEMAS EDUCATIVOS EN TEFL, encontrándose apto para su sustentación


MSc. Mélida Rocío Campoverde Méndez



I would like to thank God first for giving me the blessing to work on this research project day by day with patience, enthusiasm and the strength to conclude this project. It was a challenge, but with his support everything is possible. To my family who have always helped me during all these four years in my studies and the development of this research. They are my motivation to continue achieving all the goals I want as a professional. To La Tia Rosa School de Guayaquil, Directors and co-workers who allowed me to share my research project with them to put into practice with the students of this institution to accomplish my studying goals. To MSc. Mélida Rocío Campoverde for her advice and feedback that helped me develop my research project with patience and determination. To all English Teachers from Laica University who were involved in the process of helping me to improve my English language knowledge in the education field.


I would like to thank the Almighty God for giving me strength to endure all this time while doing the thesis with my partner, Kevin Buestan. This has been a real challenge for me and I am glad that I have been able to accomplish such task. I would also like to thank the teachers that were put in my path for giving me the best teachings that they could, providing knowledge and vast wisdom in the English realm. I would like to mention that MSc. Mélida Rocío Campoverde Méndez has been a corner stone in this difficult task, helping us with her knowledge and wisdom and giving us the confidence to make this project the right way. This shows the type of teachers that Laica university offers in helping the community make professionals into the productive world.



First of all, I dedicate this research project to our dear God who gave me the strength, patience and eagerness to finish it in spite of all the things I had to face to achieve this goal.

This is also dedicated especially to my mother, who has motivated me every day since I was a child to accomplish every single goal that I set in my life, giving me support, strength, and sharing with me her knowledge to apply and improve my weaknesses, she wanted the best wishes for my life, and I am so thankful for all what she taught me in order to grow up as a better person. She was a great example of a professional life that I have ever had in my life. In spite of she is not here I feel her soul with me and I know she is guiding my steps and taking care of me every single day from the Heaven.

To my father, who give me all his support to achieve this goal and He was so patience to tried to cheer me up every day, he was so sympathetic, he gave me good advices along this year and he also showed me his affection despite everything, he has encouraged me to continue every day and I know he is proud of the person who I am now.

To my brother for being a great friend to me, that together with his ideas we had shared unforgettable moments and he is one of the most important person in my life and he also helped me to carry on with my life showing me his gladness and charisma for having a good professional life.

To all my relatives and my friends who they have been a fundamental part of my life and they also helped me directly and indirectly in the realization of this project. And last but not least, our tutor MSc. Campoverde for the guidance and help that gives us for the realization of this thesis.



Firstly, I Thank God for the strength and knowledge he provides me during all the process of doing my research project who is the one that makes the impossible possible.

I dedicate my thesis to my mother who I would like to be an example to in order to encourage her in following her dreams.

To my brother and especially to my father because they are my motivation for achieving my goals; their examples and advice are part of my daily life and have helped me believe in myself.

To one of my best friend because she guided me when I had doubts about how to research my thesis, and share her working with adolescents experience with me, and what kind of techniques she used at the moment students’ needed to

communicate with each other. I will appreciate such things forever.

And last but not least, our tutor MSc. Campoverde for monitoring our thesis step by step with lots of patience and kindness while working at it.

Cristina María Narváez Regalado







1.3 Systematization of the problem ... 5

1.4 Broad Objectives ... 5

1.5 Specific Objectives ... 5

1.6 Significance or justification of the study ... 5

1.7 Scope and delimitations of the study ... 6

1.8 Hypothetical Approach (Hypotheses or Research questions) ... 7

1.9 Identification of Variables ... 7

1.10 Operationalization of Variables ... 8




2.2.1 Language acquisition... 14

2.2.2 Learning taking place... 16

2.2.3 Closing the learning gaps ... 20

2.2.4 The benefits of engaging in activities ... 21

2.2.5 Language environment at work ... 24

2.2.6 The root of socializing ... 26

2.2.7 Structure and language function ... 27


2.2.9 Ministerio de educación del ecuador, 2017 ... 29

2.2.10 Threads according to the new curriculum ... 30

2.2.11 Spoken interaction ... 30

2.2.12 Rubrics for speaking evaluation ... 30


2.3.1 Regulations concerns ... 31






3.2.1 Deductive ... 37

3.2.2 Inductive ... 37



3.4.1 Interview ... 38

3.4.2 Survey or Questionnaire ... 38



3.6.1 Sources ... 40


4.3.1 Broad objective ... 66

4.3.2 Specific objectives ... 66







ANNEX 1 ... 106

ANNEX 2 ... 107

ANNEX 3 ... 108

ANNEX 4 ... 110



Speaking English has many opportunities that can open many doors to the one that can master the language in an adequate manner. These days it is mandatory for language learners to develop their language proficiency to the maximum of their capabilities in this challenging word. Students also need to be orientated in order for them to acquire enough knowledge to determine their social, commercial, technological, and cultural development, aiding student to establish skills and competences for them to improve human being lifestyles in future times. The problem in the study is stated in chapter one in which proper communication is not evident due to lack of proper intonation, pronunciation, vocabulary content, enough practice and even lack of confidence in students when it comes to perform speaking in English. The insufficiency of hours for English practice, not enough material aimed for such tasks and the poor motivation students show to engage into extra-curricular

activities involving such skills. As stated in the previous paragraph, in chapter two the methodology applied to find

a relief to this problem is discussed. The Natural Approach and its methodology is applied to the problem with its characteristics as first hand communication, involvement of realia, vocabulary, and present situations depending on the tasks that are worked on in class or apparently improvised to the situation from the teacher or students requests. The parameters involved for such task using the Natural Approach also relate to the application of many flashcards, wallcharts and vocabulary that is from lessons and exercises aimed to the general objectives for each class.




1.1 Background of the problem

At “La Tia Rosa” School, the problem of low oral proficiency of the students of 7th

grade is the objective of this investigation. Their formality will be in an empiric character with different points in mind.

Speaking is the skill that most predominates because it stands out when any student relates and prepares. It is constructed with many objectives. The first thing that people may want to overcome is speaking. Also, there are many facts that are involved as well. That was the most difficult to learn because not all the people can reach to perform it perfectly, but if you can´t reach it that is not the reason that you have to retract from learning it or expressing oneself openly and without the fear of making mistakes.

Speaking like listening can carry many difficulties to students. Having a conversation is like 50% the time talking, and the rest is listening to the other person. It comes difficult to answer to any person if you can´t understand it well. You have to practice listening and speaking to reach a fluid conversation and have skills in the way you express opinions and such.

There are also times when a person is speaking English and has something in mind to say but forgets two or three words making it difficult to say what one is thinking.


When students feel nervous and are afraid of making mistakes while speaking English, there is a self-confidence problem. When students worry about grammar, they lack confidence and they don’t practice outside of school.

1.2 Statement of the problem

There is no related language due to no comprehension

Insufficient activities on the topic of conversation.

Lack of practice in the language is noticeable.


fundamental for language knowledge and docents have to be prepared with exercises that have to be done by the student. This will expand into a common practice if teachers apply it and train students into a continuous learning.

The dynamic in the classroom represents is normally boring and does not motivate the learners to search ways of expression or use the language by themselves. Docents need to be motivators for the reason that students do not express motivation to articulate the language or have a conversation about any topic. Students appear without the motivation to act, because it could affect their abilities to expand or improve their vocabulary.

The situation is most of the time current. With a no dynamic material, without a plan or communicative activities to practice, no learning is present, Spanish is more commonly used in class. Teachers are lack the necessary material to make classes more dynamic and communication master could be practiced but without an initiative from students.

There is an awesome nearness of trouble understanding discourse designs, general verbs and unpredictable verbs sound comprehension isn't evidential, third individual present conjugations is additionally befuddling for most of the class. There are unbounded holes about correspondence capacities, vocabulary is low and the dialect isn't intelligent by and large. The dialect mechanics must be explored or instructed again on the grounds that there is no considerable confirmation that students have evaluated.


1.3 Systematization of the problem

 What methods can help student’s oral proficiency when speaking?  How can the causes of the problem be stale in the English classroom?  What other methods could be applied to improve students’ oral proficiency?  How can other methods foster students to improve oral proficiency?

 What other objectives will be covered directly or indirectly by addressing the

problem of oral proficiency?

1.4 Broad Objectives

To use the Natural Approach method with 7th grade students to improve their oral proficiency in English.

1.5 Specific Objectives

 To identify the problem students have when communicating in English.  To analyze methods teachers, use in class to help process learning-teaching.  To encourage students with speaking patterns and techniques that improve

English in the classroom and enhance students’ communication.

1.6 Significance or justification of the study

The lack of communication in English and the old techniques or methods that continue to be used nowadays, students must try or at least experiment or undergo practicing in the language. Students need to be mature in order to benefit of it and can understood the language as their native language.


classmates or criticized at any time or it is more probable that will happen when there is no facilitators or at break time and those are the reasons why some students hide or do not show their ability to express themselves.

In addition, this help or supports students in order to took or adopt the language from the natural approach technique and they can develop some skills by learning the language. This is fundamental because it will organize our ideas so students could present it in the most natural way.

The natural approach is known as integrated technique that helps students when they need to develop their communication daily problem, also it is considered the main solution of this serious problem.

This practiced technique will be the solution in order to learn and know how students associate situations so they can fix up or arrange the inconvenient step by step.

1.7 Scope and delimitations of the study

The examination emphasizes on the under domain that students have in communicative skills. This data come from 28 students of the 7th from La Tia Rosa School for the analytics examination of the research at hand. These walls that block the process and the capacity of ability growth that supplies well spoken English is what must be directed. Once the observation is complete, the lack of language usage in class was still obvious and classes were usually found tedious and without any significance for most of students. There was no type of student focused activities. Most of the performances were boring and teacher focused. The purpose of the classes might be transmission in different events and performances so they can maintain the students captivated in speaking manufacturing along with language growth and communication competence.


itself when speaking activities need to be made or when cognitive needs to showed how expressive students are when communicating among themselves.

1.8 Hypothetical Approach (Hypotheses or Research questions)

1. How can the Natural Approach benefit students’ oral proficiency?

2. What is the best method to enhance communicative competency in the classroom?

3. How else can the Natural Approach influence student’s learning and objectives?

4. How can this project improve students’ oral proficiency communicative competencies and performance in the language?

5. What are the benefits of the Natural Approach besides higher oral proficiency performance?

1.9 Identification of Variables

“The Natural Approach” is the independent variable while the problem is the lack of

oral proficiency. The Natural Approach is the way in which people learn a language. There are neither basic grammar rules nor any type of regulation which limit the ability of expressing oneself.

“The Oral proficiency” is the dependent variable because it is what students need to


1.10 Operationalization of Variables

Variables Dimensions Indicators


The Natural Approach


 Theory of the nature of language learning.  Classrooms techniques  Practices

Native Language  Mother tongue


Oral Proficiency

Ability  Skills  Creativity

 Resolution of the problems

Accuracy  Correct use of vocabulary  Correct pronunciation




In the state-of-the-art studies done approximately in language, it can be visible that language tension is a critical region in such subject. This language weakness could have deep results at the technique of language. This examinations that became lowly achieved back in 2002 by way of Darrel Atkinson wherein he states that examining anxiety and oral skill may make such activities the purpose for college students to be anxious. Those oral ability sports are chargeable for growing such uncomforted. A designed questionnaire that identifies sources of tension over overseas language oral talent turned into positioned to 109 high school degree beginning Spanish oral proficiency scholars. It turned into fabricated from three sections. The first one became a 24 question related to anxiety, the second component asked college students to expose their level of tension associated with their sure class practices and the third one requested newcomers to point out teacher’s characteristic and trainer practices that assist lessen language tension.

The effects of those analysis advised, among many other matters, that it's miles no longer a supply of scholar anxiety to speak in another language, but talking in the front of the magnificence is. Further, the method the teacher uses to correct college students in a comfortable, nice manner can extensively reduce language tension with such attitude.


improved lots and the oral proficiency tension decreased whilst the natural approach carried out. The analysis of interviews and application reviews established that students participated facing two assets of tension in linguistic and cultural differences as properly.

Peter Carrel (2015) stated that such results about the observations were approximately concern with the relationship between the verbal methods used in the process and the oral skills that were endorsed in the necessity of extreme emphasis about the nonacademic factors to lessen anxiety in college students and with plenty oral Exchange among them. Being in touch with the native audio system provided inside the school and classroom plus the informal gaining knowledge of additional content that is stimulating in attitude for all adjustments and linguistic gains as correct as possible.

Charles Gattegno (2015) simplifies the reality of the Natural Approach giving a fee of conversation without any grammar involvement. The level of additional complex combines the regular practice and vocabulary mastering the usage of content and application to big situations that students can become aware of their personal environment and socializing.

H. D. Brown (2015) confirms that oral talent is a look at the way some methods use formulaic sequences including standardized terms like collocations and idiomatic expressions that could assist students get talent for overseas language beginners and the use of educational strategies which could emphasize their linguistic repertoire.



The Natural Approach is about correspondence. It is the method for discussing normally with local speakers and with no kind of dialect outline. It is vocabulary reveled and uses in like manner, ordinary circumstances. This is situated in the dialect procurement hypothesis created by Stephen Krushen. The Native dialect ought not to be utilized as a part of the classroom. Vocabulary ought to be presented to understudies. This is a technique for novices in view of perception and understanding of how a man secures his or her first dialect. It rejects the formal association of dialect. It did not depend on sentence structure however on correspondence. It underscores conceivable and important practice exercises as opposed to generation of syntactically idealize sentences.

This technique was first known about in 1983 in the book called the normal approach by Tracy Terell and Stephen Krashen. This approach works in the utilization of dialect in informative circumstances without plan of action to the local dialect of the understudy and without reference to linguistic examination. It depends on the Naturalistic dialect learning in youthful kids. There is an accentuation on presentation and on input. The focal part of dialect isn't syntax however correspondence. Dialect is seen as an indispensable for conveying implications and messages. The vocabulary for both observation and creation is viewed as basic in the developments of messages.

An Oral Proficiency is an institutionalized, worldwide evaluation of utilitarian talking capacity. This is estimated on how well a man talks a dialect by evaluating their execution of a scope of dialect errands against determined criteria. The discussion to investigate the capacities and points of confinement of the person's oral target dialect capacities are to take part in an assortment of undertakings, for example, depicting, describing, and speculating. The scale can be imagined as a backwards triangle, with the "Prevalent" rating at the best speaking to an extensive variety of ability in semantic structures, vocabulary, and familiarity.


The Low class shapes the base purpose of the triangle, indicating minimal useful information of the dialect. Every dynamic class speaks to more extensive aptitudes and profundity of learning. While one can advance generally rapidly through the levels, advance is much slower through the upper appraisals in oral capability.

English is viewed as the world's most widely used language and it is determined in the archives distributed by the Ministry of Education on their site page. They have acknowledgment to that circumstance for two principle reasons. Right off the bat, learning and oral capability a remote dialect is imperative in the present globalized world and its general public of information. Besides, a large portion of innovative, logical, scholastic, and social data is found in English either physically or carefully. Subsequently, the administration considers English as an instrument which encourages understudies to prepare themselves to comprehend and impart among societies past their etymological and geographic cutoff points.

The Natural Approach divides the difficult process of SLA (Second Language Acquisition) into four simple levels and details learner and teacher attitudes at each one. Knowing the details of each level allows the teacher to communicate better and to choose teaching methods.

There are still certain cases that restrain teacher from doing good lessons. One is large sized classes which are problematic to organize oral proficiency. It is difficult to control a class with many students; they are different so they will have different rhythm to learn.

Another problem is the noise. Other classes may complain and will not be able to continue in a quiet environment, also is complicated to pay attention to all the students and provide feedback, some may seem this as an opportunity to be lazy and do not work in class.


Teaching English always has required research to find the most efficient method to help students to improve in a short term but with a long lasting learning.

Brinton, Celce-Murcia and Snow (2014) already mentioned that it is necessary to master a word’s meaning, written form, grammatical behavior, collocations, register,

associations and frequency in order to know a word. This is one of the aspects why teachers should use different process, mechanisms and programs to practice and get familiar to new words. Students should detect new lexis in several backgrounds. Research claims that it is important to read, listen, and to have tasks that contain natural approach in different kind of situation that can be found in any type of activity that relates to the book or for teachers that are more prepared, an activity of their own.

Hamer (2015) classifies three reasons for teaching oral proficiency or having students communicating with each other in the classroom. Teachers should acknowledge these reasons to pay attention and carry out or organize oral proficiency tasks in their lessons to encourage students in their studies of the language. The main reason is that developing oral proficiency opportunities to students lead rehearsal chances for them to try the language in a controlled or semi-controlled way before they eventually encounter real life situations where they can put in practice what they have been practicing in a safe context.

Another reason is that these activities give sound feedback for students and teachers. According to what teachers do, they can set remedial or corrective activities to connect students’ production in terms of delivery, discourse, intonation


That’s why students should be able to combine the natural approach and grammar

parts for communicating that is the objective of learning a new language in the communicative language teaching that the Ecuadorian government supports in the documents published to help students reach a B1 level when finishing their high

majority of the activities from the book are related to the targets which are in the

suggestion as nicely. The sports are conjugated in speaking obligations which are aimed to improve students’ language capabilities.

2.2.1 Language acquisition

Being that this study includes the verbal method and speaking. Those two standards

may be investigated and evolved in that order in these foundations. Paraphrasing a

few standards of Brinton et al (2014), it would be as observed. They say that the

expertise teachers should percentage with their students about the special factors

of every phrase is taken into consideration to be the natural technique depth.

Moreover, lesson plans have to encompass the herbal technique breadth which

refers to some of phrases college students can consider to supply the language.

Acquiring a word additionally includes receptive and effective information. The first

refers to perceive or recognize lexis in studying passages or listening tracks. The

second is the capability of students to use a word whilst writing or speaking.

They additionally analyze how many phrases should college students be delivered.

They make distinctions between components of speech, idioms, compound nouns,

figurative, denotative, sort of nouns, and all that entails teaching and studying a new

word as natural as possible. this is what makes challenging to accumulate a brand

new word for newcomers and for teachers to determine while to introduce the


instructions. In line with the Natural Approach, in which English language students

need to keep to acquire the acquisition of the language, beneath these parameters,

the tiers of development of the second one language need to establish in the

student, moral guidelines within the instructional integration of the language.

This manner, the process underneath a verbal or simple version must cognizance

on the first-class strategy for the coaching technique (Krashen, SD & Terrell, TD,

1983), this has allowed many specialists on the way to difficulty powerful

orientations whilst analyzing the traits of each student and what the stages of

gaining knowledge of are in which it's miles and can determine the drift of the

teaching-getting to know method in the continuing training of the scholar and the

social being that incurs language mastering nowadays.

The substantial classroom approach to the method of physical response defends the silent phase, waiting for the level of oral proficiency in the second language to be processed and applied, at this point; emphasis is placed on the process. Given this fact, the process of underlying growth is generated through the importance of acquisition and its difference in the place of linguistic processing, being necessary that the information is understandable through the teacher, this is the essence of language and vocabulary (not grammar) is the main axis of the language.

The importance of the Natural Approach leads to the students being able to acquire the knowledge through the teacher and the strategies of communication that emit in the educational development of the student.


Scrivener (2015) confirms that fluency and confidence are important goals to achieve regarding speaking. He reinforces this by saying that it is useless to know a lot about the language but not being able to apply it. In the past, most learners were able to conjugate verbs yet not capable of responding to simple questions from the teachers. Thus, practicing the language is a lot more productive than knowing all major rules and regulations about it.

2.2.2 Learning taking place

Pulverness, Spratt and Williams (2012) specify that lexis respect to singular words or sets or words, alleged units of the normal approach that have a particular significance in a given circumstance or setting where they show up. Words mean in an unexpected way, these creators give a broad however vital rundown of circumstances educators can keep a record of when arranging their classes:

Students may be by and by of (things, individuals, or creatures); this is called indication or denotative importance. For instance: the white house, the loud puppy, the frightful mischance, and so forth. Words may likewise give metaphorical significance (inventive definition that gets from the denotative importance). For instance: a family tree, an unmistakable idea, and so on.

Other words make their significance with regards to a sentence where it is utilized. For instance: she was excessively tall in the step. On the off chance that we take a gander at a photo we can see that we are alluding to a young lady or lady. She is tall. Perhaps the stepping stool was little, the house, the room, or the place was little that she looked excessively tall. The significance can likewise originate from particles included toward the start or toward the finish of the words (prefixes, and postfixes). For this situation, educators should make students mindful of how the significance of the words changes by utilizing the distinctive prefixes or additions.


situation they are called compound things. Illustration: phone directory, pencil case, schoolbag, and so forth. Collocations are words that are regularly composed or talked together. There are numerous the normal approach words that gather in English, and the level of appearance may differ. For instance: eat is an extremely solid expression that orders as we as often as possible see them together. The words "has a PC" happen together however they don't show up so much of the time to be called collocations. Idioms are settled articulations since they can't be changed, yet their definition is unique in relation to the importance of the each and every word they have.

For instance, it is coming down like a hurricane implies that it is raining unequivocally. On the off chance that we envisioned the exacting message of this articulation we would see felines and pooches descending from the sky which will never happen or does not have any sense whatsoever. Another idea to investigate is "lumps" which are units of words that meet up and that student's utilization as one piece. A few cases of these are maxims, collocations and compound nouns.

A short comparison with the CLIL Natural Approach relates to the way that this procedure underpins a hypothetical structure, referred to today as the 4C training framework, this framework is an all-encompassing model, comparing to the improvement of Communication, Cognition and combination of culture unique in relation to the comprehension of the way of life of the dialect. The CLIL is powerful and through the Natural Approach ought to consider as vital 5 measurements to apply in the classroom: advance of dialect procurement, capacity and perception of vocabulary content, responsibility in the neighboring procedure of intellectual elements cooperation with the correspondence setting, the improvement of suitable proceeding with relational abilities and the level of intercultural mindfulness top to bottom (Coyle et al 2010).


and even minded (the significance a sentence may have just between the connection of the author and per user).

Concerning, Scrivener (2015) incorporates the meaning of sorts which compares to the assortment of discourse that you may discover in a specific place, with a few people, in a particular setting, to get an outcome, through a specific channel, just to specify a couple of highlights. When talking, types are described by right now decisions taken while exchanging thoughts. These decisions should seriously mull over style, way, tone, amount, volume, unequivocal quality, selection of words, custom, content, and so forth.

Also, Pulverness (2015) records some subskills for talking. Instructors can utilize them as an agenda to incorporate them in their lesson gets ready for usage. In the event that they need to begin measuring the viability of individual subskills, they can present and platform them with symptomatic and present assessments on thoroughly analyze comes about:

- Using the characteristic approach, and capacities. Contingent upon the subject of the discussion, discourse or the circumstance we are trading data, individuals need to know which capacity of the structures to use and in addition the shape and significance it passes on. Fitting the normal approach will influence correspondence to smooth, reasonable and intelligible to others.

- Applying register to talk fittingly. There are distinctive methods for tending to individuals either on the off chance that they are experts or associates. Students need to rehearse whether their discourse is formal, semi-formal or casual.

- Using highlights of associated discourse. This includes applying articulation examples, and inflection while expressing words.

- Displaying non-verbal communication. What we say must be as per the outflows of our body. We can send a mixed up message if either doesn't coordinate.


- Becoming familiar orally. Utilizing most or the majority of the sub skills may be an indication to show or ensure that we are familiar when we address others in any specific circumstance.

- Supporting discourse with intuitive systems. Transmitting a message includes four perspectives: the speaker, the questioner, the message and the unique circumstance. Students need to distinguish them and practice in a sheltered domain before they really confront a genuine circumstance.

Writers want to talk with their readers even though they may by no means meet. Rather than audio system who may fit their speech to fit the individual that is taking note of them (Bilbrough, 2007).

This author additionally says that actual language is essentially dialogic; human beings are always interacting with others. He includes 3 definitions of dialogues (lines in a drama, a communication, and a method of negotiation through speech). He mentions they're relevant for the following usages of dialogues in a study room placing:

 It’s a spoken interplay amongst people, especially a pair, and the document of that interplay.

 Dialogues may be found in books where they get hold of the time period

of scripted or improvised or so referred to as unscripted. If they're pre-scripted it method they may be supplied inside the text in a shape of a communication. When instructors adapt that text to the scholars’ context,

then it will become unscripted.  They can be actual or simulated.

 There is the possibility to file dialogues.  They may be evolved via specific characters.

 Their consciousness could be form (to take a look at the language grammar), meaning (for information) or a mixture of each.

 There are types: transactional or interactional.


2.2.3 Closing the learning gaps

Brinton et al. (2014) considers that for teachers the amount of words they cover is a challenge for them. To consider this topic they address two entries. The first is the use of dictionaries that can have more than 180,000 words, even though students use word families that include the basic form, its inflections and derivatives.

The second are the inflections, which refer to the necessary affixes according to the grammar of the sentence (come - "s" for the 3rd person singular, or published - "ed" for the regular past tense). Derivatives include affixes that change their part of the discourse (work: verb - worker: noun - worked: adjective).

It is estimated that academic students have close knowledge of 20,000 families of words in their own language. During their childhood, students learn about a thousand word families each year and in some cases they learn up to five thousand in just one year. This means that there is a gap between the numbers of words that students in a second language must learn, since they will begin their acquisition at a later age. Oral competence involves a variety of secondary skills.

Teachers can help students improve their skills by using those word families. They should be included in the lesson plans. Teachers must decide what to focus on in a particular class. However, there are some main differences. One of them is that speech is constructed clause by clause, and phrase by phrase instead of sentence by sentence as it happens in writing.

The students from La Tía Rosa School were given a diagnostic exam which consisted of 20 speaking Wh-questions that had to be answered with complexes answers that were about students’ personal affairs, their friends’ description, favorite

things, and other miscellaneous stuff. There was a rubric used in order to reach a certain score for students’ response to the questions and their scores are based


This diagnostic exam allowed the researchers to have a core idea of the students’

speaking abilities, performance, and knowledge about the English language.

2.2.4 The benefits of engaging in activities

Wilson (2008) offers some steps for lessons in order to get positive results,

establishing the pre-stage (listening, writing, reading and speaking) as the first step.

That would make the students into the topic, and that´s when the teacher should

use stepwise design, which has to begin with a brainstorming activity. After that the

teacher must explain the class and make the students work along the explanation.

And finally, some feedback is looked for in post-activities by the combination of

top-down and bottom-up activities. That would help the teacher to identify which are the

troubles for students (Bilbrough, 2007).

Both Natural Approach and the Ancient Natural Method have dissimilar facts.

Moreover, Prendergast and Marcel gave some contributions for the educative model

during the nineteenth century. Marcel focused in meaning while teaching a language

and affirmed that reading should be the first skill taught. He even compared how a

child learn a language to how anyone could learn a new language. On the other

hand, Prendergast gave the basics for the development of natural methods and,

finally, the Direct Method. He applied and compared principles of the learning of a

new language to the acquisition of the first language. Prendergast emphasized on

identifying in children their routines while speaking an evaluating their

communication considering the context. Additionally, he determines the post-activity

stage as the moment in which methodology should be adapted to enhance the

learning of students.

Brinton et al (2014) sums up in five methodologies how the natural approach has

changed since it appeared.

Grammar-translation approach-. The main objective was to make students succeed

in tests, and focused on the definition and origins of words by considering bilingual

dictionaries as the most trustful source of information. In order to analyze how the


The primary recognition become the development of phonetic education and punctiliously managed spoken language or oral fluency. It turned into a British movement. For the first time, grammar and isolated words have been now not important however language related to truth. Phrases were selected mainly according to their usefulness and simplicity because instructors did not want to techniques. The main focus of this technique changed into communication. College students aren't allowed to speak in their mother tongue.

Audio-linguicism - in this approach phrases had been used to demonstrate grammatical structures. This changed into based totally on a behaviorist view of dependency formation and instructors modeling, growing drills, students memorizing structures, and receiving remarks.

Communicative language teaching. - The herbal approach is selected from authentic resources. The standards of the choice are usefulness. The followers of this approach agree with that language ought to be used for conversation, primary goal of this teaching process.

Nuttall (2015) addresses this subject matter by way of arguing that now not all words are essential. She suggests to begin by selecting the words that can be ignored, and cognizance on those that stand for comprehension. The writer provides that there are sorts of words: lively and receptive. The previous refers to those nicely to use on an each day foundation. The second organization those that you could recognize and respond to, but do no longer expectantly use. This is applicable in students’ personal language or L1 and any foreign language. It’s far critical to


Cohen (2014) shared a technique for using the natural approach that has worked for him. It involves students developing their own lexis cards. He suggests using a pocket-size that makes them portable. Students can record the word they wish to know, practice, reinforce or consolidate. Additionally, they are cheap, free-standing and easily shuffled to enhance communicative and interactive activities. The process might start by choosing the words. Teachers can provide the list but it is better if students decide the words by themselves since this will keep up the momentum. It is advisable to ask students to develop ten cards a week. This depends on the number of hour of classes and the content according to the curriculum set for the class.

Once again the guidance of the teachers is paramount in this activity. Cohen (2014) adds that if facilitators ask students to create a card, each student will come up with a different version according to what they visualized, their interests or background knowledge of cards. Some of them might be impressive to teachers others not very much attractive of useful. This is the main reason for teachers to provide guidelines on how to start and finish the card. It will be of great use also to display an example to follow. A template that has worked for this teacher is using both sides of the cardboard. In the front students should only write the word they want to learn. At the back, they can use the corners to write: an easy definition in students’ own words,

an example in a sentence, collocations and pronunciation. In the middle of the back students can write the translation of the word in their language.


This also builds motivation since students are confident of what they are saying and how they are practicing. Controlled practice precedes freer rehearsal as they enhance useful, although sometimes limited, preparation for speaking. A key aspect to consider is correction, at this point teachers might want to make students aware of mispronunciation or misusage of the structure whereas in fluency tasks correction should be avoided or provided as feedback at the end of the practice or lesson.

The Natural Approach has certain similarities to the direct method, with the important exception that students are allowed to use the mother tongue along with the target language as part of the English language learning process. Considering that in the early stages, students are not used to acquire knowledge of the language, and in the teaching-learning process, states that the contractual level of the teacher to have no educational strategies, leads the student to fail to learn the English language.

2.2.5 Language environment at work

It is important to consider the characteristics of the students before thinking about any implementation. Teachers are slopes of the students learning in gropes or individual. Meters (2015) identified three profiles in a youth learning classroom to empower teachers and make the most of their classes.

Teacher motiving learning in lessons,Students at an early age experience situation that may have a greater influence on what they do in the same context in the future.

Therefore, understanding their behavior and knowing how they are integrated into

their groups is essential to maintain a positive teaching-learning environment. The

author said that many students wants to boycott the lessons mostly in the first

weeks. One recommendation is to keep in mind that students must get used to

teachers, and vice versa, they need to be heard, loved and conversed. The three


The naughty: the principal is the reluctance to pay attention of the topic that the teacher said. The many times do not care at all in the lesson. These kinds of students are restless and can also have difficulties with the language progress.

The know-it-all: they are committed, intelligent and attentive to the program they cannot stay quiet in their seats without asking or shouting out something intelligent. Teachers want all students to learn.

The zoo: are a group of students that work joins but with noise, they have a good relationship among all. This is a tendency to impact on each other to see who can be the most intelligent, the loudest, or the most dramatic.

Students need a lot of practice because they see oral proficiency as a complex skill (Pulverness et al, 2012). To help students overcome that fear, teachers can implement some previous tasks like introducing the natural approach, providing a lot of practice with the new words, giving enough time to organize their ideas, what and how they say them, setting activities for pronunciation rehearsals, trying the tasks before they speak freely. This order can be done all the way around. In that case, students try to produce the language in the assigned exercise, teachers take notes on difficult structures and the natural approach restrictions in order to work on those failures afterwards. In either case, students should make sure to create a positive environment where learners feel confident and open to mistakes considering them as part of their learning. Facilitators should consider that learners may need time to process what they hear before they start oral proficiency in controlled, semi-controlled or freer practice. A good teaching technique will be to allow some silent period especially for beginners. So students get a lot of input before they actually start producing the language.

Buckingham (2015) claims that the teachers’ challenge is to encounter a way to


lessons. As oppose to those teaching environments where learners are reluctant to interact with their peers because they cannot manage the tasks or the content so their attempts to try something new is diminished leading to speak out every time less and less. Ward (as cited in Buckingham, 2015) says “Motivation is one of those things like justice or world peace; we all know it’s a good idea but it’s not quite so clear how to get there”. However, motivation can be raised with simple yet

interesting topics that are relevant to students and boost their interest and willingness to participate in the lesson.

2.2.6 The root of socializing

Thornbury (2006) considers about socialization, as the process to join into a social group. The group could be one that we are born into, or where we want to belong to. During socialization, people adapt or get values ad customs of their social environment. This process involves the language; there are some schools that have an appealing to use a second language learning as a process of socialization. Language is used as a link for a group membership. Learners are conduced to a different culture, adding the language. New problems appear as getting the host culture. It includes that classrooms are little cultures too. Docents are always aware of the necessity to promote socialization with the learners into the study context.

Learners have to mix the natural focusing and form to express their feelings. They do not work without the other. The teacher’s role is to determine the class and amount to insert in separate or in a series of lessons and their structure to help students communicate between them. Some interactions patterns and genders could be applied to avoid boredom.

Pulverness et al (2015) suggested that couples and team work rise opportunities to interact in the classroom. Docents should be careful with the activities for students to improve themselves.


crucial dialogic. Language is there as a transmission of an idea or a feeling to talkers. And it is a respond of previous spoken or written information exchanged that is actually happening or that is assumed.

The regular approach rose up out of Terrell's encounters in showing Spanish classes, despite the fact that it has additionally been utilized as a part of basic to cutting edge classes and with a few different dialects. In the meantime, he joined Stephen Krashen, an etymologist at the University of Southern California, in building up a hypothetical thinking for the regular approach, drawing on Krashen's compelling hypothesis of second dialect procurement. Krashen and Terrell's joined composition of the standards and practices of the normal approach showed up in his book The Natural Approach, distributed in 1983. The book by Krashen and Terrell contains hypothetical segments arranged by Krashen portraying his perspectives on the securing of the second dialect (Krashen 1981, 1982), and segments on classroom usage and techniques, generally arranged by Terrell.

Krashen and Terrell distinguished the regular way to deal with what they call "conventional" ways to deal with dialect instructing. Customary methodologies are characterized as "in view of the utilization of dialect in informative circumstances without falling back on local dialect" and, maybe, without reference to linguistic investigation, syntactic cut or a specific hypothesis of sentence structure. Krashen and Terrell brought up that such "methodologies have been called regular, mental, phonetic, new, change, immediate, logical, imitative, et cetera" (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 9). The way that the creators of the Natural Approach relate their way to deal with the Natural Method has driven a few people to accept that the Natural Approach and the Natural Method are synonymous terms.

2.2.7 Structure and language function


broadly that they ought to confirm a B2 level to be qualified and educate at secondary schools. College workforce are requested to come to a C1. Discussing students the circumstance is comparable. Despite the fact that for secondary school students, they ought to accomplish a B1 and when completing their college considers they ought to have picked up a B2 level. With a specific end goal to the instructing learning group accomplish the guidelines, the experts have created and distributed archives that run what and how to educate in regards to English. The fundamental target of those records is to enable students to build up their informative dialect aptitudes thinking about these standards:

- Language is a framework for the articulation and transport of importance. There is association for data transference.

- The fundamental capacity of dialect is association and correspondence. Educators ought not just concentrate on syntax structures, and testing. Students ought to have an incredible assortment of activities to impart in various collaboration designs. Buckingman (2015) states that "enabling students to present is regularly what has the effect between actions in which there is showing happening or where the students are simply being tried".

- The structure of dialect mirrors its practical and open employments. Again the concentration ought to be correspondence not just the shape and the way words are accurately composed in a sentence.

2.2.8 Standards and guidelines


They likewise clarified in their records that the point is to help and guide the educating learning group in their procedures by sharing methodological proposals to execute and apply the Communicative Language Teaching approach and in addition its strategies. Educators and students will profit of the use of such guides in the classroom as well as outside it. Subsequently, they will pick up their B1 skill bit by bit.

Educators are urged to reexamine completely and with a mindful perusing these records. The fundamental object is to take after the rules which are certain and achievable with a specific end goal to achieve the primary objective that is students conveying in English as a remote dialect.

The Good Living act is an inspiring thought that offers contrasting options to the contemporary issues that humankind has. It constitute and manufactures solidary social orders, journalist and corresponding that live in agreement with nature. The Sumak Kawsay fortifies social union, group esteems and dynamic individual interest and aggregate activities in settling on pertinent choices for the development of its own fate and bliss.

In Ecuador, the administration of the Citizen Revolution, gathering arranging about towns, arranging the idea of the Good Living Act like the focal target of people in general legislative issues.

2.2.9 Ministerio de educación del ecuador, 2017


2.2.10 Threads according to the new curriculum


 Difficult and defiant is how it has to be the exercises in the listening texts and must be manifested as, relevant and motivating. The necessity to supply opportunities to practice listening for gist, detail, inferring, and predicting. Real texts found in songs, videos, advertisements will help learners in terms of pronunciation abilities such as stress, rhythm, and intonation. Classifying the task, not the text will secure high achievement rate for students if you listen attentively, you will understand something. Spoken development in order to lower affective filter to focus on fluency instead of accuracy, to be concentrating on it significance rather than form in young learners’ inhibitions

low, like to copy and begin with production in chunks of rhymes, songs, chants to imitate sounds is outstanding. Pronunciation for practicing with individual sounds, tongue twisters. A good pattern, good fun, lots of repetition, physical movement (e.g. whole body actions, clapping), encouragement to participate, the genuine attitude of enjoyment of the teacher and the goal of this sub-thread is to experiment and regurgitate large pieces of language.

The grammatical and lexical content of these texts is less important at this stage than their expense in terms of sounds, rhythm, intonation, expressions, idioms, and simple enjoyment.

2.2.11 Spoken interaction

Pair work, group work essential right from the beginning, as learners develop taking part in role plays, dialogues, substitution dialogues and language games.

2.2.12 Rubrics for speaking evaluation


that are involved will consist of evaluating the central message, the use of the language with its vocabulary, terminology and structure, the organization and supporting material. Within the central message, the main points of the presentation will be addressed with its delivery techniques, posture, and voice of the students. The audience reaction will also be considered. The grammatical effectiveness of the presentation will be under the language section in which imagination takes place for students to develop communication with vivid and expressive performance.

The organization and sequence of ideas that can be brainstormed in the material for the presentation of the patterns involved if any are needed to support the effectiveness of the alternatives for the purpose of each analysis.

The supporting material such as flashcard, wallcharts, illustrations, analogies will add credible and relevant resources to make the project stand ground.


2.3.1 Regulations concerns

This project is based according to curricular guidelines and quality exercises that can be categorized and placed in the activities that are standard, students must reach the required level established by the CEFR and all the aspects concerning language learning.

The Secretary of Education has recognized that English is a fundamental and necessary mean of communication worldwide and it is also a general tool of education and to access up-to-date scientific and technological information. That is why it has to be taught from the early stages of education in schools and this is supported with Objective 4 and Article 26 of the LOES that is included in this investigation.


law), teachers need to observe the following information in order to design their Annual plans, as described at the Ministry of Education webpage:

 The new English National Curriculum Guidelines.  New Curriculum Specifications.

 Ecuadorian Republic constitution. Article 26 states that the education is a right of the people throughout life and an inescapable and inexcusable duty of the state.

 The Intercultural education is supported by the article 243 of the LOEI  PNBV- The Good Living Act Plan

 Regulations, General law, section 26 (2011)

 The second run of new textbooks for 10th grade, in this case study.  Suggestions for designing their annual, unit and lesson plans.

 Suggestions for classroom assessment within the Communicative Approach.  The present Ecuadorian constitution, chapter 2, the right to the Good Living

Act, section fifth, recognizes the right of Education as an unalienated right to its citizens, Article 26. Children have the right to education, the right to equal opportunity, no discrimination and immune from any other deficiencies, guaranteeing quality and the best type of welfare.

The legal foundation is also backed up by PNBV (National Plan for Good Living) offering a better way of life to the Ecuadorian citizen, with the equal right to the proper education, without any constrictions, obstacles, or conditions to the right of bearing such privileges and entitlements.

The Ecuadorian government supports this act to the utmost respect of the law and in it lies all the responsibilities for all citizens to be guaranteed the right to pursuit equality and sovereign as a whole. Children and adolescents educational code.


to health services, to quality education, adequate attire, secured housing, hygiene and basic services.

In handicapped children and adolescent cases, the state and its institutions should guarantee the conditions, help and techniques, bar architectural eliminations of communication and transportation. Concordances: Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, Articles 13, 24.



They are perfect to review the natural approach or to raise motivation and interest in your students. Students work in groups. They have to select five cards to work with and five to put aside. After that, they teach one another their words. Teachers can help with a dialogue on the board so students can start their expositions. Once students have finished their lessons, all cards are mixed up and they are spread across their desks. The owner of the card has to say the definition and the members of the group have to find the correct word.

Teachers can adapt the game, if it is too difficult to say the definition, students can say the translation. The first student to pick up the word takes it. At the end the winner will be the one with most cards.

Word card tennis


Story time

This activity gives students opportunities to deepen connections between words and language they already know. Groups or pairs are required for this task. They have to choose up to 15 cards randomly and spread them across their desks. The task is students have to imagine a story using most or all the cards. Teachers should provide a big piece of paper so students can draw images of the story and tell it in front of the class.


The learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality. Language acquisition evolves on the way students learn the language, the natural way and not studying the language. When students are exposed to such language functions without the involvement of grammar, learning is a lot more effective in the communication realm.


Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. Such analysis were part of the instruments of investigation in this project. The students’ survey, the investigation and the observations were analyzed so the outcome could be considered as concrete as possible.


The imparting or exchanging of information or news. The main objective of the investigation is to display the facility and the engagement the proposal will bring as a result in order for the students to communicate easily and effectively.




To make something or a concept important or to expand. Most of the concepts will emphasize their development as the project enhances the methods, approach and techniques involved.


To place in front of, to show, demonstrate. The exposure of the abilities learned will suffice the results of the project and the overall outcome of the students’




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