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La comunicación no verbal en terrorismo internacional


Academic year: 2020

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(1)LA COMUNICACIÓN NO VERBAL EN TERRORISMO INTERNACIONAL NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. CURSO ACADÉMICO 2016-2017. Máster Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos Presentado por: Dª ALBA MUÑOZ MIRALLES Dirigido por: Dª CHARIS GONZÁLEZ Alcalá de Henares, a 1 de septiembre de 2017. 1.

(2) Queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción en parte o total de la presente investigación. Únicamente se permite la reproducción en calidad de cita y/o aportación para futuras investigaciones relativas con el ámbito de estudio. 2.

(3) AGRADECIMIENTOS. Para la realización de este trabajo es necesario agradecer a mucha gente que directa o indirectamente han formado parte de él. Primeramente, a mi tutora Charis González por su ayuda, comprensividad e interés durante la elaboración de la presente investigación. Al tiempo dedicado por el equipo de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y de Seguridad del Estado que han colaborado en el trabajo de campo. A mi tía Ana por compartir sus contactos conmigo y a mi tío Emilio del que he heredado este interés por la Guardia Civil y que, esté donde esté, ha formado parte de este trabajo en todo momento. Finalmente, es de agradecer el ánimo y el apoyo de mi familia, amigos y compañeras de máster. A todos ellos, gracias.. 3.

(4) “Los intérpretes debemos ser conscientes de nuestra función principal, dígase transmitir de manera correcta y adecuada el sentido del discurso, eslabón clave para la calidad del proceso comunicativo, por tanto, conocer los signos no verbales puede sin duda alguna contribuir a este objetivo.” (Valiente, 2001, p.12).. “Todo comportamiento humano en un contexto interactivo es siempre un comportamiento significativo.” (Ricci Bitti/Cortesi, 1980, p.23). “Nos guste o no, nuestra generación pasará a la historia como una generación que debió hacer frente al desafío de proteger al mundo contra el terrorismo”. Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas (ONU, 2017). “Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savour their songs”. (Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, 1994). 4.

(5) ABSTRACT Since immemorial times, interpreters have served as linguistic and cultural intermediaries between people (AIIC, 2011). They have been working in every sector of the society; due to the fact, their services are often needed. Unfortunately, international terrorism is a daily issue. After several attacks, such as the ones in Paris, London, Brussels, Manchester and the last one occurred in Barcelona (all of them have occurred between 2016 and 2017) the fight against terrorism carried out by law enforcement is still a hotly debated topic. On the other hand, the Spanish Military Police are on the top of antiterrorism work and behind all this endeavor there is a professional team that contributes to finish with terrorism and terrorist groups. This study is going to show the interpreters’ work in the Spanish Military Police, specifically within the international terrorism department of Catalonia Superior Unit. The main aim is to confirm the hypothesis stated out that consist in corroborating that non-verbal communication is an effective tool that provides plenty of information, which is going to be transmitted by the interpreters to the police officers and is going to ease the investigation work. This investigation work consists in finding out and avoiding the Spanish terrorism, European terrorism and terrorism around the globe. The present investigation is also aimed to give voice to all professional interpreters who are a little acknowledged sector among the Spanish society. An observational and descriptive study based on a qualitative study was carried out and the results have come through questionnaires and interviews of people and workers from the specific sector. It is undeniable that the results obtained confirm the hypothesis, thus, non-verbal communication is an essential tool to achieve a good investigation work performed by the Spanish Military Police. It is important to explain that a type of investigation like this has never been performed before due to the specification grade that this investigation entails. The Spanish Military Police are formed by different teams in which confidentiality is extremely important and this hindered the investigation provided that it was a tough labor to find strong evidences in relation with this topic, as well as workers or people related to this sector who were willing to testify about the theme. Finally, this investigation work is being based on three fundamental pillars: non-verbal communication, the Spanish Military Police and interpreting. Key words: interpreters, non-verbal communication, the Spanish Military Police, investigation and international terrorism.. 5.

(6) RESUMEN Desde tiempos inmemoriales, los intérpretes han ejercido como intermediaros tanto lingüística como culturalmente entre individuos (AIIC, 2011). Este tipo de profesionales ha trabajado en diferentes sectores de la sociedad, debido a la demanda de sus servicios. Por desgracia, actualmente el terrorismo internacional está a la orden del día. Después de atentados como los de París, Londres, Bruselas, Manchester y el último vivido el pasado agosto en Barcelona (todos acontecidos entre 2016 y 2017) el trabajo de lucha antiterrorista de los cuerpos policiales es un tema muy debatido. Además, los cuerpos de seguridad españoles son punteros en antiterrorismo y detrás de todo trabajo hay un equipo de profesionales que aportan su granito de arena para que el terrorismo y los grupos terroristas se acaben. Este estudio pretende mostrar el trabajo de los interpretes en el sector de los Cuerpos y Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado, concretamente, en el sector de terrorismo internacional de la Unidad Superior de Cataluña. El principal objetivo es probar la hipótesis que consiste en corroborar que la comunicación no verbal es una herramienta efectiva que otorga mucha información, la cual será transmitida por los intérpretes a los agentes del cuerpo policial, cosa que facilitará el trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo. Este trabajo de investigación consiste en descubrir y evitar el terrorismo no solo en España sino en todo el mundo. Mediante la presente investigación también se pretende dar voz a los intérpretes profesionales, sector poco reconocido entre la sociedad española. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo a través de un estudio de observación y descripción basado en un estudio cualitativo en el que los resultados han sido hallados a través de cuestionarios y entrevistas con trabajadores del sector. Se puede afirmar que los resultados obtenidos confirman la hipótesis y que la comunicación no verbal es herramienta indispensable para lograr un buen trabajo de investigación por parte de los agentes. Cabe decir que una investigación como esta no tiene precedentes debido al grado de especificación que conlleva. Los Cuerpos de Fuerza y de Seguridad del Estado son equipos policiales en los que prima la confidencialidad, cosa que se ha vivido durante la elaboración del trabajo, ya que ha sido muy costoso encontrar pruebas fehacientes relacionadas con el tema, así como, trabajadores o personas relacionadas con el sector que hayan querido dar testimonio sobre el mismo. Finalmente, este trabajo de investigación se ha basado en tres grandes pilares: la comunicación no verbal, los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado y la interpretación. Palabras Clave: intérpretes, comunicación no verbal, Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado, investigación y terrorismo internacional.. 6.

(7) ÍNDICE CAPÍTULO I: INTRODUCCIÓN ………………………………………………………… 9 1.1 Justificación y estructura del trabajo……………………………………………….9 1.2 Hipótesis y objetivos ……………………………………………………………..11 1.3 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………...12 1.4 Methodology……………………………………………………………………...21 CAPÍTULO II: CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN……………………………………………….24 2.1 La comunicación no verbal……………………………………………………….24 2.2 La comunicación no verbal y la interpretación…………………………………...27 2.3 Definición de terrorismo, tipos de terrorismo y ejemplos de actualidad…………29 2.4 Última hora: atentado en Barcelona………………………………………………34 2.5 Entidades antiterroristas…………………………………………………………..36 2.6 Los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado contra el terrorismo…………….43 CAPÍTULO III: ANÁLISIS…………………………………………………………….......47 3.1 La comunicación no verbal y la interpretación en terrorismo internacional……...47 CAPÍTULO IV: CONCLUSIONES………………………………………………………..67 4.1 Conclusiones finales………………………………………………………………67 4.2 Propuestas para futuras investigaciones…………………………………………..71 CAPÍTULO V: REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS…………………………………..74 5.1 Bibliografía……………………………………………………………………….74 5.2 Webgrafía…………………………………………………………………………75 CAPÍTULO VI: ANEXOS………………………………………………………………….77 Anexo 1: Cuestionarios Anexo 2: Entrevista Anexo 3: Más información proporcionada por el entrevistado. 7.

(8) ÍNDICE DE IMÁGENES Picture 1: Communication Skills……………………………………………………………..16 Picture 2: Non-verbal Communication……………………………………………………….17 Imagen 3: Esquema de Lyons. División vocal/no vocal……………………………………...26 Imagen 4: Titular real sobre ETA…………………………………………………………….31 Imagen 5: Titular real sobre ETA…………………………………………………………….31 Imagen 6: Titular real sobre ETA…………………………………………………………….31 Imagen 7: Titular real sobre el 11-S……………………………………………………….....32 Imagen 8: Titular real sobre el 11-S……………………………………………………...…..32 Imagen 9: Titular real sobre el 11-S……………………………………………………...…..33 Imagen 10: Sucesos en torno al atentado de Barcelona………………………………………35 Imagen 11: Una de las detenciones realizadas en Ripoll……………………………………..36 Imagen 12: CTITF entities…………………………………………………………………....40 Imagen 13: Titular periódico digital sobre la UEI…………………………………………....45 Imagen 14: Titular periódico digital sobre la UEI…………………………………………....45 Imagen 15: Titular periódico digital sobre la UEI…………………………………………....45 Imagen 16: Estructura interna UEI…………………………………………………………...46. ÍNDICE DE GRÁFICOS Gráfico 1: Resultados de la pregunta 1……………………………………………………….49 Gráfico 2: Resultados de la pregunta 2……………………………………………………….50 Gráfico 3: Resultados de la pregunta 3……………………………………………………….51 Gráfico 4: Resultados de la pregunta 3. Parte 2.……………………………………………...51 Gráfico 5: Resultados de la pregunta 4……………………………………………………….52 Gráfico 6: Resultados de la pregunta 4. Parte 2……………………………………………....53 Gráfico 7: Resultados de la pregunta 5……………………………………………………….54 Gráfico 8: Resultados de la pregunta 5. Parte 2……………………………………………....54 Gráfico 9: Resultados de la pregunta 6. Parte 1…………………………………………...….55 Gráfico 10: Resultados de la pregunta 6. Parte 2…………………………………………......56 Gráfico 11: Resultados de la pregunta 6. Parte 3………………………………………….….57 Gráfico 12: Resultados de la pregunta 6. Parte 4……………………………………..…...….58 Gráfico 13: Resultados: Conocimiento cultura país de origen……………………………….59 Gráfico 14: Resultados: Experiencia en el ámbito……………………………………………60 Gráfico 15: Resultados: Instrucciones de los agentes………………………………………...60 Gráfico 16: Resultados: Estudios especializados……………………………………………..56 Gráfico 17: Resultados de la pregunta 7……………………………………………………...62 Gráfico 18: Resultados de la pregunta 8………………..…………………………………….63. ÍNDICE DE TABLAS Chart 1: Arabic dialects……………………………………………………………………....15 Chart 2: The process of how international terrorism investigation is carried out…………….15 Tabla 3: Personal de la CNCA………………………………………………………………..37. 8.

(9) CAPÍTULO I: INTRODUCCIÓN 1.1 Justificación y estructura del trabajo Aproximadamente en 1440 con la invención de la imprenta moderna el hombre logró aumentar su vía de comunicación y la enorme difusión de la literatura. Aunque fue un excelente e innovador método que logró que la gente estuviera informada y comunicada, como en todo discurso sobre papel, faltaban matices reales: una mirada, un gesto, un tono elevado o una expresión facial. En cambio, la expresión oral siempre ha existido entre los humanos y desde sus orígenes lleva consigo el lenguaje y/o la comunicación no verbal. Se habla y se expresa con todo el cuerpo, aunque la mayoría de las veces uno no sea consciente. El lenguaje no verbal (LNV) forma parte de cada uno y deja entrever las creencias, la cultura y la manera en que esa persona ha sido educada. Por lo tanto, dependiendo de la cultura de la cual procedas este será distinto, igual que pasa con el lenguaje y la comunicación verbal. La comunicación no verbal (CNV) ha sido y es estudiada por muchos expertos como Poyatos (1994), Davis (1971), Birdwhistell (1970), Fast (1970 y 1979), entre otros; y es fuente de investigación en diversos campos como pueden ser el sanitario, el policial o el empresarial. También, está muy presente en el mundo de la interpretación, ya que es una gran herramienta que ayuda a interpretar de una manera más completa el discurso del orador. “Lo que decimos y cómo lo decimos es de cierta forma un retrato de nuestro yo, por tal motivo debemos saber cómo utilizar esta herramienta, tanto de forma personal como en nuestro interactuar con otras personas, y esta es precisamente una de las características de nuestro trabajo como intérpretes” (Valiente, 2001:12). De acuerdo con Valiente (2001), la función de los intérpretes pretende transferir un discurso de un idioma a otro, y, por lo tanto, se entiende como discurso todo lo que él mismo conlleva, así como, aspectos no verbales, por ejemplo, la gestualidad, la ironía, el malhumor, la comedia, entre otros. Por esa razón, a todas esas actividades en su conjunto se les puede denominar: comunicación. Como aporta el maestro lingüista Poyatos, la comunicación se puede definir de la siguiente manera: Los movimientos y posiciones de base psicomuscular conscientes o inconscientes, aprendidos o somatogénicos, de percepción visual, audiovisual y táctil o cinestética que, aislados o combinados con la estructura lingüística y paralingüística y con otros sistemas somáticos y objetuales, poseen valor comunicativo intencionado o no. (Poyatos, 1994 I:139). Durante el máster de Comunicación Intercultural, Traducción e Interpretación en los SSPP de la Universidad de Alcalá (máster cursado por la investigadora), se ha hecho hincapié en el papel del intérprete: cómo tenía que actuar enfrente de diversas situaciones, qué tenía que decir y hacer, sus códigos deontológicos, etc. Una pregunta que surgía mucho en clase era si el intérprete también es el encargado de transmitir el lenguaje no verbal. Este era el punto que captaba mayor atención. La respuesta cambiaba dependiendo de la situación en que se encontraba. Por esa razón, se decidió que la investigación se centraría en un sector concreto para así estudiar el papel de la CNV en él. Como se adelantaba en el resumen del trabajo, el sector escogido es el de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado, concretamente la rama de terrorismo internacional. En cuanto al terrorismo internacional, se cree de gran importancia establecer una breve explicación en la introducción sobre este fenómeno tan corriente hoy en día. Aunque se sabía que era un ámbito difícil de acceder, se tomó la decisión de entrar en él, ya que se contaba con el apoyo de amigos y conocidos del gremio que podrían ayudar durante la investigación. Por lo tanto, en el presente estudio se pretende aportar un granito de arena y formar parte de todos los estudios realizados en torno a la comunicación no verbal y a la vez dando conocimiento sobre el terrorismo internacional y los Cuerpos de Fuerza y de Seguridad del 9.

(10) Estado. Concretamente, este ensayo se centra en cómo influye el lenguaje no verbal en este sector y si los intérpretes y agentes de la Unidad Superior de Cataluña de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y de Seguridad del Estado (Guardia Civil) lo tienen en cuenta, particularmente, en el equipo de terrorismo internacional que lucha contra el yihadismo en España y en todo el mundo. Es decir, se pretende analizar si este equipo valora la comunicación no verbal, así como el trabajo de los intérpretes frente a ella. La comunicación no verbal puede representar un aumento de información en el discurso que, en este nivel de investigación tan profundo, como es el trabajo de los agentes de seguridad, puede ser de gran relevancia. Tal y como se ha estudiado en el ámbito sanitario existen muchos casos donde el lenguaje no verbal es muy útil, por ejemplo, cuando un paciente señala la parte del cuerpo que quiere que le examinen. En el presente estudio se pretende analizar si en el ámbito policial, concretamente en el equipo de terrorismo internacional, a este lenguaje se le conoce la misma significación. Como punto de partida este estudio considera que sin el LNV no estaría todo el trabajo hecho, es decir que se perdería mucha información, sobre todo información subjetiva, que podría ser de vital importancia para la investigación. Con información subjetiva, se hace referencia a contenido sentimental y propio del emisor que puede ser de gran ayuda en casos dónde se está investigando si una persona es un terrorista o no. Por lo tanto, se cree sustancial hacer saber al lector el porqué de esta investigación: se ha decidido llevar a cabo este estudio tanto para dar a conocer y acercar a la sociedad la figura de Guardia Civil, como para comunicar una parte significativa del trabajo del intérprete. Además de dar a conocer el lenguaje y la comunicación no verbal, ya que es un mundo un poco lejano y desconocido para los que no son expertos en el tema. Normalmente, en España se relaciona el concepto negativo a los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado y, aunque siempre existan excepciones, se considera que no debería ser así. Todos los equipos que forman parte de la Guardia Civil velan por la seguridad de la sociedad, ese es su trabajo. En el caso del equipo de terrorismo internacional lo hace de la mano de intérpretes y/o traductores expertos. Desde el ámbito de la interpretación, es un orgullo saber que esta importante profesión, la interpretación, por otra parte, tan desconocida por la sociedad española, sea tan relevante y necesaria para ayudar a desempeñar el trabajo fundamental de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se pretende hacer hincapié en tres conceptos o figuras transcendentales para la sociedad a la vez que desconocidas: la figura de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado, el trabajo del intérprete en este ámbito y la comunicación/lenguaje no verbal. Asimismo, es primordial aclarar que se habla de lenguaje no verbal cuando se hace referencia al mensaje que emitimos con todo nuestro cuerpo y no solo con el habla, por lo que la comunicación no verbal es la acción de transmitir el mensaje a un receptor que en todo momento implica el lenguaje no verbal. Cabe decir que, durante el presente trabajo no existe una distinción considerable entre lenguaje no verbal o comunicación no verbal, se usarán como sinónimos, ya que prácticamente lo son. Sin el LNV no existe la CNV y viceversa. También, es importante dar a conocer la estructura en la que se desarrollará la presente investigación. Después de la introducción se expone la hipótesis y los objetivos del estudio mediante puntos de desarrollo. Más adelante se muestra el marco teórico en el cual se remarcará todos los estudios en los que se ha fundamentado la investigación. Luego, en la metodología se podrá ver el desarrollo del trabajo realizado, tanto la parte teórica como la de campo. Después de este apartado, se analizarán los tres grandes pilares del estudio: se describirá lo que es la comunicación no verbal y qué relación tiene con la interpretación, así como la relevancia de la interpretación en el ámbito policial y, concretamente, en el equipo de terrorismo internacional. Una vez presentado todo esto, se entrará en materia por lo que será el turno del análisis del trabajo. En esta sección se explicará toda la información recabada y analizada después del trabajo teórico y práctico. Por último, se expondrán las conclusiones a las que se han llegado 10.

(11) después de toda la investigación, así como un pequeño apartado de propuestas que tendrán en cuenta algunos aspectos del material conseguido que, humildemente y como profesionales de la lengua, se cree que podrían cambiar para mejorar y sacar más partido a las funciones del intérprete y a la vez facilitar el trabajo a los profesionales de la seguridad del Estado. Finalmente, se adjuntarán los anexos necesarios que reflejen la labor realizada durante todo el estudio, dónde, sobre todo, se podrá ver el trabajo de campo llevado a cabo. En cuanto al trabajo de campo, se pretende averiguar si la comunicación no verbal es tan importante para los agentes como lo es para la autora de la investigación, así como si lo emplean en su día a día profesional; los requisitos que tienen en cuenta a la hora de contratar a un intérprete, entre otras preguntas que se mostrarán más adelante. Para ello, se han elaborado cuestionarios, concretamente 30, y se ha realizado una entrevista a agentes de la Guardia Civil que forman parte del equipo de terrorismo internacional y que están habituados a trabajar con intérpretes/traductores especializados en este ámbito. 1.2 Hipótesis y objetivos Aunque se ha podido hacer referencia a ella con lo expuesto anteriormente, se quiere dedicar unas líneas exclusivamente a la hipótesis del estudio. Son diversos los autores que coinciden en la conexión de la comunicación no verbal y la interpretación y, aunque en el ámbito de los servicios públicos esa conexión siempre haya ido ligada con las unidades sanitarias, también existe en el ámbito policial. Este sector nunca ha sido estudiado desde este punto de vista y se considera fundamental hacerlo. Así pues, la hipótesis de partida podría resumirse en los siguientes puntos: 1. La comunicación no verbal es de gran relevancia en el ámbito policial tomando como caso concreto el equipo de terrorismo internacional de la Guardia Civil. 2. El trabajo de los intérpretes es fundamental para llevar las investigaciones a cabo junto al trabajo de los agentes. 3. Recibir formación sobre la comunicación y el lenguaje no verbal es importante para ambos profesionales. En cuanto a los objetivos, se establecen en base a la consulta del material teórico recabado, dónde diferentes expertos relacionan la comunicación no verbal con la interpretación, material teórico sobre los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado, la consulta de páginas web, que han facilitado información relativa y la elaboración de cuestionarios contestados por la plantilla de terrorismo internacional, así como una entrevista al contacto principal del trabajo, quién resulta ser miembro del equipo mencionado. Por lo tanto, los objetivos principales de esta investigación se resumen en los siguientes puntos: 1. Saber cómo influye la comunicación no verbal en la labor de los intérpretes que trabajan en este sector, además de saber cómo es de necesaria para completar la investigación llevada a cabo por los agentes. 2. Es por todos sabido que la profesión de intérprete es menos conocida en España que en otros países como pueden ser Alemania, Inglaterra o Estados Unidos, en los que sus habilidades, como el esfuerzo y la concentración, se han equiparado a las de un piloto de caza del ejército. Por esa razón, otro de los objetivos de este estudio es aclarar de una vez por todas la importancia del trabajo de los intérpretes. Por ello, se ha escogido un ámbito tan concreto y especializado en el que se puede ver la relevancia de su trabajo e indagar si se valora su papel frente estas situaciones tan especializadas, así como conocer y entender que se espera de ellos. 3. Además, se pretende averiguar si la CNV tiene la importancia que se cree que debería tener en este ámbito, una importancia significativa, ya que puede ser la clave que lleve. 11.

(12) a descubrir si la persona bajo investigación es o no alguien que puede resultar ser una amenaza para la sociedad. 4. También es un objetivo conocer si los agentes tienen conocimiento de lo que es la CNV/LNV o han tenido alguna formación, por pequeña que sea, relacionada con ello y si esta se refleja en su trabajo. 5. Por último, pero no menos importante, se pretende acercar a la audiencia al trabajo de los Cuerpos de Fuerza y de Seguridad del Estado, específicamente, al trabajo del equipo de terrorismo internacional de la Unidad Superior de Cataluña. Hasta aquí la hipótesis y los objetivos que se llevarán a cabo y se desarrollarán durante la presente investigación. Más adelante se hará hincapié en ellos, así como en las conclusiones donde se desarrollará su resolución e implicación en el estudio. A continuación, se procederá a desarrollar el marco teórico, en el que se expondrá la teoría utilizada para la investigación, así como la teoría que necesariamente tiene que ser explicada para la comprensión y entendimiento del estudio y, en el siguiente apartado (1.4), la metodología empleada para la realización del trabajo. 1.3 Theoretical framework The only way to grasp this paper is, firstly, understanding what the meaning of non-verbal communication (from now on mentioned as NVC) is and what it entails and, secondly, finding out how the work of international terrorism team, which includes the job of interpreters, regarding non-verbal communication is. It should be stated that a research study like this one has never been done before. It intends to study how non-verbal communication takes part in the job of a group in the Spanish Military Police that is responsible for investigating international terrorism. Thus, this is a very specific study target in a current issue that, unfortunately, enters in our homes on our daily basis. There is plenty of confidential information in this sector, that is the reason why finding something valid to build up the study was rather hard work. Therefore, the type of study that this paper follows is a qualitative research, where the results will be based on solid data achieved through questionnaires and interviews. However, it is essential to start by explaining the main concepts related to this paper, the real meaning of the terms such as “international terrorism”, “the Spanish Military Police”, “non-verbal communication” and “interpretation”. According to USLegal.com “international terrorism” is “terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country. International terrorism involves citizens or the territory of more than one country.” Lectric Law Library provides the study with a more comprehensive definition: Activities that involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the U.S. or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping; and occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum. 18 U.S.C. (Lectric Law Library, 2017). This definition is focused on US, however it can be transposed to every country. Regarding GEES (Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos, in Spanish), there are three different reasons why there might be a threat of terrorism attack: 1. State failure, being unable to bring peace and well-being to their citizens. 12.

(13) 2. Terrorist groups ready to use random violence to achieve broke the enemy (it can be ETA in Spain or Al Qaeda in the Western world) and capable to polarize the society on their side. 3. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In order to face these types of situations, law enforcement must avoid the attack and they have two main ways of doing it. The first one, called “preventive war”, has as a goal to balance both sides and avoid hegemony situations. The second one, known as “preemptive war”, is a war “initiated in anticipation of an attack which need not to be imminent; its purpose may be to interrupt a planned or ongoing military buildup or mobilization” (GEES, 2002). In both cases, there are drawbacks. It is not always easy to justify the necessity of an attack to keep away from other ones that will be worse. Lately, there have been several terrorism attacks in Europe, they are said to be Jihadist. The term ‘jihadist’ has been used by Western academics since the 1990s, and more widely since the 11 September 2001 attacks, as a way to distinguish between violent and non-violent Sunni Islamists. In Arabic, the word means ‘effort’ or ‘struggle’. In Islam, it could be an individual's internal struggle against baser instincts, the struggle to build a good Muslim society, or a war for the faith against unbelievers. (BBC, 2014). According to GEES (2002), Spain has been distinguished in their fight against terrorism in international forums, it has followed Islamism hubs and it symbolizes occidental values that they refuse, thus it becomes the unequivocal goal of their attacks. Unfortunately, Spain is one of the countries that live more closely the terrorism due to the existence of the armed gang known as ETA Eskadi Ta Askatasuna (“Eskadi and Freedom”). The group defined themselves as “organización clandestina revolucionaria” (revolutionary underground organization) and they were created by an extremist group of students in 1959. After 43 years of attacks, bombs, suicides, threats and many fights against terrorism in 2011 the armed gang decided to announce their permanent cessation. During all this time, the Spanish Military Police did not cease fighting to finish with the gang, even they infiltrated agents to the band. From the researchers’ point of view, at that moment they should need the interpreter’s services as well, since the Euskera language is impossible to understand without any expertise of it. On the other hand, one of the most important attacks that Spain suffered was 11-M in 2004 where some coordinated bombing against the Cercanías commuter train system of Madrid. In the recent past months different cities lived the nightmare that terrorism provokes: London (2017), where a terror attack happened near the Houses of Parliament and three terrorist charge into citizens and tourists people around Westminster; Paris (2017), it passed only three days after that the London attack, a man with a hummer ran into a French officer; in Manchester (2017) there was an explosion in the middle of a concert of a famous singer causing 22 deaths and 59 fans were hurt; and the Brussels attacks (2016), it was the first of the chain, it took place in Zaventem airport where two bombs were exploded provoking 32 casualties and thousands of shocks and the recent attack happened in Barcelona (2017). All terrorism attacks are raising fear around the world, what creates a sense of alarm in the whole society. Law enforcement is working across the globe to avoid these outrageous situations. In Spain, denizens count on the Spanish Military Police who, apart from differencing activities of security, are also involved in international terrorism. They are a military and national public security service within Cuerpos y Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado (the Spanish Military Police, in Spanish). Since it started their main aim has been to guarantee security and enforce law and order. At the end of the nineteen-century terrorism started. There was a wave of attacks in Spain; the bomb in Liceo theatre in Barcelona (1893), another one in Corpus Christi religious procession (1896), an attack against the president of the government in that moment (1921), Eduardo Dato, among others. On an international level, there were also attacks in Paris, Austria, Italy and the US. All these 13.

(14) catastrophic events forced the Spanish Military Police to create a group focus only on terrorism and international terrorism. Nowadays, international terrorism in linked with Muslim or Arabian terrorist groups widely known as jihadist, as before mentioned. There are several terrorist organizations from Islam, nevertheless, the most known are ISIS/ISIL, Daesh, Al-Qaeda or Islamic State. This group was founded in 1999 and it has been changing the name depending on their progress. It also depends on the country or on the beliefs that people choose one or another. On the one hand, they named themselves “Islamic State” and just for this reason media and politics refuse to use this label. “I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamist people” said Laurent Fabius, the French Foreign Minister, in 2004. Then, Daesh is the acronym of al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham (Islamic State of Irak and the Levant); even so terrorist people hate this name, provided that in Arabic it sounds in a wrong way. On the other hand, ISIS (Islamic State of Irak and Siria) or ISIL (Islamic State of Irak and the Levant) is the most used designation among British media and across the world and hated as well by the terrorist group (Huffingtonpost, 2015). Given that the chief terrorist groups is Arab, the Spanish Military Police, in the case of Spain, needs language professionals who could help them in their investigation. These professionals are translators and interpreters who have a wide expertise in Arabic language and culture. Although law enforcement (and almost everyone in society) named them just translators, there are several differences between a translator and an interpreter. Despite both conveying a message from one language into another one, the main difference is that translators do it written whereas interpreters work orally. These professionals are usually proficient to do both jobs, even if they are normally better at one task. They are parallel professions and they had different abilities. Translators need to have a deep knowledge of the source language as well as the target language, a detailed reading ability, review and revision and text editing skills. On the contrary, interpreters should have a thorough understanding on target and source language, adaptation, intuition and reaction capacities, a great memory, knowing how to behave in different situations and a formidable knowledge of the target culture. Regarding our sources, the Spanish Military Police works with interpreters, since they need to interpret conversations, interviews, recordings, among others types of oral speech. The researcher agrees with Valero Garcés (2010) when she wrote: Los traductores e intérpretes ostentan también un alto grado de responsabilidad, deben respetar las normas de protección de datos personales, protección de testigos, uso de información confidencial, colaborar con las fuerzas de seguridad en sus investigaciones, puesto que pueden ser una pieza clave para resolverlas. Tareas nada fáciles para afrontarlas sin preparación como ocurre en muchos casos. (Valero Garcés, 2010). It is important to let you know the dangers the interpreters who works with the Spanish Military Police are exposed. They are normally from certain Arabic countries; hence they have such a good knowledge in Arabic language and culture that they work is extremely important for helping the law enforcement. However, according to Arabic beliefs, they are traitors of the nation and they are betraying their society and their roots. That is why they are in constant protection, even if their contract is not registered as the Spanish Military Police interpreters, for the rest of the world they are only civil servants. As a further matter, their names cannot be known by anybody unless they permit it. It is taken this opportunity to say that this is the reason why this paper does not have any interview with one of them. It is also needed to take into account the different dialects that the Arabic language has. This challenges the job of both professionals: interpreters and law enforcement. According to an article from a Spanish newspaper, El País, these are all the Arabic dialects:. 14.

(15) Chart 1: Arabic dialects. (Source: El País, 2016). Quietly observing the chart, you can see eight dialects which are spoken in different parts of Africa and in the Middle East. Moreover, the number of speakers is shown in the chart. As said before, the existence of different dialects makes the investigation harder, since not all Arabic interpreters know all dialects. In the case that the interpreter does not know the dialect of the person being investigated, cultural aspects or non-verbal communication could be an option to help the officers. While they should search for a new one who can help them with the language. This way is how international terrorism investigation is carried out properly:. Spanish Military Police. +. Interpreters. =. Terrorist. Chart 2: The process of how international terrorism investigation is carried out.. This graphic is intended to show how important the ensemble job of Spanish Military Police and interpreters is when analyzing, investigating and discovering a terrorist or a group of them. Before knowing the meaning of non-verbal communication, the researcher strongly feels that it is important to know what communication is. Quoting Poyatos, communication is “emisiones de signos activos o pasivos, constituyan o no comportamiento, a través de los sistemas no léxicos somáticos, objetuales y ambientales contenidos en una cultura, individualmente o en mutua coestructuración” (ibíd.:17) (Izquierdo, 1996, p.2). Thus, communication can be defined as a “process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2017). Moreover, it can be divided in three groups:. 15.

(16) Picture 1: Communication Skills (Source: Burgos, 2017). Culture is also considered in communication skills, since in a culture there is the necessity of making them understood between each other and every culture creates their system of communication. That is why sometimes between different cultures people are not understood or they should make a big effort to understand them. Communication also involves non-verbal communication. They are a pack, without one of them there is not a real communication between sender and receiver. There are plenty of experts who investigate about non-verbal communication and how important it is in terms of communication. It shouldn’t be said that non-verbal communication is: toda información —que no forma parte del lenguaje hablado— que se transmite en un proceso de comunicación; comprende todos los elementos, distintos de las palabras, que acompañan y complementan a las mismas y que se emplean de manera consciente o inconsciente durante una interacción. (Seijo, 2017, p.1).. It is also important to mention Mehrabian study the “3Vs” (Verbal, Vocal and Visual). For this author there were basically three elements in any face-to-face communication (Institute of Judicial Studies, 2016): 1. Words 2. Tone of voice 3. Nonverbal behavior Therefore, communication was based on these three points and each one has their percentage in every discussion. That is:. 16.

(17) Picture 2: Non-verbal communication. (Source: Burgos, 2017) “Thus, in order for the communication to be effective and meaningful about emotions, these three parts of the message need to support each other -they have to be ‘congruent’. For example: Verbal: ‘I do not have a problem with you!’ Non-verbal: person avoids eye-contact, looks anxious, has a closed body language, etc.” (Burgos, 2017). It becomes more likely that the receiver will trust the predominant form of communication, which to Mehrabian's findings is non-verbal (38 % + 55 %) rather than the literal meaning of the words (7 %). This is known as "the 7 %-38 %-55 % rule" (Institute of Judicial Studies, 2016). It can be said that Mehrabian intention when he did this study was not to apply that rule to every context. “They derived from experiments dealing with communications of feelings and attitudes (i.e. like-dislike) so unless a communicator is talking about their feelings or attitudes, these equations are not applicable” (Institute of Judicial Studies, 2016). Furthermore, it should be considered the triple basic structure in a human speech of Poyatos (1994) that includes: language, paralanguage and kinesics. “Estamos reflexionando entonces sobre una realidad no única de la comunicación, sino sobre una realidad múltiple auditivavisual, una triple realidad del discurso: lo que decimos, cómo lo decimos y cómo nos movemos al decirlo (Poyatos, 1994, 1:15)”. This structure goes hand in hand with Mehrabian study, they are based alike, the three part of a conversation, however, each author express it differently. In addition, there are a number of studies that, taking the aforementioned into account, make a relation between non-verbal communication and interpretation. They highlight the importance of non-verbal communication in a speech, hence in an interpreted speech. Now, the researcher wants to mention several ones that she used to support the paper. First of them, Valiente study called La comunicación no verbal y su relación con la interpretación, where she exposes how useful NVC for interpreters is. It helps the study know about new authors who study about this topic, moreover, it helps figure out the necessity to an interpreter to have a wide knowledge about non-verbal communication. As it was said, Valiente supports 17.

(18) her study performed by experts’ opinions. For instance, Conchita Padrón, teacher of Habana University, who defines NVC as: un conjunto de acciones automatizadas y socialmente significativas a partir no de palabras sino de movimientos corporales que se producen entre interlocutores humanos en un acto de comunicación tal que cada interlocutor se encuentra en el campo visual de los otros (Valiente, 2001, p.3).. Moreover, other expert as Davis who believes that words are only the first step of communication and the following steps are brought by NVC. She strongly feels that intuition is an ally of the interpreter in front of non-verbal communication. Besides that, Morell (1999) and Projocov (1981) believe culture has influence in NVC. First author affirms: El proceso de comunicación intercultural bilingüe (...), el conocimiento profundo del trasfondo cultural de cada una de las partes interactuantes, es tan importante como el dominio de los sistemas de ambas lenguas para garantizar la óptima transmisión del mensaje, ya sea escrito u oral (Valiente, 2001, p.5).. The point of view of these two experts makes the study think about the importance of the cultural phenomenon in non-verbal communication, since depending on your origin each one’s NVC may change. This information is related with Vilà’s opinion, an undergraduate from University of Barcelona who discusses about intercultural influence in non-verbal communication in her paper: Los aspectos no verbales en la comunicación intercultural. It was useful granted that, as it is said before, the opinion that the paper follows is that the NVC differs depending on the culture of the person and with this material it could be done a brief comment of it. That is extremely important for the study, provided that, in international terrorism there are a mix of cultures, the chief ones the Arabian, which are usually the culture of people under investigation; and Spanish culture, the culture from law enforcement who have to work on their daily basis with people from around the world. For this reason, they must be aware of the importance of consider the different cultures that are in this context. Vilà’s definition about NVC also contributes a little in the study. She asserts quoting experts such as Hall (1981), Samovar (1998) and Lustig y Koester (1996): La comunicación no verbal es un proceso multisensorial que habitualmente se establece de forma espontánea, e implica un conjunto de comportamientos no lingüísticos que a menudo son inconscientes (Lustig y Koester, 1996). En este sentido, la comunicación no verbal incluye tanto aspectos conscientes e intencionales, como comportamientos no intencionales (Samovar et al., 1998). Hall (1981) alerta en sus estudios más pioneros sobre la importancia de la parte más inconsciente e invisible de la comunicación no verbal (Vilà, 2012, p.6).. She also reminds the researcher the beginnings of NVC in 1872 with Darwin who started to study the primate faces. Then, Efron in 1941 highlighted the importance of cultural elements and he exposed different types of non-verbal behavior studies. Simultaneously, Birdwhistell (1970) designated the study of body movements as kinesics. Finally, Hall (1981) was the pioneer that claimed that at least ten human activities from primary message were mostly built by non-verbal aspects. After that, Collados thesis: La comunicación no verbal y la didáctica de la interpretación talks about NVC in relation with different types of interpreting (simultaneous, consecutive and bilateral), help the researchers to be aware of the importance of non-verbal communication for the interpreter: De ahí que no sea exagerado a afirmar que un intérprete que no perciba y comprenda estos comportamientos tendrá una imagen distorsionada e inexacta de la situación en la que debe. 18.

(19) operar o del propio discurso que ha de interpretar; que no haga un buen uso de los elementos no verbales, podrá desvirtuar su propia interpretación, en la medida en la que no transmita correctamente el discurso original o superponga informaciones negativas acerca de su propia personalidad o estado de ánimo (Collados, 2005, p. 3).. According to her beliefs, an interpreter can say the speech totally wrong if they do not understand something about NVC or, simply, they are not aware of it. She also refers to tools that interpreters use to transmit NVC to the receiving side of the conversation. Sometimes, the professional can repeat the non-verbal communication sign or just say it. Regarding this, Seijo’s study: La comunicación no verbal en la interpretación consecutiva has helped the study to affirm what Collados says, the importance of knowing NVC for interpreters to be as accurate as possible with the interpreted speech. Seijo has done a study based on a roleplay interpreted by two groups of students, one of them from Translation and Interpretation degree students and the other one from the master’s in Translation and Interpretation in Public Services students. They were exposed to situations where non-verbal communication (their own and the one of the interpreted person) was critical to understand the context. The main character of this game was William Hanks a Britain citizen that, for several reasons, is involved in a court process in Spain. He hardly speaks Spanish and asks for an interpreter. While his two first visits at the court, he has two interpreters and after these two meetings he only trusts the second professional, despite the fact both linguistic correction were flawless. Why does he decide that only the second professional gain his trust? Seijo states that this lack of trust is because of the non-verbal communication that each one expressed and she exposes: Es posible que ahora mismo se estén preguntando cómo un gesto puede influir de manera tan determinante en la decisión del acusado. Pero es que la CNV no son solo gestos. A pesar de que cada vez con más frecuencia oímos hablar del “lenguaje corporal” de los políticos, por ejemplo, la comunicación no verbal no es solo gestos o movimientos del cuerpo, la CNV va mucho más allá (Seijo, 2017, p.1).. It is agreed with her, as it is seen during all the paper, non-verbal communication is something that goes beyond gestures or body movements, it also implies rhythm, tone, volume of voice, etc. Another study that supports the paper is Escribano’s investigation (2013): La importancia de la entonación en la calidad de la interpretación simultánea, that is more specific. Even though intonation is an aspect of NVC for this reason there was interesting material with regard to our paper. She quotes Poyatos, a subject matter expert: The interpreter’s challenge is not small; since his voice is the only perceived medium through which all other sign systems are funneled. [...] Identifying the relations of nonverbal systems, paralanguage and kinesics particularly, to what is being said in words during speech, discloses already a number of problems and dilemmas which an interpreter must face (Poyatos, 1997: 258).. Otherwise, in order to explain different parts of non-verbal communication it is mainly used the second chapter of the study Taxonomia del lenguaje (2010) where all systems are exposed such as kinesics system, gestural and postural subsystem, ocular subsystem, and others. It was extremely useful, since it itemizes all parts of NVC and even gives examples through images. Hence, it was extremely useful to understand the information applied in this study. Furthermore, we used an investigation project from Instituto Cervantes (2009) which also analyzes NVC when learning Spanish in China. All their introduction and theoretical material were useful to it, since it explains different parts of NVC, such as Taxonomia del lenguaje (2010), and it was possible to compare them and draw a conclusion. 19.

(20) Furthermore, it was got material from the Spanish Military Police that are focused on nonverbal communication that they shall know to improve in their work, especially in examinations. These documents were achieved from a direct contact that works in the Spanish Military Police. One of them is a guide that they would follow since they get the person investigated, the title is Guía de entrevista policial (2009), that, as its name implies, explains the procedure that law enforcement should follow while doing an interview to a criminal. The way to carry it out can vary depending on the attitude of the person under investigation. The guide provides with basic information about communication even with advice of how to act in front of several situations or examples of situations that had been occurred. The other one is material from a course regarding non-verbal communication that they are supposed to follow. The paper is called El lenguaje del cuerpo (1998) and recommends the agents how to dispose the space of the room where they are; how to establish conversation with a person under investigation depending on their character and attitude, even the approach distance that they must take; the gestures that they should avoid or do relying on the circumstances. Every counsel that they obtain from these two papers are material that they should use to control their own non-verbal communication and the NVC expressed by the person under investigation. Regarding material related to the training of law enforcement in relation to non-verbal communication, these two papers, along with fieldwork, was the only writing material that was obtained. Moreover, they are confidential material, consequently, they beg not to be published. For this reason, this have been used in an accurate and attentively manner. Linking with that, the main sources to investigate this project were questionnaires, specifically 30, answered by personal of international terrorism team of Catalonia, located on Barcelona. Moreover, an interview to a police officer of this team, the main contact that the author of the paper had. The interview which helps the paper was been focused on international terrorism, since at the beginning it was wanted to focus generally on Spanish Military Police. The interviewed officer gives more information than it was expected and this was very useful for the investigation. In a nutshell, every study, article or piece of information that was gathered benefits the investigation. Valiente’s paper help the study know about other authors and their opinions, with that a general overview of non-verbal communication in relation with interpreting was created as well as establishing a starting point for the paper. In addition, the intercultural perspective with both Valiente (2001) and Vilà (2012) were used. Furthermore, Vilà reminds the origin of NVC that helps in the general overview construction. Davis (1971) has risen the study about how useful to be intuitive with non-verbal communication can be for an interpreter. Seijo (2017) and Collados (2005) agree that without an expertise of NVC there cannot be a complete communication, because the speech or part of it can be missed in a simply speech or in an interpreted one. Then studies from Instituto Cervantes (2009) and the second chapter of Taxonomia del lenguaje (2010) was extremely useful to understand the sections and subsections in which non-verbal communication is divided. With papers that the Spanish Military Police provided it could make a comparison between all the information gathered about interpretation and non-verbal communication and make a study of how it can be important for international terrorism. With all this information collected the paper pretends to be a theoretical and practical study that puts in relation the non-verbal communication and interpreter’s job with international terrorism agents of the Spanish Military Police. The paper pretends to give a picture about how important NVC and the interpreter’s job in international terrorism field is. To do that, the study is based on several questionnaires, an important interview and material gathers not only from articles and studies, but also from the Spanish Military Police material. The paper is going to deepen in the methodology followed in the following section.. 20.

(21) 1.4 Methodology To explain the methodology followed in the project the information have been separated in three groups: (1) search of theoretical information, regarding on the complexity of data collection as well as how it has been carried out; (2) fieldwork, how and where the first-hand data has been found and the analysis of the results achieved thorough it; and (3) conclusion of the information obtained. This process allows to compile data following a coherent structure, to present results and to extract objective and founded conclusions through the investigation that has been carried out. Firstly, there have been a profound research of studies, books, articles and web pages which talk about the subject of study non-verbal communication regarding the job of the interpreters in the Spanish Military Police. The main problem was, as this type of investigation was not performed in advance, that it was impossible to find information about non-verbal communication as a tool for the interpreters who collaborate with the Spanish Military Police. That moment, the information was sought out separately and, if the results could be obtained, they were associated in both fields. It was a hard work, however information linked the nonverbal communication and the interpreter’s job has been found, for instance in Valiente study (2001) and Collados’s investigation (2005). Furthermore, studies from experts, as the aforementioned, like Poyatos (1994), Davis (1971) or Seijo (2017) were used. Subsequently, all concepts related with the present study were deeply explained in order to connect them to the investigation, as it can be seen in the theoretical framework. These concepts are: communication, non-verbal communication, the Spanish Military Police, interpretation and translation. Once it was decided how to start the study, following this line of investigation, the author contacted with a relative, as she knew this person had several acquaintances working in the Spanish Military Police. This person was the source of contacts of the policeman and policewomen which could participate in the study. One of them, the one who works specifically in international terrorism, replied very quickly. He offered himself to speak not only by phone, but also in person. Owing to the distance, since this person was in Barcelona, there was an agreement on conducting the interview by phone. The researcher took the advantage to ask him everything in relation with interpreters who collaborate with the police, in this case with the Spanish Military Police. He solved many questions, for this reason, a questionnaire was sent to him and his colleagues could answer, as well as an interview (to have the information that he previously gave in paper). The questionnaire had eight questions about the knowledge of the officers regarding non-verbal communication and aspects of interpreters that they consider in order to work with them. The questionnaire questions are being exposed subsequently: 1. Do you know what NVC is? 2. Have you done some minimum training in NVC? 3. Do you know if NVC is important in international terrorism? / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 4. During an interview with a suspect did you take into account NVC? / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 5. Do you believe that the interpreter’s work is useful from a NVC point of view?/ How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 6. What skills does an interpreter need to work with the Spanish Military Police, specially in international terrorism?. 21.

(22) a. To convey the suspect speech in a true and accurate way. / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? b. To convey information about NVC that the suspect shows. / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? c. To be a professional, to have the proper behavior and to respect confidentiality. / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? d. Other skills // How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10? 7. Do you know about the ethic codes that interpreters must follow? / If your answer is positive, could you give an example? 8. There are competences that interpreters should do, however they are not part of their job. Are you conscious that this might happen? / Could you give an example? 1. Do you know what NVC is?: with this question the intention was to know about the NVC knowledge of the officers. 2. Have you done some minimum training about NVC?: it was needed to know if officers have received some training about it or not. Thus, the answers could be more accurate. 3. Do you know if NVC is important in international terrorism? / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10?: that one relates NVC with international terrorism and let the investigation know about the beliefs of the law enforcement about it. Moreover, it is required a punctuation of these believes in order to let the study know a range of this thought. 4. During an interview with a suspect did you take into account NVC? / How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10?: That allows the investigation to be aware of the job of international terrorism taking into account the NVC. There is also a punctuation of the answer. 5. Do you believe that the interpreter’s work is useful from a NVC point of view?/ How important is it on a scale of 1 to 10?: with that question it is intended to know more about the importance that they provide to interpreter’s job and NVC. There is also a punctuation of the answer. 6. What skills does an interpreter need to work with the Spanish Military Police, especially in international terrorism?: That is the most important question, thus officers should contemplate about the skills of interpreters and at the same time the information that they need to carry their job in a proper way. Several options were offered so that they have to choose and then they could write another one that they though it was essential as well. These options are: To convey the suspect speech in a true and accurate way; To convey information about NVC that the suspect shows; and, To be a professional, to have the proper behavior and to respect confidentiality. They should score all of them, hence it was easy to know the importance that they give to each skill and permit the study to make a general idea about the officers’ opinion. 7. Do you know about the ethic codes that interpreters must follow? / If your answer is positive, could you give an example?: That is a theoretical question to know if they are familiar with this concept and they really have expertise in interpreters job, which is difficult (especially in Spain). They are also asked for an example. 8. There are competences that interpreters should do, however they are not part of their job. Are you conscious that this might happen? / Could you give an example?: With the last question, it was intended to know if they were aware of interpreters plenty of times should do things that are not part of their job. Here they could demonstrate if they have a great idea of the interpreters’ role. They are also asked for an example.. 22.

(23) Apart from these eight questions, they have to fill a few information about the profile of the surveyed person, thus it had been easy to make the reader an idea of respondents’ profile: Respondent Profile: Age: Sex: Expertise: Specialty: Work languages: Real questionnaires are shown in Annex part 1. Apart from them, you could also read the interview composed by three complete answers: Do you take into account the NVC when you investigate someone?; What do you value from an interpreter in order to work with you?; and, How many members are there in international terrorism sector of the Spanish Military Police?. As can be seen, these questions are based on questionnaires’ inquiries. The intention is to grasp further developed information than in the survey, where they could only choose the answer. However, the fieldwork results were extremely difficult to obtain. For reasons of work responses of the chief took long time. Once he sent them, there were such a few questionnaires that it was so difficult to do any study with them. Thus, the researcher started to insist to the contact to send more completed material, letting him know the importance of these questionnaires for the study. About a month and a half later, more results that could help in the investigation were achieved. Therefore, when there were, on the one hand, the fieldwork and, on the other hand, the theoretical information, the present study started to be written. Regarding the fieldwork, every single questionnaire has been analyzed. A comparison of each one that enables to stablish statistics of the results obtained was made. Then, graphics were made to show the results in an analytical way. Regarding the graphics, it has been decided to show the results through pie charts. It has been thought that with this kind of graphic the information would be more visual and understanding. Moreover, was applied the information achieved from the interview where the contact has been asked for their work, work team and non-verbal communication. Finally, with all this information gathered, it has come to a variety of conclusions that respond to the initial hypothesis.. 23.

(24) CAPÍTULO II: CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN Aunque durante el marco teórico y la metodología se ha hecho una breve explicación y se han dado diferentes ejemplos sobre el tema de estudio a tratar se cree de vital importancia desarrollar los pilares (y todo lo que ellos conllevan) por los cuales se fundamenta esta investigación, que se recuerdan que son: la comunicación no verbal, el terrorismo internacional y los Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado. Por lo tanto, a continuación, se desarrollará lo que, según los diferentes estudios y este mismo se considera comunicación no verbal; además, se hará hincapié de lo que es el terrorismo y los diferentes tipos de terrorismo existentes; y, por último, se hará saber qué es y en qué consiste el trabajo del grupo de Cuerpos de Fuerza y Seguridad del Estado Español. 2.1 La comunicación no verbal Como se ha mencionado en la introducción, en el proceso de comunicación vienen implícitos muchos otros procesos relacionados tanto con la parte psíquica como con la parte física de los humanos. Estos procesos se suelen originar de manera inconsciente y sin saber lo que significan, además, forman parte de la comunicación no verbal o lenguaje no verbal. Según la Dra. Conchita Padrón de la Universidad de la Habana podemos definir CNV como: Un conjunto de acciones automatizadas y socialmente significativas a partir no de palabras sino de movimientos corporales que se producen entre interlocutores humanos en un acto de comunicación tal que cada interlocutor se encuentra en el campo visual de los otros. (Valiente, 2001:3). Según el punto de vista de esta investigación a esta definición se añadiría: movimientos corporales, gestos y tono de voz. Considerando muchos estudios se afirma que el conjunto del discurso con todos esos procesos crea una total comunicación y, por lo tanto, esta es más fructífera. Imagínense una persona hablando simplemente moviendo los labios y produciendo un discurso sin mover ni la cara ni las manos y mucho menos modulando su tono de voz sería muy extraño y hasta puede que no entendiéramos del todo lo que quiere decir, existiría un discurso, pero se perdería mucha parte del mensaje. Por lo tanto, eso es a lo que ayuda el LNV: a captar el mensaje. Existen diferentes tipos de gestos, posiciones y tonalidades dentro de lo que se considera CNV. Cada una de ellos tiene un nombre establecido y forma parte de un grupo concreto. Para dicha investigación se considera importante explicar y hacer distinción entre ellos para poner al lector en contexto. Por lo tanto, se toma como propia la clasificación que propone el capítulo de la lectura Taxonomía (2010) y, a continuación, se explicará los distintos sistemas en los que se clasifica la CNV. Existen cinco grandes sistemas y algunos de estos tienen a su vez diferentes subsistemas: 1) Sistema kinésico: El antropólogo norteamericano Ray Birdwhistell, en 1952, tomó el término griego kinésis que significa movimiento “para acuñar el concepto de kinesics, que desde entonces designa el estudio del movimiento humano des del punto de vista de su significado” (Taxonomía, 2010: cap. 2, p.34). Los actos no verbales que pertenecen a este sistema son muchos, por eso existen varios subsistemas: 1.1 Subsistema gestual y postural: En este se tienen en cuenta las expresiones faciales, como el movimiento de las cejas, la forma de mover las manos, los brazos, las piernas, la cabeza, es decir, del cuerpo en su conjunto. En las posturas se incluyen la manera de estar de pie, sentado o incluso caminar. También, los. 24.


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