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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Research

Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering

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(the copyright of some of these papers is maintained by the respective publishers, therefore all visitors are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by copyright laws)

[PDF] Generating Multimedia Presentations that Summarize the Behavior of Dynamic Systems Using a Model-based Approach

Martin Molina, Victor Flores. Expert Systems with Applications, volume 39, issue 3, pp. 2759-2770, February 2012.

[PDF] Simulating Data Journalism to Communicate Hydrological Information from Sensor Networks

Martin Molina. In: J. Pavón et al. (Eds.): IBERAMIA 2012 (Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence) LNAI 7637, pp. 722–731, 2012. Best paper award.

[PDF] Generating Text Descriptions for Geographically Distributed Sensors

Martin Molina, Javier Sanchez-Soriano. International Conference Applied Computing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011.

[PDF] A Multinational SDI-based System to Facilitate Disaster Risk Management in the Andean Community

Martin Molina, Salvador Bayarri. Computer & Geosciences. Volume 37, Issue 9, Pages 1501-1510, September 2011.

[PDF] Generating Automated News to Explain the Meaning of Sensor Data

Martin Molina, Amanda Stent, Enrique Parodi. In: J. Gama, E. Bradley, and J. Hollmén (Eds.): IDA 2011 (Tenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis) LNCS 7014, pp. 282–293, 2011.

[PDF] Using the Journalistic Metaphor to Design User Interfaces That Explain Sensor Data

Martin Molina, Enrique Parodi, Amanda Stent. In: P. Campos et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 2011 (13th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Part III, LNCS 6948, pp. 636–643, 2011.

[PDF] Modeling Sensor Knowledge of a National Hydrologic Information System

Martin Molina, Javier Sanchez-Soriano. 1st International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Web, SSW 2010, pp. 23-3.

Valencia (Spain), October 2010.

[PDF] Combining Text and Graphics for Interactive Exploration of Behavior Datasets

Martin Molina, Enrique Parodi, Amanda Stent. 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2010), Arras, France, 2010.

[PDF] A knowledge-based method for generating summaries of spatial movement in geographic areas

Martin Molina, Amanda Stent. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Vol. 19, No. 4, 393–415. 2010.

[PDF] Generating descriptions that summarize geospatial and temporal data

Martin Molina, Amanda Stent. 21th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2009), Newark, USA, 2009.

[PDF] Human-Readable and Machine-Readable Knowledge Bases Using Specialized Word Processors

Martin Molina, Gemma Blasco. 20th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2008), Ohio, USA, 2008.

[PDF] The Andean Information System for Disaster Prevention and Relief SIAPAD, an Initiative for the Development of a Thematic SDI

Ruben Vargas, Martin Molina, Salvador Bayarri, Ana Campos. Tenth International Conference for Spatial Data Infrastructure. St. Augustine, Trinidad, February, 2008

[PDF] A Presentation Model for Multimedia Summaries of Behavior

Martin Molina, Victor Flores. IUI 2008 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. Canary Islands, Spain, January 13-16, 2008.

Learning Bayesian Networks from Deterministic Rainfall–Runoff Models and Monte Carlo Simulation

Luis Garrote, Martin Molina, Luis Mediero. In R.J. Abrahart et al. (eds.), Practical Hydroinformatics: Computational intelligence and technological developments in water applications. Water Science and Technology Library, Vol 68. ISBN 978-3-540-79880-4. Springer 2008.

[PDF] MSB: Una aplicacion WWW para generación de resúmenes de comportamiento

Victor Flores, Martin Molina. In “IADIS-CIAWI Ibero-Americana Internet/WWW 2007”, R. Gonçalves, F. Santoro, P Isaías y J. M. Gutiérrez (Eds). 5ta. Conferencia Internacional CIAWI-2007. ISBN: 978–972–8924–45-4, pp. 83 – 90. Vila Real, Portugal, October 2007.

Probabilistic Forecasts Using Bayesian Networks Calibrated with Deterministic Rainfall-Runoff Models


Luis Garrote, Martin Molina, Luis Mediero. In “Extreme Hydrological Events: New Concepts for Security”. Vasiliev, O.F.;

Gelder, P.H.A.J.M.v.; Plate, E.J.; Bolgov, M.V. (Eds.). Springer, Nato Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences. ISBN 978-1-4020-5739-7. Vol. 78., pp 173-183. 2007.

[PDF] Métodos de resolución de problemas: Aplicación al diseño de sistemas inteligentes

Martin Molina. Servicio de publicaciones de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Fundación General de la UPM. ISBN: 84-96737-07-1. 2006.

[PDF] A Knowledge-based Approach for Automatic Generation of Summaries of Behavior

Martin Molina, Victor Flores. In “Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications”, J. Euzenat and J.

Domingue (Eds.). 12th International Conference AIMSA 2006, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, LNAI 4183, pp. 265 - 274. Varna, Bulgaria, September 2006.

[PDF] Generating Adaptive Presentations of Hydrologic Behavior

Martin Molina, Victor Flores. In “Intelligent data Engineering and Automated Learning IDEAL 2006”, E. Corchado, H. Yin, V. Botti, C. Fyfe (Eds.). 7th International Conference, IDEAL 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, LNCS 4224, pp. 896 - 903. Burgos, Spain, September 2006.

[PDF] Building a Decision Support System with a Knowledge Modeling Tool

Martin Molina. Journal of Decision Systems. Special issue “Design, Building and Evaluation of Intelligent Decision- making Support Systems”. Lavoisier, France, 2006.

[PDF] An Intelligent Assistant for Public Transport Management

Martin Molina. International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 05. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nº 3645, Springer Verlag. Hefei, China. August 2005.

[PDF] Hydrologic Models for Emergency Decision Support Using Bayesian Networks

Martin Molina, Raquel Fuentetaja, Luis Garrote. 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2005. In “Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty”. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 3571, Springer Verlag, Barcelona, July 2005.

[PDF] KATS: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool Based on Electronic Document Processing

Martin Molina, Gemma Blasco. 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management EKAW 04.In "Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web" Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 3257.

Springer Verlag. Whittlebury Hay, UK, October, 2004.

[PDF] Using Knowledge Modelling Tools for Agent-based Systems: The Experience of KSM

Martin Molina, Jose Cuena. In Knowledge Engineering and Agent Technology. IOS Press. The Netherlands. 2004.

[PDF] Using Electronic Documents for Knowledge Acquisition and Model Maintenance

Martin Molina, Gemma Blasco. 7th International Conference KES 2003 In "Knowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems" Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 2774, Vol II. Springer Verlag. Oxford, UK September 2003.

[PDF] A Multi-agent system for Emergency Decision Support

Martin Molina, Gemma Blasco. 4th International Conference of Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2003) In "Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning" Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Springer Verlag, nº 2690.: Hong Kong, China, March, 2003.

[PDF] ExperNet: An Intelligent Multiagent System for WAN Management

Ioannis Vlahavas, Nick Bassiliades, Ilias Sakellariou, Martin Molina, Sascha Ossowski, Ivan Futo, Zoltan Pasztor, Janos Szeredi, Igor Velbitskiyi, Sergey yershov, Igor Netesin. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (1): 62-72. 2002 .

ESTRADAS: Sistema de Gestión de Estrategias de Control de Tráfico para Decisión Asistida de Señalización

Martin Molina. Jornadas Técnicas 2001 del Foro ATIS (Sistemas Avanzados de Información al Viajero). En "Jornadas Técnicas 2001. El Mundo ATIS: La Difusión de Información al Viajero", editado por la Asociación Española de la Carretera. ISBN.: 84-89875-31-6. Madrid (España). Diciembre, 2001.

[PDF] An Intelligent Sales Assistant for Configurable Products

Martin Molina. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2001. In: "Web Intelligence: Research and Development" Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 2198, Springer Verlag. Maebashi (Japan). October, 2001.

[PDF] Modeling Commercial Knowledge to Develop Advanced Agent-based Marketplaces for E-commerce

Martin Molina. Fifth International Workshop CIA-2001 on Cooperative Information Agents In "Cooperative Information Agents" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Subserie Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, nº 2182, Springer Verlag.

Modena (Italy). September, 2001.


[PDF] Increasing the Intelligence of Virtual Sales Assistants through Knowledge Modeling Techniques

Martin Molina. International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and internet Commerce - IAWTIC'2001.

Las Vegas (USA) September, 2001.

[PDF] A Knowledge Model for Automatic Configuration of Traffic Messages

Martin Molina, Monica Robledo. The Fourteenth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-2001). In “Engineering of Intelligent Systems”. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 2070. Springer Verlag. Budapest (Hungary). June, 2001.

[PDF] A Propose-and-revise System for Real-time Traffic Management

Martin Molina, Monica Robledo, Alberto Fernandez. European Symposium on Intelligent Techniques, ESIT’2000.

Aachen (Germany). September, 2000.

[PDF] The role of knowledge modelling techniques in software development: a general approach based on a knowledge management tool

Jose Cuena, Martin Molina. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Academic Press. 2000.

[PDF] Reusable Knowledge-based Components for Building Software Applications: A Knowledge Modelling Approach Martin Molina, Jose L. Sierra, Jose Cuena. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.

Vol 9. No. 3 pp. 297-317. 1999.

[PDF] Knowledge Modelling in Multiagent Systems: The Case of the Management of a National Network

Martin Molina, Sascha Ossowski. 6th International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, IS&N’99, Abril, Barcelona (España), pp. 501-513. 1999.

[PDF] A Structure of Problem Solving Methods for Real Time Decision Support in Traffic Control

Martin Molina, Josefa Hernandez, Jose Cuena. in International Journal of Human Computer Studies (49). Academic Press. 1998.

[PDF] A Language to Formalize and to Operationalize Problem Solving Strategies of Structured Knowledge Models Martin Molina, Jose L. Sierra, Juan M. Serrano. 8th Workshop on Knowledge Engeneering: Methods & Languages KEML 98. Karlsruhe, Germany, 1998.

[PDF] Terminological Importation for Adapting Reusable Knowledge Representation Components in the KSM Environment

Jose L. Sierra, Martin Molina. Workshop on Applications of Ontologies and Problem-Solving-Methods. 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. ECAI'98, Brighton, England. 1998.

Last update: 21 December 2012


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